Community Development Fund Guidelines

Part A –Program Guidelines

Remote Jobs and Communities ProgramMME – Part A: Community Development Fund


On 18 September 2013 the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (the Department) became the responsible agency for the majority of Indigenous policies and programmes, including the Community Development Fund.

These guidelines provide the framework for the implementation and administration of the Community Development Fund which is part of the Remote Jobs and Communities Programme (RJCP).

The Department has a suite of documents (the Programme Guideline Suite) which provide information relating to the programme. They provide the key starting point for parties considering whether to participate in the program and form the basis for the business relationship between the Department and the funding recipient.

They are:

·  Part A: Programme Guidelines provides an overview of Programme and the Activities relating to the programme;

·  Part B: Information for Applicants which provides information on the Application, Assessment, Eligibility, Selection and Complaints processes; Financial and Funding Agreement arrangements;

·  Part C: Application Information provides specific information on the Activity, Selection Criteria, Performance Management and Reporting. This part should be read in conjunction with the Standard Terms and Conditions; and

·  The Application Form which is completed by applicants applying for funding during a selection process.

The Department reserves the right to amend these documents from time to time by whatever means it may determine in its absolute discretion and will provide reasonable notice of these amendments.


Preface 1

Information about the Remote Jobs and Communities Programme (RJCP) 3

1. Programme Overview 3

2. Responsibilities and accountabilities under the programme 3

2.1 Service provider responsibilities and accountabilities 3

2.1 Role of the Minister 3

3. Risk management strategy 3

3.1. Financial Reporting 3

3.2. Evaluation 4

3.3. Funding Agreement Arrangements 4

3.4. The Department state & territory networks and technical consultants 4

4. Programme Performance Framework and Reporting 4

4.1. Performance management and evaluation 4

4.2. Performance framework and reporting 4

Information about the components and activities 4

5. Programme Activities 5

5.1. Community Development Fund 5

Information about the Remote Jobs and Communities Programme (RJCP)

1.  Programme Overview

The Remote Jobs and Communities Programme (RJCP) is part of the Australian Government’s commitment to the Closing the Gap strategy agreed in 2008 by the Council of Australian Governments, and is consistent with the Indigenous Economic Development Strategy 2011-18.

The programme builds on the strengths of existing employment and participation and community programmes, while providing a more flexible and responsive service to better meet the needs of people living in remote Australia. It will provide a single point of contact for job seekers and employers in every RJCP remote region, and will have a greater focus on adapting activities to local requirements and opportunities.

One of the components of the RJCP is the Community Development Fund (CDF) which provides funding to support social and economic development and participation across the remote regions and in identified Remote School Attendance Strategy (RSAS) schools by funding services and/or activities that provide benefit to Indigenous people and support the creation of jobs and employment related participation opportunities for Indigenous and non-Indigenous job seekers

With the exception of the RSAS, CDF funding will only be provided to support activities or services within RJCP regions.

RSAS activities or services will be designed to lift school attendance levels in identified schools inside and outside RJCP regions. The strategy will be implemented in partnership with communities and schools in New South Wales, South Australia, Western Australia, Queensland and the Northern Territory, from Term 1 2014. The strategy is designed to be driven by the community, and adapted to the different needs of the schools. School Attendance Supervisors and School Attendance Officers will be engaged to help children get to school.

These Guidelines are for the CDF.

2.  Responsibilities and accountabilities under the programme

2.1  Service provider responsibilities and accountabilities

Service providers are responsible and accountable for:

·  providing quality services which are effective, efficient, and appropriately targeted;

·  ensuring Indigenous Australians have equal and equitable access to services;

·  working collaboratively to deliver the Programme;

·  contributing to the overall development and improvement of the Programme such as sharing best practice;

·  complying with all relevant legislation;

·  meeting the obligations and accountabilities as stated in the Funding Agreement between the Australian Government and the service provider; and

·  conducting the service consistent with any Code of Conduct that may apply within the Programme.

2.1  Role of the Minister

The Minister for Indigenous Affairs is the decision maker for the CDF.

3.  Risk management strategy

The Department will work to mitigate programme risks through the following:

3.1.  Financial Reporting

The CDF will be managed to ensure the efficient and effective use of public monies. This will be consistent with best value in social services principles, the Funding Agreement will aim to maintain viable services and act to prevent fraud upon the Commonwealth. Funding must only be used for the purposes for which it was provided.

3.2.  Evaluation

The appropriateness, effectiveness and efficiency of the CDF will be assessed as part of an overarching evaluation of the CDF.

The Department will give reasonable notice to relevant stakeholders of any evaluation or review that may take place.

3.3.  Funding Agreement Arrangements

The Department will ensure milestones in the Funding Agreement adequately reflect the quality of service provision required and detail the standards required.

3.4.  The Department state & territory networks and technical consultants

The Department will use its state and territory networks and technical consultants to monitor the implementation of the CDF including the quality and effectiveness of service delivery.

4.  Programme Performance Framework and Reporting

4.1.  Performance management and evaluation

The Department has a number of accountability policies and requirements designed to ensure that Australian Government funding is administered efficiently, effectively and ethically. Accountability requirements are outlined in the Funding Agreement, and include regular performance and financial reporting.

The CDF, and/or its service delivery strategies, will be evaluated or reviewed periodically (refer to Item 3.2 above).

The performance of the Funded Service Provider(s) will be managed and monitored on an ongoing basis through financial and performance progress reports as detailed in the Funding Agreement. Performance and reporting requirements may be changed subsequent to negotiation and agreement between the Department and the funding recipient, and will be actioned through a variation to the Funding Agreement.

4.2.  Performance framework and reporting

Performance indicators and milestones will be agreed between the Department and the Funded Service Provider(s) based on the information provided in the Application, the Programme’s intended outcomes, and the specific needs of the community/ies, and the overarching Programme performance indicators.

The Funded Service Provider(s) will be required to provide regular updates against milestones as specified in the Funding Agreement. Performance indicators will be reviewed annually and may be updated to meet changed business requirements for a new financial year.

Information about the components and activities

5.  Programme Activities

5.1.  Community Development Fund

The CDF will provide funding over five years to support social and economic participation.

Funds provided under the CDF will directly target:

·  Activities or services that benefit Indigenous persons and/or Indigenous communities within the remote regions and RSAS schools;

·  Activities or services that will generate employment for jobseekers in the remote regions and RSAS schools;

·  Activities or services in which jobseekers participate to improve their employment prospects and help them to develop skills and capabilities needed to gain sustainable employment (Participation Activity/ies); and

·  Activities or services designed to lift school attendance levels in identified RSAS schools.