Voegtlin Eng1H Fall 2017

Name: ______Score: /150 pts

1st Quarter ORB Project Rubric & Scoring Guide

Quarter Final: ORB Project & 5 paragraph Essay Due Monday, October 23

No late projects will be accepted unless due to an excused absence.

Project Score:

Score: 5 (45—50pts) Followed Directions Carefully and Completely

Score: 4 (40—44pts) Missing one requirement

Score: 3 (35—39pts) Missing two requirements

Score: 2 (30—34pts) Missing three requirements

Score: 1 (25—29pts) Missing more than 3 requirements

Score: 0 (24pts or less) Incomplete; directions not followed

Portrait of A Protagonist (Character Development, Plot & Conflict):

/15 pts Used appropriate materials correctly: Poster board approximately 11x14. Not photocopy or computer paper. NO PENCIL.

/30 pts Portrait of protagonist or antagonist clearly labeled with character’s name, title of book (underlined) and author’s name. (Your name goes on the back, not on the front.)

/30 pts 2” wide frame around each side of the portrait. Each side of the frame should be illustrated with 4 symbols that relate to the character’s personality—not physical traits, and each side of the frame will each include a significant quote from the text, with page citation, that reveals some aspect of the character’s personality (16 symbols & 4 quotes total).

_____/75 Total Project Points

Essay: The essay will be submitted on Turnitin.com by 8:00am, Monday, Oct 23. Essay of 3-4 pages must follow MLA format (see rubric on back), clearly explain the connection between the symbols and the main character(s), the relevance of the quotations, and include a summary of each the following six elements of a story that:

·  describes both protagonist & antagonist and explains how each grows and develops throughout the course of the story

·  explains how the setting creates a particular mood

·  highlights the basic plot development, focusing on the major conflict, including type of conflict (ex: external—man vs. society) & the resolution

·  analyzes the theme, supported with your explanation of the direct references from the text used to frame your character portrait.

_____/75 Total Essay Points (see PVPHS Two Point Writing Rubric on back)

Three Point Writing Rubric:

Essay: Follow MLA—12 point font, Times New Roman or Arial, double space. In a well-organized essay not to exceed 4 pages:

·  describe both protagonist & antagonist, and explain how they changed or developed as characters through the course of the story

·  explain how the setting creates a particular mood, or atmosphere (romantic, dramatic, mysterious, dark, comedic, etc)

·  include the main plot developments, or complications, that support what you write about character development

·  discuss the major conflict and how it was resolved

·  discuss the theme—the main idea, the writer’s message (DO NOT CONFUSE with TOPIC or SUBJECT. REMEMBER: topic is WHAT the story is about; THEME is WHY it Matters!)

o  support your analysis with an explanation of the symbols & 4 quotations you use to frame your character portrait.

o  Cite the page number for each of the 4 quotations, following MLA; for example, Harry shouts, “Stop Voldemort, or I’ll cast a spell on you!” (245).

Essay must be submitted to Turnitin.com by 8:00am, Monday, October 23. You DO NOT need to print a hard copy.

Score: 3 (65-75pts) The Essay…

·  Gives sufficient evidence of the ability to justify interpretations of information

·  Includes specific examples that make clear reference to the text

·  Adequately supports examples with clearly relevant information from the text

·  Closely follows MLA format (12 pt font, Times New Roman or Ariel, dbl spaced; no contractions, no 1st person point-of-view, no slang!)

Score: 2 (55-64 pts) The Essay…

·  Gives limited evidence of the ability to justify interpretations of information

·  Includes some examples that make clear reference to the text

·  Supports examples with limited information from the text

·  Does not fully respond to the prompt

·  Generally follows MLA format (12 pt font, Times New Roman or Ariel, dbl spaced; no contractions, no 1st person point-of-view, no slang!)

Score: 1 (45-54 pts) The Essay…

·  Provides almost no evidence of the ability to justify interpretations of information,

·  Includes few examples that make little or no clear reference to the text

·  Examples are unsupported by information from the text

·  Does not fully respond to the prompt and/or is vague or off-topic

·  Does not follow MLA format (12 pt font, Times New Roman or Ariel, dbl spaced; no contractions, no 1st person point-of-view, no slang!)