

Match the agricultural ornatural resourcecareerwith the correctdescription.

Agricultural Engineer AgronomistAquaculturist


WildlifeBiologist Entomologist Environmental ScientistFoodScientist


Horticulturist Animal Physiologist Science Write

PlantPathologist Soil Scientist Animal NutritionistTurfScientist

WeedScientist Climatologist Plantor Animal Geneticist Hydrologist

Biological Engineer Florist Fisheries Scientist Naturalist

Agricultural EconomistRangeManagerForestEngineerVeterinarian

Nutritionist/Dietitian PlantPhysiologist Remote SensingSpecialist

1. Business skills to find success insales, marketing, management,andfinancecareers

2. Designsagricultural machinery andfacilities suchas tractors, implements, animal facilities, &irrigation systems

3. Researches ways to produce crops/turf,to managing soils inthemost environmentally friendly way

4. Creates diets thatmustbenutritionally sound,good- tasting,andeconomical for theagesandtypesof animals thatwill usethem

5. Studies how animals interactwith thingsoutside them,suchastemperatureor air,plusthingsinside them,suchasdisease, poisons, or diet

6. Raises adiverse array of aquatic plantsandanimals in controlled or semi-controlled settingsfor food or the stocking of publicbodies of water

7. Uses scientific principles andengineeringinvolving thelife sciences to create products andprocesses to meet humanneeds

8. Studies all plantlife

9. Studies climate change,climate variability,andthe effectsof climate on thebiosphere

10.Helps farmers andranchersproduce crops andlive- stock more efficiently byusingsound pestmanage- mentstrategies

11.Protects theenvironment byworking with hazardous waste management,land use,andair or water quality.

12.Dedicated to effective management,use,and conservation of aquatic plantsandanimals.

13.Designsfloral arrangements,works with customers, anddelivers flowers

14.Spendstime managingthe“timberland”

15.Preserves our food supplybyassuringits flavor,color, texture,nutritionalquality,andsafety

16.Workswith all species (plantsandanimals)ata


17.Worksprimarily with nurseryandgreenhousecrops

18.Assesses andprotects our water suppliesandquality

19.Designstimber transportation/harvestingsystems

20.Studies thenaturalenvironment andenjoys sharing whattheylearn with other people

21.Helps people look andfeel well bymakingthe connection betweenfood, nutrition,andhealth

22.Deals with thesymptoms,causes,damage, spread, andcontrol of plantdiseases

23.Studies thephysical,chemical, andbiological functionsof living plants

24.Cares for our country’svastrangelands

25.Interpretsandanalyzemanytypesof aerial photo- graphsandsatellite images

26.Writesnews stories, manuals,andpressreleases.

27.Mapsandclassifies soils andprovide interpretations for land plannersandmanagers.

28.Worksto improve golf greens,parklawns,athletic fields, or other publicor private grounds.

29.Diagnoses,treats,andhelpspreventdiseases and disabilities inanimals.

30.Researches enforcing weed laws anddeveloping regulations for biological andchemical control agents

31.Researches animals intheir naturalenvironment