Year 1 Homework – Term 3
Remember to READ EVERY NIGHT! Practice your reading goal
Reading Eggs -
Week / English / Spelling / Mathematics / Science1 / From a book you have read, identify the main character, and list some of words the author uses to describe the qualities of this person. / Word Detective
Identify the following for each spelling word
· Syllable breaks
· Consonants/vowels
· Number of sounds in each syllable / Predict which item might be longer:
a) Your arm or
b) Your leg
Measure them and record your answer. / What differences can you observe between the day sky and the night sky?
2 / Write a definition for:
- noun
- a verb
- an adverb / ABC Order
Write all of your words in alphabetical order / List two different ways we can measure items. / Choose a type of weather pattern. (eg: sunny day, stormy night)
Draw a picture to represent this weather.
3 / From a book you have read, identify the characters, which characters you liked or didn’t, and why? / Backwards words
write your spelling words forwards and then backwards / What would be a faster way of counting than counting by ones? / Why might it be important to predict the weather when you go fishing, walking, kite flying?
4 / Draw a picture of your favourite character from a book you have read. Use words and illustrations to show how this person is feeling. / Colourful Words
Write each word a different colour using coloured pencils / In these numbers, how many tens are there, and how many ones are there?
a) 58
b) 25
c) 32 / What is a ‘landscape’?
5 / What is the difference between a statement and a question? / Fancy Writing
Write your spelling words and then re-write them using fancy writing / What number is one less than this number?
a) 53
b) 12
c) 78 / What clothing might you need for protection in the following landscapes?
a) desert
b) rainforest
c) beach
Online Learning / Spelling City / Study Ladder
Year 1 Unit 5 Spelling overview
Lesson concepts / Week / Focus
Spelling knowledge —
Visual (V), Phonological (P), Morphemic (M), Etymological (E) / Suggested spelling words / Weekly overview / Resources
Spelling—Regular one syllable words with letters and common letter clusters that correspond to sounds heard
Spelling — High-frequency words using visual memory
Spelling—Morphemes in word families
Sounds of language— Manipulating sounds: phoneme deletion, phoneme substitution
Letters of the alphabet—Common vowel and consonant digraphs, common consonant blends
Letters of the alphabet — Variability of sound-letter matches
In unit 5these concepts are ongoing and building for Assessment task: Reading and Listening Comprehension / 1 / Common homophones
M / to
two / sea
one / won
bee / for
four / · pre-test
· word sort picture match
· memory game
· post-test / Website — C2C Spelling Curriculum into the classroom (C2C) — Spelling P–10
Supporting learning resource —Strategies to support the four spelling knowledges
Text — Bear, Donald. R; Invernizzi, Marcia; Templeton, Shane; Johnstone, Francine, 2012, Words Their Way: Word Study for Phonics, Vocabulary, and Spelling Instruction, 5th edn, Pearson, Boston
Text — Hornsby, D; Wilson, L, 2011, Teaching phonics in context, Pearson, Australia
Text — Hill, Susan, 2012, Developing early literacy: Assessment and teaching, 2nd edn, Eleanor Curtain Publishing, Australia
2 / Silent ‘e’ revision
Exceptions to silent ‘e’ pattern
V / give
have / live
some / none
gone / done
come / · pre-test
· word frames
· silent ‘e’ board game
· post-test
3 / ‘r’ influenced vowels in single syllable words — ‘ar’, ‘er’ and ‘ir’
P / far
star / art
were / term
sir / bird
girl / · pre-test
· letter tiles word building
· word sort/word slide
· post-test
4 / ‘r’ influenced vowels in single syllable words — ‘or’ and ‘ur’
P / for
cord / fork
horn / fur
hurt / turn
burn / · pre-test
· letter tiles word building
· word sort/word frames
· post-test
5 / Past tense — adding ‘ed’ to regular verbs
M / helped jumped picked / asked
walked / played
ended / packed
crossed / · pre-test
· word building
· concentration
· post-test