Comhairle Chontae na Mí
Comóradh Céad Bliain
Éirí Amach 1916
Scéim Deontas
Cuimhneacháin Pobail / / Meath County Council
Centenary of the
1916 RisingCommunity Commemorative
Grant Scheme
Tá an fhoirm seo le fáil i gcló mór chomh maith / This form is also available in large print
Meath County Council, as part of its Commemorative Strategy to mark the Decade of Commemorations 2013 – 2023 wants to develop an inclusive programme for the County of Meath to commemorate the centenary of the 1916 Rising. Community funding is now available to support local communities who want to organise inclusive, sensitive and appropriate community initiatives to commemorate the centenary of the 1916 Rising. The Council’s fund of €60,000 will be made available in the form of small scale grants to community groups and organisations in County Meath wishing to undertake local initiatives that are in accordance with the aims, principles and objectives of the National Commemorative Strategy.
Funding will be made available for expenditure incurred in 2015 that relates to 1916 commemorative projects. As there is limited funding available under this commemorative grant scheme the majority of grants approved will be of a small scale.
Who is eligible to apply?
This fund is open to community groups and organisations (arts, heritage, educational, cultural, sports, active retirement, Irish language groups etc.) that are planning to organise an appropriate community initiative to commemorate the centenary of the 1916 Rising. To be eligible for funding, the proposal must take place in County Meath.
What types of proposals are considered?
Ireland 2016 is a year-long programme of activity in which everyone is invited to participate, to commemorate the events of the 1916 Rising, to reflect on our achievements as a democratic state over the last 100 years and to look towards Ireland’s future. The Ireland 2016 Centenary Programme is underpinned by five intersecting and overlapping themes: Remembering, Reconciling, Presenting, Imagining and Celebrating and in order be successful, projects must correspond with one or more of these themes.
  • Remember - imaginatively recalling our shared history of the island of Ireland
  • Reconcile - honouring all who have built peace and brought people together
  • Imagine - releasing the creativity of our people in particular our young people as we anticipate a better future for all
  • Present - creatively showing our achievements to the world
  • Celebrate - using our wealth of artistic talent to celebrate and be inspired by the 1916 Proclamation ideals

Citizen engagement is our priority, applications that demonstrate good levels of community ownership and participation will receive priority.
How much is funded?
Funding support may be awarded up to a maximum of 75% of the project cost. When applying for funding you must be able to show how the remaining costs of the project will be funded and proof of other funding source(s) must be submitted with your application. Please note that if you are in receipt of other funding from Meath County Council or other publicly funded bodies for this project you must show that it is for a different element or activity.
How will my application be assessed?
Your application will be assessed only on the information provided on or with the application form. You are also encouraged to include documentation with your application to support any information given. The following criteria are required for projects to proceed to the assessment process and to be eligible for funding the project must:
  • take place in the Meath County Council administrative area,
  • be aligned to the ‘Ireland 2016’ themes of Remember, Reconcile, Imagine, Present and Celebrate,
  • be organised at community level to maximise community and citizen engagement,
  • connect with the events of the 1916 Rising and those who fought or died during that time with connections to the local area/community,
  • be unique, innovative, creative, interesting and likely to make an impact,
  • be feasible so that it can be completed with the timeframe,
  • be of a sound historical basis,
  • be inclusive in theme and approach,
  • provide good value-for-money and,
  • have confirmation in place on additional funding required.
How will I know if my group has been successful?
Meath County Council will write to your group letting them know if the application has been successful or not and will indicate the level of funding on offer and will detail all conditions and requirements attached. The funding must then be accepted formally in writing within 10 days of receipt of the letter of offer.
If my group is successful how do I draw down the grant?
1. You must incur expenditure that relates to your 1916 commemorative project as approved.
2. You must then submit your claim before the 30th September 2016 in order for payment to be processed and paid to a bank account. (This deadline date will be included in the letter if your application has been successful). This claim will include:
  • Evidence that the event/project has taken place (i.e. a short report on the event/project, photographs if available etc)
  • Receipts for all items and the full costs
  • Evidence of public liability insurance with Meath County Council named as an indemnified party
  • Other documentation which will be notified to you at approval stage (e.g. bank account details etc)
3. Funding not claimed by the agreed deadline will be cancelled.
Where do I send the completed application?
Please send completed application forms to Ciarán Mangan, Meath County Council Library Service, Railway Street, Navan, Co. Meath. You may also submit a scanned version of the application by email but it must be signed by an appropriate officer in your group/organisation, email to
For further information or assistance in completing the application form please contact Ciarán Mangan on (046) 9097360. Incomplete or late applications will NOT be considered.
Closing Date is 4.00pm on Friday 25th September 2015
Further Information . For further information on the Ireland 2016 Centenary Programme visit
Meath County Council would like to acknowledge the support and assistance from the Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht under the Community Commemorative Grant Scheme.
General Conditions Relating to the Community Commemorative Grant Scheme
  1. All works should be compliant with Public regulations i.e. Planning Law, Fire Safety Requirements, Health & Safety Requirements and Universal Accessibility. Written evidence should be supplied unless otherwise exempted.
  2. For proposals to qualify under the scheme, the facilities / service to be provided must be available for the use and enjoyment of the general public at all reasonable times, either free of charge or subject to moderate charges to cover any management and maintenance costs.
  3. Proposals involving landscaping / public space works / works to natural or man-made environments must be accompanied by an Ordnance Survey map outlining site location and must adhere to heritage best practice and heritage, planning and other legislation.
  4. All projects should have evidence that adequate and comprehensive Public Liability insurance is in place to a value of at least €6.5 million for any one claim. Meath County Council accepts no responsibility and concedes no liability in respect of any accident, injury, or damage to property or person however arising regarding any incident, occurrence or claim which may take place. For outdoor events groups should have Public Liability Insurance for a minimum of €12.7 million. Groups awarded financial support will have to provide specific indemnity for Meath County Council on their Insurance policy in respect of their project. All grant aided assets shall, where appropriate, be kept insured at all times against loss or damage by fire, storm or flooding.
  5. In line with Meath County Council's Financial Regulations, the Council will only pay grant funding to a bank account (details to be provided after approval stage). Meath County Council can no longer issue cheque payments for grant funding.
  6. Proper records must be maintained for the project, including invoices and other relevant supporting documentation.
  7. All applicants are required to furnish their Tax Reference Number. In the case of a group which has been granted the status of a charitable organisation by the Revenue Commissioners, the “CHY” number issued to that body is required.
  8. The support from Meath County Council and the Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht must be publicly acknowledged in any advertisements and publicity material produced with regard to the project. This will involve including both logos of Meath County Council and the Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht on any printed/promotional material associated with the project.
  9. Groups implementing projects involving persons aged under 18 years of age will be required to have a child safety code of practice in place.
  10. In the interest of fairness only one application per group / organisation will be considered.
  11. For projects that are approved funding, all expenditure must be incurred and funding drawn down no later than 30th September 2016.