Marketing Roles and responsibilities
Marketing Manager
The Marketing Manager will be responsible for the overall coordination and effective delivery of the marketing function across both North Yorkshire Sport Ltd. (NYS) and Active Humber (AH).
This is a senior role across the two County Sports Partnership; the successful candidate will oversee a small team including a PR Officer and a trainee.
The Marketing manager will specifically.
1Report to the Chief Executives of NYS and AH and will agree a workplan to deliver the objectives of both organisations within allocated resources/budgets. Any conflict of priorities will be sorted out by the Chief Executives.
2Be part of the senior management team of both CSPs and contribute to the delivery of the overall business plan.
3Develop and establish in association with the Chief Executives, the brands of NYS and AH across their geographical areas and nationally.
4Develop a segmented approach to communications ensuring focused audience development across new and existing partners/networks
5Be responsible for and coordinate communications across all media including, electronic, printed, social, broadcast and published media including ensuring both websites are up to date and relevant.
6Develop Business to Business communications which support the expansion of the business development offers and services of North Yorkshire Sport and Active Humber.
7Line manage support staff including the Public Relations Officer and the Graduate Trainee.
8 Develop a “whole team”, consistent approach to updating social media sites such as Twitter to ensure consistency of language, message and avoidance of repetition.
9Ensure national and regional communications campaigns are embedded into the CSP communications offer eg ‘This Girl Can’
10Ensure both CSPs benefit from a calendar of high profile external events i.e. women’s world cup, Rugby Union World Cup
11Effectively track media campaigns and report them to the Boards of each CSP in a quarterly report which provides statistical information to show press/media coverage, website hits etc.
12Coordinate with Sport England’s marketing communications team to ensure national communications are effectively delivered locally.
13Coordinate with Sport England and other national partners to ensure they are fully up to speed with best practice examples of both CSP’s work and success.
14Support events programmes ensuring marketing materials and branding have good visibility.
15Use insight to inform communication methods to ensure appropriate language and messaging is used for each sector of the community ie Youth Insights, This Girl Can etc.
16Ensure a library of relevant case studies is held by the CSPs and where possible such case stories are utilised to raise the profile of both North Yorkshire sport and Active Humber.
17Develop Sponsorship, and advertising revenue across both CSPs to an agreed yearly income target.
The Public Relations Officer and Trainee who are already in post will report directly to the appointed Marketing Manager. Their roles and responsibilities are outlined below.
Public Relations Officer
The Public Relations officer will be responsible to the Marketing Manager and will work across both CSPs. The focus behind the role is to raise the profile of community sport locally and increase the profile of both NYS and AH, principally regionally and also where appropriate nationally as part of the County Sports Partnership Network (CSPN).
The Public Relations Officer will specifically:
1) Develop relationships with the editorial staff of targeted regional/ local newspapers and supply them with editorial content on a regular and agreed basis.
2)Develop relationships with the editors of all local magazines ensuring editorial is submitted on a regular basis and is relevant to community interest
3)Develop and maintain relationships with broadcast media producers including local and regional radio, news, current affairs and talk radio shows. Ensure relevant stories and opportunities are fed through and aired raising the profile of community sport and the brands of both Charities
4)Develop and maintain relationships with Broadcast TV including community stations, BBC, ITV news and magazine programmes. Ensure relevant stories and opportunities are fed through and aired raising the profile of community sport and the brands of both Charities
5)Coordinate national news stories locally through local press and broadcast media
6) Ensure the events programmes of both Charities are effectively covered by the press.
7)Ensure case studies are logged with appropriate partners and networks
8)Ensure both CSPs are submitted for awards in both traditional areas of sports development but also for community and business awards.
Graduate Trainee
The role of the graduate trainee is to support the Marketing manager via practical work across websites and use of social media
Specifically, the Graduate Trainee will support the delivery of
1)Relevant data recording in organisational data bases, including SportSuite
2)Publications for both CSPs which are embedded with insight to support the presentation of facts
3)Presentations which are created for individual team members to an agreed corporate style, which are correctly branded and utilise insight to demonstrate effectively
4) Manage the social media arm of both charities, ensuring facebook sites remain relevant topical and there is a growth in active “friends”
5)Build a twitter following by effective coordination with the Public Relations Officer of key messages and retweets.
6)Provide support to the Marketing Manager by exploring other social media as they emerge.
7)Develop a sports blog alongside the Public Relations Officer which is relevant and accessed by the local sporting community