Remarks by the UNICEF Representative
The 25th Anniversary of the CRC
Parliamentarians Unite for Children
20th November, 2014, Colombo, Sri Lanka
Honorable Speaker of Parliament ChamalRajapaksa
Distinguished Members of the Head Table
Your Excellency’s and guests of Honor
Member of the media
And most importantly Children
(Members of the Head Table)
Honorable TissaKaraliyadda, Minister of Child Development & Women’s Affairs
Honorable Deputy Speaker of Parliament, ChandimaWeerakkody
Honorable John Amaratunga. Minister of Parliament and Chief Opposition Whip
Hon. Dinesh Gunewardena, Minister of Parliament and Chief Government Whip
Hon. NimalSiripala De Silva, Leader of the House
Hon. Dr. SudarshiniFernandopulle, Minister of Parliament
Mr. DhammikaDasanayake, Secretary General of Parliament.
Ms. KushaniRohanadeera, Assistant Secretary General of Parliament
Dr. HiranthiWijemanne, Vice Chairperson of the Committee on the Rights of the Child
It is with great pleasure that I speak to you today on the occasion of the 25th Anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
The journey to this historical event began on this very day in 1989, when the world adopted the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Leaders from across the globe including Sri Lanka made a promise to their children that day - that they, would work on behalf of children to help them survive, thrive and develop.
It is indeed a significant milestone in the International Human Rights Framework to have civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights enshrined in one convention which is entirely devoted to children.
Looking back, we can all be proud, that Sri Lanka has for over six decades since independence, placed high priority on children such as the accomplishing the attainment of near universal access to health and education and addressing protection and other complex child rights.
Today, is an opportune moment NOT ONLY to recognize Sri Lanka’s past achievements in child rights BUT ALSO to reflect on how these efforts can be sustained and improved for future generations of this beautiful country.
Hon Speaker and esteemed guests….. Parliamentarians are indeed in a unique position to give leadership and be catalysts to make these long-lasting changes for children -----who are the future of this nation.
Children, are those most vulnerable and in need of protection in constituencies, as they cannot articulate their rights, and are dependent on adults for their wellbeing.
Ensuring that every Sri Lankan child is given the optimum opportunity to fulfill his or her potential at birth is the most precious gift that can be given to a child, and is the best investment that can be made to ensure the development of the nation.
Today’s pledge of commitment and the launch of a special Parliamentary Caucus dedicated for Children will provide a springboard to do even more for children in this country.
Hon Members of Parliament – your presence here today is symbolic of the commitment to Child rights by the highest legislative body in Sri Lanka. The parliament is where the most critical decisions on policies, programmes and the allocation of resources for children are made.
Esteemed guests, the Inter Parliamentary Union (IPU) has made commitments that all parliamentarians should be committed to promote and protect the rights of children in accordance with the convention on the Rights of the Child.
The Millennium Declaration highlighted the important role of the IPU, as did a General Assembly resolution that reaffirmed the IPU’s important contribution to the UN.
The IPU partnership with UNICEF dates back many years, with many joint projects, to help establish a culture of child protection through legislation, budgetary allocations, and legal norms. This includes the Parliamentary Forum on Children during the 2002 United Nations General Assembly Special Session on Children, production of joint publications and specialized panels during IPU statutory Assemblies.
The gathering here today is a visible and significant demonstration of the IPU-UNICEF partnership where a collective commitment by all members of parliament to the guiding principles of the CRC which includes accountability, universality, indivisibility and inter-dependence of children’s rights.
Taking note of UNICEF’s global celebrations on the occasion of the CRC, I am proud to say that the pledge and the launch of the caucus with parliament is indeed a milestone and a first in terms of the 25th anniversary celebrations.
It is my sincere wish that the pledge of commitment is ingrained in the heart of every parliamentarian as you strive to promote and protect the rights of your smallest constituencies….namely the children of Sri Lanka – who will also be your future voters and leaders who will contribute to the development of the country.
Our sincere thanks goes to> the Speakers office especially Hon. ChandimaWeerakkody, the Deputy Speaker of Parliament, Hon. Member of Parliament Dr. SudarshiniFernandopulle and the Office of the Secretary General, notably Mrs. KushaniRohanadeera, AND the Ministry of Child Development under the leadership of the Hon. Minister TissaKarraliyadda, AND special thanks to Dr. HiranthiWijemanne for their collaboration and support to this important initiative for children.
As we know the Convention is a progressive piece of legislature and with your collective efforts and especially through the work of the Caucus much more can be achieved to promote and safeguard the rights of children in Sri Lanka.
I wish the Parliament Caucus for Children every success and extend UNICEF’s heartiest support to this landmark initiative.
Thank you.