Remarks by Ambassador Akio Egawa

At the Reception to Celebrate the Birthday of H. M. the Emperor of Japan

Bratislava, 24November 2015


Distinguished Guests,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

It gives me a great pleasure for me to welcome you all and celebrate with you the birthday of His Majesty the Emperor of Japan, who is turning 82 on 23th of December.

Over the past year, Japan-Slovak bilateral relations have developed steadfastly. We have seen new direct investment from Japan to Slovakia by several Japanese companies. Among them is the creation of a high-tech joint venture company, whose research and development component is based in Bratislava.

Close political dialogue has continued. The culmination of our bilateral dialogue this year is the currently ongoing visit to Japan of H. E. Mr. MiroslavLajčák, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign and European Affairs. His visit this time will certainly enhance Japan-Slovak cooperative relations to a new and higher level.

V4+Japan dialogue and cooperation, the first and oldest of V4+ format, also saw steady progress. In particular, joint research programs among V4+Japan scientists in advanced materials were inaugurated this year. Earlier this month, the 6thV4+Japan Foreign Ministers’ Meeting was successfully held in Luxemburg.

Japan and Slovakia are above all united by shared fundamental values of freedom, democracy, human rights and the rule of law.

The world is faced with many difficult challenges in terrorism, migration, climate change and peace and security, just to name a few.

All of these have global implications, even though some might appear to be only regional issues.

For instance, the migration problem in Europe and its root causes are not only a challenge for Europe but also for the rest of the world, including Japan. That is why the Government of Japan has this year tripled its assistance to 0.8 billion US Dollars over last year for the refugees and displaced persons in Syria and Iraq.

Likewise, the security environment in Europe has close relevance and linkage to that of Asia and vice versa.

I believe there is a growing importance and opportunity for Japan and Slovakia to work together for the solution of those challenges on the basis of mutually shared values I mentioned earlier.

As the Slovak Republic will assume EU Presidency and Japan non-permanent seat on UN Security Council respectively next year, our cooperation will be more significant and opportune than ever to make the world a more peaceful and prosperous place to live.

Thank you very much.