Members & Guests - 72

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by President Melody Reese. The invocation was given by Jasper Lakey. Welcome was given by Ed Barber, Chief of Woolwich Fire Dept. Pledge to the flag was started by Pres. Reese. A motion and second was made to recess for dinner at 7:05PM.

The meeting was reconvened at 8:00 PM. A certificate was given to Ed Barber for hosting at meeting at their fire house. A donation was given to the “Readiness Crew” to thank them for dinner.

Recognition of Deceased Members: Francis “Doc” Dougherty of Brandywine Hundred Fire Dept. Ken McMann spoke about Doc Dougherty.

Roll Call of Officers: All present except Treasurer Bruce Scheaffer.

Recognition of Past Presidents: 12

Introduction of Guests: Shorty Watson, President, Cumberland Valley Fire Chiefs Association

Reading of the Minutes: Minutes were printed and distributed for review. Motion and second was made to accept; and approved.

Treasurer’s Report: None – Treasurer absent.

State Director’s Reports:

DE: Joe Mullen reported that DE had it’s 13th fire fatality. There was a fire a Five Points where the man went back into the house to get the puppies; but did not make it back out.

Newark had a chicken house fire.

Representative of CVVFCA talked abount highway training for fire depts. Also speakers are going around talking about the do’s and don’ts of using social media in the firehouse.

Jasper Lakey spoke about a fire in Delaware City with balloon construction. They had a 3 story building with 4 apartments. A neighbor alerted the people in the building that were not aware of the fire. The balloon construction made it hard for the firemen to fight the fire.

PA: Darby Township lost 5 row homes, set by an electric heater.

A hoarders house fire with 2 firefighters injured when the ceiling fell. The firefighters had to knock out the front wall to get to the firefighters and fight the rest of the fire.

Darby Boro had a fire in a vacant home.

Car fire under a car port started a house fire.

Three story twin house fire showing on the second floor. Four companies and cover had fought the fire for 15-20 minutes before 911 was ever called. People were trying to get back into the house to get the pot plants on the third floor. Fire was started by an electric heater.

Asked for fire companies to host the DVFCA meetings.

NJ: Capt. Michael Gallagher of the NJ Div. of Fire, Dept. of Community Affairs spoke on solar panel fires. Warehouse fire, 300 thousand square feet. Started with the foam application and let it roll across the panels. Shut down the power grid and lost the house hydrants. A five county water task force was without water for 40-45 minutes. Used Camden’s fire boat with 7 foot relay. The fire burned for a couple of weeks.

Had another solar panel fire in Florence Township.

These are not your standard type of fires. Get educated on solar panel firefighting.

Committee Reports:

Law & Legislation – PA: Most of the legislators have gone home for the holidays.

Red Flegal received an Institute Award from the State of PA.

Ways & Means: Mike Rush thanked Ed, Stacey, Bob and Les for their help selling the 50/50 and raffle tickets. Raffeling off: 50th Anniv. T-Shirt, License Plate, Chief’s Hat and 3 Books Donated. The 50/50 winner will get $95.00.

Applications for Membership: Have 4: Ted Weaver, Mill Creek, DE – Raymond J. Castelletti, Aetna, Newark, DE – David Balichka, Woolwich, NJ – Edward Barber, Woolwick, NJ.

Communications: Sympathy card was mailed to the family of Doc Doughterty.

Payment of Bills: None – Treasurer Absent

Old Business: CFSI on Affordable Health Care Act – Cadillac tax on fire fighter insurance. The IRS defines all participants on volunteer fire fighters to buy health insurance coverage. The government is questioning how this got into the bill. Representative and Senators are fighting to get this removed.

Also, there is still the problem with cell phone towers and the actual location of the accidents.

New Business: PA needs to advise a place for the April’s meeting by February’s meeting.

Nomination of Officers:

NJ Second Vice President: George Cousins

PA First Vice President: Chris Straub

DE President: Joe LeVan

Treasurer: Bruce Shaeffer

Financial Secretary: Bob Denney

Recording Secretary: Janet LeVan

NJ Director: Ed Myers

PA Director: Larry Mellon

DE Director: Joe Mullen

Good of the Association: Recording Secretary Janet LeVan advised that the calendar on the DVFCA website is up to date. As meeting information becomes available, it will be added to the calendar.

Member from Aetna Fire Dept in Newark announced an invitation to their Christmas Party and 125th Anniversary on Tuesday December 17th.

50/50: $95.00 to Daniel Ford

Location and Date of Next Mtg: February 20th, Minquadale Fire Dept, New Castle, DE

Benediction: Jasper Lakey

Meeting Adjourned: 8:47 PM

Respectfully Submitted,

Janet LeVan

Recording Secretary