19 January 2018

Dear Parents

Snow Snow Snow!

Despite the dreadful conditions yesterday the majority of families managed to slide to school. Thank you for making the effort to send your child to Front Street yesterday. My staff were shovelling snow and gritting areas from 7am yesterday so that we could get your child onto the premises. They are all a bit stiff today but thank you to them all. Thank you for your kind comments on Facebook about our efforts, they were very much appreciated.

Despite your efforts and our efforts, the roads and paths outside our school were not as clear. I know North View particularly was dreadful and the path leading down from the Gibside carpark not much better. In attendance at our site yesterday morning was a representative from Transport and Highways so it was very easy to raise our concerns about the safety of paths and roads to him. If you would like to follow this matter up, please contact the Local Authority.


School Lunches

As previously advised we have recently changed our dinner system which unfortunately had resulted in a few issues with balances transferred over from Agora into our new system. This issue has now been rectified so the balance showing on your Agora account is correct. The cost for lunches is £2.20 per day, so weekly is £11.00. Could we please ask if this is a negative balance that you make payment over the weekend.

We are aware that Nursery children are being charged the incorrect amount on Agora. Nursery meals are £1.40 per meal. Could we please ask you just to pay the relevant amount based on the £1.40 charge, rather than what is showing on Agora. We are awaiting this issue to be resolved and Agora will be updated in due course.


Lots of children received Fitbits for Christmas. I am more than happy for the children to wear them for school and PE. If however, any arguments over Fitbits occur amongst the children then I may need to reconsider them wearing them. (I wonder how many steps we all managed to accumulate whilst clearing snow yesterday?)


Musically App - We have received an email from another LA regarding the Musically App. The information is suggesting that there are adults on the site hacking into young peoples’ accounts and obtaining telephone numbers. These adults then attempt to establish contact and have made threats against young people.

Youtube - Some of our children have accessed inappropriate content on Youtube and have commented. This has then spilt into school with discussions amongst peers about what they have seen. Our youngsters are very internet savvy but we need to keep them safe. Please check what your child is looking at on their mobile devices. Thank you.

Road Blocks – we have had lots of incidents where children are coming into school upset about comments made online on this game. Children have been reporting each other and blocking each other. Can we please ask that you check the settings of this game for your child so that they are secure and also monitor their activity online. You can alter settings so that children cannot comment on another person or accept friend requests. We have reminded children about their safe behaviours online this week.

Times Tables Rockstars:

This has been rolled out to children this week and they are VERY excited! Please read the booklet that should have come home tonight (for children in Y2 - Y6). Children have their log in and password.The information should be clear enough, but if you have any further questions, just let us know. Thank you.


Here at Front Street we will be celebrating World Book Day on Friday 2nd March. Your children will be able to come to school dressed up as a character from a book they love. Over the weekend we would like all of you to hunt high and low for any dressing up outfits that your child doesn't fit into anymore or doesn't want anymore. Please hand them into school byFriday 2nd February and we will hold a sale on Thursday 8th February on the school yard after school - we will sell the donated costumes for a small donation of £1. We will kindly accept donations from Nursery all the way up to Year 6. Please get hunting for them this weekend.

Also while you are busy with this another plea for anyChristmas jumpers or t shirts that your child doesn't fit into anymore. We will store these in school and hold a sale of these in November.

Year 2

WANTED - Our Science this term is all about animal habitats for our lesson next week we need all children to bring in a clear bottle of any size. The bottles need to be in for Tuesday - if you can provide more than one that would be fantastic just to make sure everyonehas one. The bottles are going to be used to make choice chambers for woodlice, Year 2 staff are going on a woodlouse hunt this weekend - if you would like to do this too please feel free to bring in any you find in a plastic container (with holes in) on Monday or Tuesday - happy hunting!!!

Also the children will be making their own animal habitat in week 5 and will need an empty shoe box - the childrencan bring them in anytime over the next two weeks.

Year 5

Swimmer of the week – this week Abbie, Ellie, Dylan and Oliver were awarded swimmer of the week during the school swimming lessons. This is awarded by the swimming teachers at Dunston Leisure Centre. They receive 3 dojo points for this recognition. Well done. Article 28 – You have the right to a good quality education. Article 29 – Your education should help you use and develop your talents and abilities.

Year 6

Friday 26th January at 8.45am there will be a SATs meeting for parents in the Year 6 classrooms. It is really important that you attend to find out the latest updates on SATs for 2018. You will have the opportunity next week to look at a Maths paper and there are some prizes to be won too.


We are now operating a cashless system in school so please make all payments online through our Agora system. Please ensure you activate your account even if you don’t need to make payment at this time, as the password expires. If your password has expired or you are experiencing problems please contact the office. You are welcome to use the computer in the office to access the SIMS Agora system.

A reminder that dinner money should be paid on Mondays in advance for the week. If payment is not received a reminder text/email will be sent or you will be contacted to provide a packed lunch. Payments can be made at any time on the Agora system.

Yours sincerely

HJ Gladstone
