ReloTracker Managing Duplicated Tasks

Purpose: This document explains how to setupReloTracker to be able to manage duplicated tasks and how to delete them.

Author:Sérgio Fontes

Revised: 22 June, 2011



In many cases several services have the same tasks, like “Send a Welcome email”, and when such services are assigned to the same relocation ReloTracker users faces the problem of task duplication. Until now it was necessary to delete each task individually but in this new version it’s possible to delete tasks in bulk.


Let’s imagine a relocation with several assigned services where some tasks are identical and therefore resultsin a duplication of tasks.

Activating Duplicated Tasks Management

On Main>Administration>Settings the rule “Allow duplicated tasks management” under “Relocation Rules” must be set to True (Image 1).

Image 1: Duplicated task management setting.

By setting the rule described above, a new button will be visible on the View Services & Packages page, but only to internal users.

Preparing Duplicated Tasks

On the Main>Administration>Services page you can manage Services and Tasks. In order to be able to delete duplicated tasks, the Tasks must be identical (Image 2):

  • Descriptions of the Tasks must be completely identical. The system cannot identify as duplicated Tasks “Mark Invoice” and “Mark to invoice”.
  • Reminder Days must be equal.
  • Reminder direction must be the same: Before or After.
  • Task target date must be the same (eg. “Order/Booking Date”)
  • KPI definitions must be identical.

Image 2: Main>Administration>Services page

Managing Duplicated Tasks

In a Relocation, go to the View Services & Packages page. By clicking on the button “Manage duplicated tasks” (Image 3), Internal Users will be able to see the list of duplicated tasks (Image 4). Only non-completed tasks are considered.

Image 3: Relocations>View Services & Packages page

To delete the duplicated tasks, simply click on the check box on the left side, and then click on the button “Delete selected”. ReloTracker ensures that at least one task per set of the duplicated task will not be deleted.

Image 4: Duplicated tasks window.

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