Heath Hayes & Wimblebury

Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting. Wednesday 6th November 2013.

Heath Hayes Library, Hednesford Road, Heath Hayes.


Cllrs J. Bernard (Chair), D. Baker, Val Baker, A. Bernard, J. Beddows, L. Bullock,

B. Bottomer, A. Spicer, M. Sutherland, D. Todd & R. Todd.

In Attendance;

Mr Craig Woods & David Woods.

District Cllr Janos Toth.

PCSO Andrew Turnock, PCSO Neil Griffiths.

Clerk, Mr Ray Smythe.

Chair’s Announcements and Public Participation.

Cllr J. Bernard welcomed everyone to the meeting and invited comments in Public Participation.

PCSO Turnock was welcomed back to duty by the Council. He reported that he had received a replacement pedal cycle and there were plans to have marked police vehicles next year, which were adapted to carry cycles and to use them to transport officers and cycles to the area where the marked vehicles would be parked ain strategic positions and the officers would then undertake mobile patrols.

PC Sadie Lavender had been appointed to the area and the Council was pleased to hear that the appointment had been made and said she would be welcome to attend any and all meetings.

Crime wise, it had been relatively quiet. There had been two burglary dwelling house reports with one offender caught and the other known. Two burglary other buildings, one shed and one at Heath Hayes Allotments, with one in custody.

There had been two thefts from motor vehicles; number plates from St Lawrence Drive and a disabled badge from Tesco’s. There were planned projects to check insecure vehicles and to prevent “quitting” where a vehicle was left unattended with the engine running and to keep vehicles and houses locked. There were also ongoing operations regarding scrap metal dealers and the utilisation of Automatic Number Plate Recognition vehicles parked in strategic locations to detect tax and insurance offences.

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There was a general discussion about crime in the area and it was explained that scrap metal dealers should comply with existing legislation regarding the use of their vehicles and the method of operation. In particular, items should not be removed from private property without permission as this could be a dishonest appropriation and may amount to an offence of theft, especially if the property taken was clearly not left out for collection.

Councillors were advised that all offences should be reported to the police in order that the level of crime could be recorded and the appropriate action taken.

It was also reported that fridges and freezers should not be left out but disposed of correctly at the local waste disposal facility as units left out were being cannabilised for metal and motors and then illegally dumped. The preferred method was for the resident or Cannock Chase Council to take the units to the waste collection facility or to have the supplier of the new unit to deal with the disposal.

PCSO Turnock and PCSO Griffiths were thanked for their attendance.

1. Apologies.

The meeting began at 7.53pm. Apologies were received and accepted from Cllrs Vyv Baker and A. Dean.

Resolved: To accept the apologies.

2. Declarations of Interest and Dispensations on Agenda Items.

There were none.

Resolved: Noted.

3. To Approve the Minutes of the Meeting on 2nd October 2013.

Approval of the minutes was proposed, seconded and agreed

Resolved: To approve the minutes.

4. Matters Arising from the Minutes.

There were no matters arising, not otherwise dealt with.

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5. Planning.

5.1 Applications dealt with by Planning Committee;

·  13/334 – 177 HEDNESFORD ROAD, HEATH HAYES – Residential Development – Erection of two, three-bedroomed semi-detached houses and amendments to parking layout for the Day Centre at 177 Hednesford Road, Heath Hayes. (Re-submission of planning application 13/19).

·  13/378 – 15 BANK STREET, HEATH HAYES – Two storey rear extension and detached double garage to rear with access off Boston Close.

The Committee reported and the Council agreed that there were no objections.

5.2 Decisions reported by the District Council;

The Council noted the approval of the following application;

·  13/308 – 6 EAGLE GROVE, HEATH HAYES – Two-storey side and first floor side extension over garage.

Resolved: Noted.

6. To consider noting and agreeing the Clerk’s Report.

6.1 The Clerks Report was noted and agreed.

Resolved: Noted.

6.2 The Council heard that the funeral of former Councillor Bob Merry had been very well attended and the family had been thankful for all the support they had received.

All present then stood an observed a period of silence.

7. Report of Meetings.

There were no reports.

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8. Hayes Green Community Centre.

8.1 Current Developments.

The Centre was well used and well maintained. The Council noted the November report.

Resolved: Noted.

8.2 Consideration of funding for the next financial year.

The Management Committee had recommended that £20,000 should be set aside for the Centre for the 2014/15 financial year. It was agreed to accept this recommendation.

Resolved: To set aside £20,000.

9. Heath Hayes Cabin.

9.1 Current Developments.

The Council noted the report for November 2013.

9.2 Consideration of funding for next financial year.

The Management Committee had recommended that £5,000 should be set aside in the precept for the 2014/15 financial year. It was agreed to accept the recommendation.

Resolved: To set aside £5,000.

10. Grant Aid January 2014 – Update.

10.1 Current position and developments.

The Grant Aid applications had been sent out. It had been agreed to invite recipients to attend or to present a report to the Annual Parish Meeting in May 2014.

10.2 Consideration of Setting of Budget.

A budget was not set at this time.

Resolved: To consider the applications in January.

To invite recipients to attend or present a report to the Annual Meeting.

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11. Remembrance Day 2013 – Confirmation of arrangements.

It was confirmed that all parties had been contacted and confirmed their attendance and that assembly would be at the Heath Hayes Constitutional Club at 9.30am. The service will be at Church at 10.00am, followed by a procession, reading and silence at the War Memorial at Five Ways Island at 11.00am. There will be a service at St John’s Church at 11.00am as well for those unable to attend the Memorial Gates.

Mr Reg Fullelove (Reading), Reverend Glynne Watkin (St John’s Church), Rachel Griffin (Cannock Chase Drum Corps), Michael Dodd (Scouts) and the Police had been invited. All Councillors were encouraged to attend.

The Clerk was thanked for his work in preparing for the event.

Resolved: To note the above arrangements.

12. Traffic and Highway matters. Update on current issues and consideration of further action.

The traffic issues itemised in the Clerk’s Report were noted.

Resolved: Noted.

13. Consideration of Audit Report 2012/13 and closure of accounts.

It was noted that the Annual Return had been returned from the Auditors and no points had been raised and there were no issues outstanding.

It was agreed that the accounts could now be closed.

Resolved: To accept the report and close the accounts for the 2012/13 financial year.

14. St John’s Christmas Tree and Carolling Event. 19th December 2013.

The Council had agreed a budget of up to £500 to purchase a Christmas Tree and lights to allow a Carols around the tree event at St John’s Church to take place at 6.45pm on Thursday 19th December.

The Council had also submitted a grant application under the County Council Local Members’ Initiative Scheme to County Councillor Diane Todd for £200.00.

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Reverend Glynne Watkin had identified suppliers and had indicated that the cost would be at least £210 to purchase and install a tree and lights. It was proposed, seconded and agreed to donate £250 to St John’s Church.

Resolved: To donate £250 for a tree and lights for the Carols around the Tree event.

15. Chain of Office. Adoption of new pendant and plans for future development of the chain with the purchase of links.

The Chain of Office had been delivered and was adopted by the Parish Council for use for official functions and meetings.

It was agreed to have links attached that recorded the service of Chairs of the Council and to investigate options to use the previous pendant and to see if it could be repaired or mounted.

Resolved: To adopt the new pendant.

16. Consideration of nomination of former Councillor Michael Doody to the Cabinet Office for an award.

Cllr L. Bullock reported that Michael Doody was a founding Member of the Parish Council in 1985 and served as a Councillor for 26 years, 16 as Chair. He was a youth leader and ran youth clubs in the area for 10 years. He also served as an Honorary President of the Heath Hayes Allotments Society and for 10 years, chaired the Heath Hayes Carnival Committee. He was a member of the Management Committee of the Heath Hayes Constitutional Club 43 years, 20 years as Chair and three as President.

In view of his service to the community over many years, it was proposed, seconded and agreed to nominate Mr Doody for a civic award.

Resolved: To nominate Mr M. Doody for an award.

17. To consider comments for a County Council engagement exercise on “Achieving Excellence for Young People”.

The information had been circulated to the Council and the matter was considered. No further comments were made.

It was however, agreed to consider having an annual Young Achiever award.

Resolved: Noted.

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18. Consideration of action regarding a letter from Cllr J. Preece (Norton Canes Parish Council) regarding the Community First Responders.

The Council had received a letter from Cllr Preece suggesting that local Parish and Town Councils all meet to discuss financial assistance for the Community First Responders.

The matter was discussed and as the Council had recently donated £500 to the Community First Responders and another grant application was expected to be considered in January, it was agreed that this Council was already supporting the Community First Responders and that organisation was aware of our support that there was no need to discuss the matter with other Councils.

Resolved: To thank Cllr Preece and explain that we are supporting the CFR.

19. To note the incoming and outgoing correspondence.

The incoming post and outgoing post, numbered 268 to 333 was noted.

Resolved: Noted.

20. Accounts for Payment.

Authorisation of the payments of £3,805.12, listed in Appendix A, was proposed by Cllr R. Todd, seconded by Cllr B. Bottomer and agreed. Income of £8.00 interest was noted.

Resolved: To authorise the above payments.

21. Items for Information and Future Agendas

There were no matters raised.

Resolved: Noted.

22. Date of Next Meeting.

This was agreed as Thursday 28th November 2013. Cllr J. Bernard invited all Councillors to attend the Remembrance Day event on Sunday 10th November and then declared the meeting closed at 8.50pm and thanked those present for their attendance.

Resolved: To next meet on 28th November.

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