Parish of Folksworth and Washingley s1


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Folksworth & Washingley

Parish Council


Minutes of a Meeting of the Parish Council held in the Village Hall, Manor Road, Folksworth on Tuesday, September 20, 2016 at 7.20pm

Present: Cllrs Randall, Brown, Blackman, Soper & Clarke

In attendance: Dist.Cllr Matthews, 18 members of the public & Clerk

Open Forum

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and the members of the public were asked if they wished to speak. Two attendees spoke about the planning application as per Agenda Item 2016/1819. They expressed initial concerns regarding the application as the indication was that the use would be changed from Pub to Restaurant and therefore the village amenity lost. However, following a meeting with the new owners and the subsequent release of new plans they were content that the building would be retained as a pub and a restaurant and that this would be of huge value to the parish. Another resident asked about enforcement of the dogs on leads policy, stickers for which had recently been placed within the parish. The Clerk was asked to check with HDC re this. It was also raised that a notice had gone onto the telephone kiosk in Morborne Road informing the public of its removal. Councillors were surprised at this having recently had discussions with BT re this kiosk resulting in a decision that it would be repaired and retained. The Clerk was asked to contact BT to find out what had changed and why. Cllrs were also asked whether it would be possible to have advance notice of kerbside cleaning and weed spraying to enable vehicles to be moved. It was confirmed that the frequency of both services had been reduced this year.

Cllr Matthews spoke briefly about the Boundary Change plans and how they would affect the Parish. It was felt that being part of a larger area with the services of two District Cllrs would be beneficial.

There being no further questions/reports, the Chairman closed to the meeting to public participation and opened the Council meeting.

2016/1814 Apologies for Absence

Apologies were received from Cllrs Fenwick & Ford

2016/1815 Declarations of Interest/Dispensations for Agenda items

(Section 27 Localism Act 2011)


2016/1816 Approval of Full Council Meeting Minutes dated July 19, 2016

Proposed: Cllr Brown, Seconded: Cllr Clarke that the Minutes be approved as an accurate record and signed. Unanimously agreed.

2016/1817 Finance

1817.1 To approve the Financial Report & Accounts

Proposed: Cllr Blackman, Seconded Cllr Randall that the financial reports be approved. Unanimously agreed.

1817.2 To Sign the Balance Sheet

Proposed: Cllr Blackman, Seconded Cllr Randall that the Balance Sheet be approved as an accurate record and signed. Unanimously agreed.

2016/1818 To authorise the following payments and sign the cheques

Proposed: Cllr Blackman, Seconded Cllr Randall that the following payments be authorised and cheques signed

Unanimously agreed.

200058 Mrs J Stanbridge Salary £486.40

200059 Mrs J Stanbridge Travel & Homeworking £23.40

200060 RJC Countryside Grass Cutting £410.00

2016/1819 Planning

Application Ref: 16/01757/FUL

Public House The Fox, 34 Manor Road, Folksworth

Refurbishment, Ground floor extension, installation of external staircase and retention of use as public house and restaurant and three first floor self-contained studio flats.

Councillors confirmed that there had been some concern regarding the wording and original plans for this application and were pleased that corrections had been made. It felt that the refurbishment of what had become a derelict site in the centre of the village could only be good news for the parish. The retention of the pub facility and the provision of a new, larger restaurant was welcomed and it was felt that the provision of three units was a good use of the space available and added to the sustainability of the overall project. It was noted that not all of the land had been included in the application but that any comment on this would be purely speculative at this time. Any development of this land would be subject to its own application. It was felt however that perhaps this could be allotment land for the village and the Clerk was asked to contact the new owners re this.

Proposed Cllr Clarke, Seconded Cllr Roper that Council recommend

Approval re this application.

Council wished the new owners every success.

2016/1820 Local Highways Initiative 2017-18

It was agreed that the provision of signage for the entrances to Folksworth Village and the road and kerb signage for Washingley Crossroads would form the bid for the next round. Council would budget for 10% of the cost as a contribution if successful.

2016/1821 Pocket Park/Community Orchard (Update)

Cllr Brown to bring plan for next meeting & site would be checked as part of the Autumn Village Maintenance walk – date to be set at next meeting.

2016/1822 Village Hall Update

The Minutes had been circulated to all. As Council’s representative was not present there was no update available.

2016/1823 School Update

The Chairman confirmed that school had resumed with two new teachers. The first governors’ meeting was due to be held the following week

2016/1824 Correspondence

Request from Gary Thurgood re Folksworth 15 2017

HDC – Boundary Changes

Devolution Information

Emails re Anglia Grain Lorries (Clerk asked to further with East Northants DC)

2016/1825 Notices & Parish Information

2016/1826 Any Urgent Business

In accordance with section 100(B)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended) the Chair will admit an item of urgent business in order that it can be dealt with at the earliest opportunity provided it has been raised at least 24 hours before the meeting.

2016/1827 The meeting closed at 8.50pm and confirmation of next meeting date as Tuesday October 18, 2016, 7.20pm

