Religious Roots of Europe. List of courses, first cycle 2009-2011
1. Term (fall 2009):
Art / Title / Institution / Teacher / Compact seminarLanguage / Hebrew / Copenhagen / Martin Ehrensvärd
Language / Hebrew / Helsinki / Antti Marjanen
Language / Greek / Helsinki / Antti Marjanen
Language / Syriac / Lund / Bo Holmberg
Religion and Society / Religion and Society / Bergen / Einar Thomassen / Rome, 13th to 26th of September 2009
Method and theory / Method and theory / Aarhus / A. Klostergaard Petersen / Rome, 13th to 26th of September 2009
Emergence / Emergence / Copenhagen / Troels Engberg-Pedersen;
Thomas Hoffmann;
Jesper Høgenhaven / Copenhagen, 2nd to 6th of November 2009
Interaction / Jews and Christians in the Roman Empire / Aarhus / Jakob Engberg / Copenhagen, 2nd to 6th of November 2009
Text / Asceticism and Monasticism, Greek and Arabic / Lund / Samuel Rubenson,Andreas Westergren / Copenhagen, 2nd to 6th of November 2009
2. Term (spring 2010):
Art / Title / Institution / Teacher / Compact seminarLanguage / Arabic / Copenhagen
Language / Latin / Aarhus
Language / Coptic / Helsinki
Text / Early Christian liturgy, Greek and Latin / Oslo / Stig Frøyshov / Lund, 2nd to 5th of March 2010
Text / Qumran, Hebrew / Copenhagen / Jesper Høgenhaven / Lund, 2nd to 5th of March 2010
Text / Philosophy and Theology, Greek, Arabic, / Lund / Samuel Rubenson / Lund, 2nd to 5th of March 2010
Interaction / The Role of Women in religious Communities: Judaism, Christianity / Helsinki / Antti Marjanen / Helsinki, 13th to 16th of April 2010
Interaction / Apologetics and conversion: Judaism, Christianity, Islam / Aarhus / Jakob Engberg / Helsinki, 13th to 16th of April 2010
3. Term (fall 2010):
Art / Title / Institution / Teacher / Compact seminarInteraction / Holy Scriptures, Judaism, Christianity, Islam / Bergen / Einar Thomassen / Copenhagen 26th of October to 29th of October
Interaction / Cosmology and eschatology in the formation of Judaism and
Christianity / Oslo / Helge Kvanvig and
Gitte Buch-Hansen / Aarhus, 29th of November to 3rd of December
Three religions / The three religions in contemporary perspective: From the Enlightenment to the present / Aarhus / Lene Kühle, Viggo Mortensen,
Marianne Schleicher, Sidsel Vie / Aarhus, 29th of November to 3rd of December
Thesis colloquium / All six host institutions / All supervisors
4. Term (spring 2011):
Art / Title / Institution / Teacher / Compact seminarMaster’s thesis / Master’s thesis / All six host institutions / All supervisors
Religious Roots of Europe. List of courses, second cycle 2010-2012
1. Term (fall 2010):
Art / Title / Institution / Teacher / Compact seminarLanguage / Hebrew / Copenhagen / Martin Ehrensvärd
Language / Greek / Helsinki / Antti Marjanen
Language / Coptic / Bergen
Language / Georgian / Oslo / Stig Frøyshov
Language / Syriac / Lund / Bo Holmberg
Religion and Society / Religion and Society / Oslo / Turid Seim
Jonas Byiørnebye / Rome, 20th of September to 3rd of October
Method and theory / Method and theory / Aarhus / A. Klostergaard Petersen / Rome, 20th of September to 3rd of October
Emergence / Emergence / Copenhagen / Troels Engberg-Pedersen; / Copenhagen 26th of October to 29th of October
Interaction / Holy Scriptures, Judaism, Christianity, Islam / Bergen / Einar Thomassen / Copenhagen 26th of October to 29th of October
Text / Asceticism and Monasticism, Greek / Lund / Samuel Rubenson,
Andreas Westergren / Copenhagen 26th of October to 29th of October
2. Term (spring 2011):
Art / Title / Institution / Teacher / Compact seminarLanguage / Arabic / Copenhagen
Language / Latin / Aarhus
Text / Qumran, Hebrew / Copenhagen / Jesper Høgenhaven / Lund, 8th to 10th of March
Interaction / Philosophy and Theology / Lund / Samuel Rubenson / Lund, 8th to 10th of March
Text / Early Christian liturgy, Greek and Georgian / Oslo / Stig Frøyshov / Oslo, 26th to 29th of April
Interaction / Apologetics and Conversion, Judaism, Christianity, Islam / Aarhus / Jakob Engberg; Thomas Hoffmann / Oslo, 26th to 29th of April
Interaction / The role of Women / Helsinki / Antti Marjanen / Oslo, 26th to 29th of April
3. Term (fall 2011):
Art / Title / Institution / Teacher / Compact seminarInteraction
Text / Qur’an, Arabic / Bergen / Einar Thomassen, Mona Farstad / Bergen, early October
Text / Christian polemic against Jews, Latin / Oslo / Øjvind Nordeval / Bergen, early October
Three religions / The three religions in contemporary perspective: From the Enlightenment to the present / Aarhus / Lene Kühle, Viggo Mortensen,
Marianne Schliecher, Sidsel Vie / Aarhus, 29th of November to 2nd of December
Thesis colloquium / All six host institutions / All supervisors
4. Term (spring 2012):
Art / Title / Institution / Teacher / Compact seminarMaster’s thesis / Master’s thesis / All six host institutions / All supervisors
Religious Roots of Europe. List of courses, third cycle 2011-2013
1. Term (fall 2011):
Art / Title / Institution / Teacher / Compact seminarLanguage / Hebrew / Copenhagen / Martin Ehrensvärd
Language / Greek / Helsinki / Antti Marjanen
Language / Coptic / Helsinki / Antti Marjanen
Language / Syriac / Lund / Bo Holmberg
Religion and society / Bergen / Einar Thomassen / Rome, 21st of September to 5th of October 2011
Method and theory / Aarhus / A. Klostergaard Petersen / Rome, 21st of September to 5th of October 2011
The emergence of Judaism, Christianity and Islam / Copenhagen / Troels Engberg-Pedersen / Copenhagen, 25th to 28th of October 2011
Interaction / Jesus in the Quran, Talmud and ancient pagan sources / Helsinki / Tuomas Rasimus / Copenhagen, 25th to 28th of October 2011
Text / The roots of asceticism and monasticism, Greek / Lund / Samuel Rubenson and Andreas Westergren / Copenhagen, 25th to 28th of October 2011
2. Term (spring 2012):
Art / Title / Institution / Teacher / Compact seminarLanguage / Arabic / Copenhagen / Martin Ehrensvärd
Language / Georgian / Oslo / Stig Frøyshov
Language / Latin / Aarhus / Svend Erik Mathiassen
Text / Cultic purity and dietary laws in the Hebrew Bible, Hebrew / Copenhagen / Anne Katrine Gudme / Lund 5th to 9th of March
Text / Early Christian liturgy, Greek or Georgian / Oslo / Stig Frøyshov / Lund 5th to 9th of March
Interaction / Ancient philosophy and the making of theology in early Christianity / Lund / Henrik Rydell Johnsen and Bo Holmberg / Lund 5th to 9th of March
Interaction / Apologetics and Conversion: Judaism, Christianity and Islam / Aarhus / Jakob Engberg and Thomas Hoffmann / Helsinki 16th to 20th of April
Interaction / Holy Scriptures: Judaism, Christianity and Islam / Bergen / Einar Thomassen / Helsinki 16th to 20th of April
Interaction / The role of women in religious communities and texts: Judaism, Christianity and Islam / Helsinki / Antti Marjanen / Helsinki 16th to 20th of April
3. Term (fall 2012):
Art / Title / Institution / Teacher / Compact seminarText / Quran, Arabic / Bergen / Mona Farstad and Einar Thomassen / Aarhus, 26th to 30th of November
Text / Pagans and Christians, dialogue and polemic, Latin / Oslo / Øyvind Nordeval / Aarhus, 26th to 30th of November
Interaction / Jesus in the Quran, Talmud and ancient pagan sources / Helsinki / Tuomas Rasimus / Copenhagen 29th of October to the 2nd of November
Interaction / Philosophy and wisdom traditions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam / Lund / Karin Zetterholm, Bo Holmberg, Henrik Rydell Johnsen / Copenhagen 29th of October to the 2nd of November
The three religions in contemporary perspective: From the Enlightenment to the present / Aarhus / Martin Riexinger, Ulrik Nissen,
Marianne Schliecher / Aarhus, 26thto 30thof November
Thesis colloquium / All six host institutions
4. Term (spring 2013):
Art / Title / Institution / Teacher / Compact seminarMaster’s thesis / Master’s thesis / All six host institutions / All supervisors
Religious Roots of Europe. List of courses, fourth cycle 2012-2014
1. Term (fall 2012):
Art / Title / Institution / Teacher / Compact seminarLanguage / Hebrew / Copenhagen / Martin Ehrensvärd
Language / Greek / Helsinki / Antti Marjanen
Language / Coptic / Helsinki / Antti Marjanen
Language / Syriac / Lund / Bo Holmberg
Religion and society / Bergen / Einar Thomassen / Rome 17th-29th of September
Method and theory / Aarhus / Anders Klostergaard Petersen / Rome 17th-29th of September
The emergence of Judaism, Christianity and Islam / Copenhagen / Niels Peter Lemche, Dylan Burns, Safet Bektovic and Jørgen S. Nielsen / Copenhagen 29th of October to the 2nd of November
Interaction / Jesus in the Quran, Talmud and ancient pagan sources / Helsinki / Tuomas Rasimus / Copenhagen 29th of October to the 2nd of November
Interaction / Philosophy and wisdom tradition: Judaism, Christianity and Islam / Lund / Karin Hedner-Zetterholm, Bo Holmberg, Henrik Rydell Johnsen / Copenhagen 29th of October to the 2nd of November
2. Term (spring 2013):
Art / Title / Institution / Teacher / Compact seminarLanguage / Arabic / Copenhagen / Martin Ehrensvärd
Language / Latin / Aarhus / Svend Erik Mathiassen
Text / Talmud, Hebrew / Lund / Karin Hedner-Zetterholm / Lund 4th to 8th of March
Text / Holy men and women, Greek and Syriac / Lund / Bo Holmberg, Britt Dahlman and Andreas Westergren / Lund 4th to 8th of March
Text / Nag Hamadi, Coptic / Helsinki / Antti Marjanen / Bergen 15th to 20th of April
Interaction / Apologetics and conversion: Judaism, Christianity and Islam / Aarhus / Jakob Engberg and Søren Søndergaard Jensen / Bergen 15th to 20th of April
Interaction / Holy Scriptures: Judaism, Christianity and Islam / Bergen / Einar Thomassen / Bergen 15th to 20th of April
Interaction / Ritual: Judaism, Christianity and Islam / Oslo / Stig Frøyshov / Lund 4th to 8th of March
3. Term (fall 2013):
Art / Title / Institution / Teacher / Compact seminar, examText / Quran, Arabic / Bergen / Mona Farstad / Copenhagen October 28 to November 1, exam January 10
Text / Early Christian Martyrdom, Latin / Aarhus / Jakob Engberg and Svend Erik Mathiassen / Copenhagen October 28 to November 1, exam January 10
Interaction / The role of women in religious communities and texts: Judaism, Christianity and Islam / Helsinki / Outi Lehtipuu / Copenhagen October 28 to November 1, exam January 10
Interaction / Philosophy and wisdom tradition: Judaism, Christianity and Islam / Lund / Karin Hedner-Zetterholm, Bo Holmberg, Henrik Rydell Johnsén / Copenhagen October 28 to November 1, exam January 10
The three religions in contemporary perspective: From the Enlightenment to the present / Oslo / Gunnar Haaland, Kjetil Hafstad, Oddbjørn Leirvik, Safet Bektovic / Oslo November 25 to 29, exam January 24 (or late September, early October)
Thesis colloquium / All six host institutions / All supervisors
4. Term (spring 2014):
Art / Title / Institution / Teacher / Compact seminarMaster’s thesis / Master’s thesis / All six host institutions / All supervisors
Religious Roots of Europe. List of courses, fifth cycle 2013-2015
1. Term (fall 2013):
Art / Title / Institution / Teacher / Compact seminar, examLanguage / Hebrew / Copenhagen / Martin Ehrensvärd / Exam January 17
Language / Greek / Helsinki / Antti Marjanen / Exam January 17
Language / Coptic / Helsinki / Antti Marjanen / Exam January 17
Religion and society / Bergen / Einar Thomassen, Christian Bull / Rome September 24 to October 5, exam October 18
Method and theory / Lund / Magnus Zetterholm / Rome September 24 to October 5, exam October 25
The emergence of Judaism, Christianity and Islam (from October 21) / Copenhagen / Heike Omerzu, Jesper Høgenhaven, Thomas Hoffmann / Copenhagen October 28-30, exam January 24
Interaction / The role of women in religious communities and texts: Judaism, Christianity and Islam / Helsinki / Outi Lehtipuu / Copenhagen October 30 to November 1, exam January 10
Interaction / Philosophy and wisdom tradition: Judaism, Christianity and Islam / Lund / Karin Hedner-Zetterholm, Bo Holmberg, Henrik Rydell Johnsén / Copenhagen October 30 to November 1, exam January 10
Text / Quran, Arabic / Bergen / Mona Farstad / Copenhagen October 30 to November 1, exam January 10
Text / Early Christian Martyrdom, Latin / Aarhus / Jakob Engberg and Svend Erik Mathiassen / Copenhagen October 30 to November 1, exam January 10
2. Term (spring 2014):
Art / Title / Institution / Teacher / Compact seminarLanguage / Arabic / Copenhagen / Martin Ehrensvärd
Language / Latin / Aarhus / Svend Erik Mathiassen
Text / Talmud, Hebrew / Lund / Karin Hedner-Zetterholm / Lund March 3-7
Text / Holy women and men: Christian apocryphal Acts of Apostles, Greek and Coptic / Helsinki / Antti Marjanen / Helsinki April 7-11
Interaction / Jesus in the Quran, Talmud and ancient pagan sources / Helsinki / Tuomas Rasimus / Helsinki April 7-11
Interaction / Apologetics and conversion: Judaism, Christianity and Islam / Aarhus / Jakob Engberg and Søren Søndergaard Jensen / Lund March 3-7
Interaction / Ritual: Judaism, Christianity and Islam or Iconography / Oslo or Bergen / Stig Frøyshov / Lund March 3-7
3. Term (fall 2014):
Art / Title / Institution / Teacher / Compact seminarText / Quran, Arabic / Bergen / Mona Farstad / Lund, November 3-7
Text / Early Christian Martyrdom, Latin / Aarhus / Jakob Engberg and Svend Erik Mathiassen / Lund, November 3-7
The three religions in contemporary perspective: From the Enlightenment to the present / Oslo / Oslo late September / early October or late November
Thesis colloquium / All six host institutions / All supervisors
4. Term (spring 2015):
Art / Title / Institution / Teacher / Compact seminarMaster’s thesis / Master’s thesis / All six host institutions / All supervisors
Religious Roots of Europe. List of courses, sixth cycle 2014-2016
1. Term (fall 2014):
Art / Title / Institution / Teacher / Compact seminar, examLanguage / Hebrew / Copenhagen / Martin Ehrensvärd / January 16
Language / Greek / Copenhagen / Martin Ehrensvärd / January 16
Language / Syriac / Copenhagen / Martin Ehrensvärd / January 16
Language / Coptic / Copenhagen/Helsinki / January 16
The Study of Ancient Religions / Bergen / Christian Bull and Pål Steiner / Rome September 22 to October 5, Exam October 17
The emergence of Judaism, Christianity and Islam (teaching begins October 20) / Lund / Samuel Rubenson / Lund November 3-7, exam January 9
Interaction / The Quran and the Bible: Introduction to the Quran and its Biblical Contexts / Copenhagen / Thomas Hoffmann / Lund November 3-7, exam January 23
Text / Quran, Arabic / Bergen / Mona Farstad / Lund, November 3-7, exam January 23
Text / The Confessions of Augustine, Latin / Aarhus / Jakob Engberg and Svend Erik Mathiassen / Lund, November 3-7, exam January 23
2. Term (spring 2015):
Art / Title / Institution / Teacher / Compact seminarLanguage / Arabic / Copenhagen / Martin Ehrensvärd
Language / Latin / Aarhus / Svend Erik Mathiassen
Text / Talmud, Hebrew, Syriac and Aramaic / Lund / Karin Zetterholm / Aarhus March 2-6
Text / Holy women and men: Christian apocryphal Acts of Apostles, Greek and Coptic / Helsinki / Antti Marjanen / Copenhagen April 13-16
Interaction / Apologetics and conversion: Judaism, Christianity and Islam / Aarhus / Jakob Engberg / Aarhus March 2-6
Interaction / Ritual: Judaism, Christianity and Islam / Oslo / Stig Frøyshov / Aarhus March 2-6
Interaction / Jesus in the Quran, Talmud and ancient pagan sources / Helsinki / Tuomas Rasimus / Copenhagen April 13-16
3. Term (Fall 2015):
Art / Title / Institution / Teacher / Compact seminarText / Quran, Arabic / Copenhagen / Thomas Hoffmann / Lund, November 2-6, exam January 22
Text / Early Christian Martyrdom, Latin / Aarhus / Jakob Engberg and Svend Erik Mathiassen / Lund, November 2-6, exam January 22
Interaction / The role of women in religious communities and texts / Helsinki / Outi Lehtipuu / Lund, November 2-6, exam January 22
The three religions in contemporary perspective: From the Enlightenment to the present / Oslo / Gunnar Haaland, MarianneBjelland Kartzow, and Safet Bektovic / Oslo September 21-26, exam January 8
Thesis colloquium / All six host institutions / All supervisors
4. Term (spring 2016):
Art / Title / Institution / Teacher / Compact seminarMaster’s thesis / Master’s thesis / All six host institutions / All supervisors
Religious Roots of Europe. List of courses, seventh cycle 2015-2017
1. Term (fall 2015):
Art / Title / Institution / Teacher / Compact seminar, examLanguage / Hebrew / Copenhagen / Martin Ehrensvärd / Exam January 28
Language / Greek / Helsinki / Antti Marjanen / Exam January 28
Language / Coptic / Helsinki / Antti Marjanen / Exam January 28
The Study of Ancient Religions / Aarhus / Birte Poulsen and Anders-Christian Jacobsen / Rome September 21 to October 3, exam October 16
The emergence of Judaism, Christianity and Islam (from October 19) / Lund / Samuel Rubenson / Lund, November 2-6, exam January 11
Interaction / The role of women in religious communities and texts / Helsinki / Outi Lehtipuu / Lund, November 2-6, exam January 22
Text / Quran, Arabic / Copenhagen / Thomas Hoffmann / Lund, November 2-6, exam January 22
Text / Early Christian Martyrdom, Latin / Aarhus / Jakob Engberg and Svend Erik Mathiassen / Lund, November 2-6, exam January 22
2. Term (spring 2016):
Art / Title / Institution / Teacher / Compact seminarLanguage / Arabic / Copenhagen / Martin Ehrensvärd / Exam May 20
Language / Latin / Aarhus / Svend Erik Mathiassen / Exam May 18
Text / Talmud, Hebrew and Aramaic / Lund / Karin Hedner-Zetterholm / Copenhagen February 29 to March 4, exam May 27
Text / Hagiographical text, Greek and Coptic / Oslo / Paula Jean Tutty / Helsinki, April 11-15, exam June 3
Interaction / Angels and Demons / Helsinki / Hanne von Weissenberg / Helsinki, April 11-15, exam June 10
Interaction / Jewish and Christian stories of Origins and Sexuality? / Aarhus / Jonathan Cahana / Copenhagen March February 29 to March 4, exam June 24
Interaction / The Quran and the Bible: Introduction to the Quran and its Biblical Contexts / Copenhagen / Thomas Hoffmann / Copenhagen March February 29 to March 4, exam June 17
3. Term (fall 2016):
Art / Title / Institution / Teacher / Compact seminarText / Quran, Arabic / Copenhagen / Thomas Hoffmann / Lund October 31 to November 4
Text / The Confessions of Augustine, Latin or Minucius Felix, Octavius / Aarhus or Oslo / Jakob Engberg and Svend Erik Mathiassen or Øjvind Norderval / Lund October 31 to November 4
Interaction / Cognition and embodiment: Judaism, Christianity and Islam / Copenhagen / Thomas Hoffmann / Lund October 31 to November 4
The three religions in contemporary perspective: From the Enlightenment to the present / Oslo / Gunnar Haaland, MarianneBjelland Kartzow, and Safet Bektovic / Oslo late September
Thesis colloquium / All six host institutions / All supervisors
4. Term (spring 2017):
Art / Title / Institution / Teacher / Compact seminarMaster’s thesis / Master’s thesis / All six host institutions / All supervisors