St. Ann Parish, Phoenixville
2016-17Religious Education Registration Form
Registration open April 3 to July 31; a late fee of $50/family will be assessed beginningAug. 1
Family tuition rates: one child/$130, two children/$220, three or more children/$300
Please choose which day your child(ren) will be attending PREP during the 2016-17 PREP year.
____ Sundays 10:35 a.m. - 12:05 p.m. @ St. Ann’s (K-6)____ Tuesdays 6:20-7:50 p.m. @ St. Ann’s (K-6)
Please supply all requested information. Print clearly. For first time registrations, please provide one copy of each child’sBaptismal Certificateif not baptized at the home parish.
Child’s Full Name(First, Middle, Last) / M/F / DOB / Last PREP
Level completed / Name ofday school and
grade level / Baptism
Date & Parish / 1st Penance
Date & Parish / 1st Communion
Date & Parish
Family Name:______Home Parish:______
Home Phone:______Family Email: ______
Street City Zip Code
Father’s Full Name:______Living/Deceased?______Religion:______
Father’s Cell Phone:______Email:______
Mother’s Full Name (with maiden):______Living/Deceased?______Religion:______
Mother’s Cell Phone:______Email:______
Emergency Contact Information:
Name: ______Relationship:______Phone: Home______Cell______
Consent For Medical Care: I give permission that, in my absence, my children whose names appear on page 1 of this registration form, may receive emergency medical care for injuries and all situations that should occur while participating in the religious education programs and activities.
Medical/Learning Data: If any of the following apply to your child,please list his/her name and give details in the appropriate spaces:
Child’s Name / Medical Conditions/Allergies / Prescribed Medications / Disability/Learning Support Services / G/IEP or 504 YES
If you answered “Yes” to G/IEP or 504 then please also complete and attach a detailed Child Information Form, available through the D/CRE.
Is there any other information about your child that should be communicated? If yes, please attach to this form.
Custody: Are there any custody/legal issues? yes no (If yes, please attach a complete copy of the latest court order.)
*Name of person responsible for Religious Education if not a Parent/Guardian______Relationship______
Parent/guardian must provide a signed, dated letter of permission which is to be kept on file and updated annually.
I have read the Religious Education Program Handbook (on parish website) and agree to the program requirements and expectations.
I give permission for my child's name and picture to appear on parish websites, bulletins, sacramental programs, and related media in relation to events that happen in the program.
Parent/Guardian Signature ______Date ______
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