Stockton on Tees Borough Council - Children, Education and Social Care
Oct 15
Making It Real Action Plan
This action plan was created with input from Service Users and Carers who are currently using a Personal Budget to pay for services. This plan will be reviewed in 6 months and updated regularly. Any future plans will be produced with the help of Service Users and Carers.
Priority 1: Communication:You Said ‘I want simpler and consistent information about the services available to me…..I don’t know where to look for information…..Information is not always up to date….I want easy to read leaflets….I want to be treated as an individual during the assessment process….I want the assessment process and review process to be quicker.’
What we are doing: Improving Service Users and Carers’ access to easy to understand information that is accurate and up to date about services and the assessment process.
Ensuring staff are knowledgeable about SBC processes and can share this with the people who need to know. Improving the customers experience during the assessment and support planning process
What steps you will take to make this happen? / Lead contact / Expected result / User/carer involvement / Deadline
Provide booklets in a range of formats (easy to read, large print etc.) and make sure these are available in a variety of locations across Stockton. / Vicki Ellis / Rebecca Gray / Improved access to information for all people
Improved understanding of what services are available in Stockton. / Use Service Users /Carers experience in booklets,
Use Carer forums to inform them of what booklets are available and where.
Service Users/Carers to provide feedback on draft form of leaflets / Feb 2016
Refine/Update current care management procedures within the social work team / Colette Robinson / Create procedures to make assessment and support planning process quicker for all Service Users using Care Act requirements as a guide. / Use service user experiences to help identify areas in the process that need improvement / To be reviewed April 2016
Provide workshops/training for staff regarding support planning processes, Care Act Assessment and other policies regarding personalisation and Direct Payments to ensure they are providing the best experience for our Service Users and their families / Vicki Ellis / Rebecca Gray / Embedded and consistent practice amongst staff.
Improved assessment experience for the service user/carer.
Service user and Carers feel valued.
Improved outcomes for service users/carers / Use Service Users experiences as a basis for training
Invite Service Users/Carers to speak at training to provide first-hand accounts. / To be reviewed April 2016
Implement peer support to assist Service Users through the assessment process by those who have been through it. / Vicki Ellis / Gemma Clifford / Create support networks for Service Users.
Increased control over procedures for Service Users / Carers / Service Users and Carers will be carrying out peer support / To be reviewed April 2016
Make better links with organisations to share information and detail about SBC procedures to be shared with Service Users and Carers / Rebecca Gray / Improved 2 way communications between SBC and organisations and Service Users /Carers. / Provide feedback to Service Users and Carers.
Invite 3rd sector to meet with Making It Real service user group. / To be reviewed April 2016
Update Care Act Assessment to ensure the document collects all necessary information about a service user and their carer in line with new Care Act requirements / Alan Lee/ Social Work Team Managers / Carol Malham / More detailed assessment document that will provide a service user with more choice and control over their care and provide an accurate and realistic budget to meet their needs. / Use feedback from Service Users/Carers to make changes to assessment document / To be reviewed April 2016
Offer surgeries to provide an opportunity for Service Users/ Carers to have face to face contact with Personalisation Support Service. / Personalisation Support Service / Improved communication between SBC and service users and carers / Service users / Carers to attend surgeries. / Feb 2016
Plan and Implement a robust communication package to advertise Personal Budgets and Direct Payments within the borough. / Rebecca Gray /Vicki Ellis/ Emma Chudley / Raise profile of Direct Payments to improve uptake.
Improved access to information for all people
Improved understanding of what services are available in Stockton. / Service user / carer feedback on any materials produced. / To be reviewed April 2016
Priority 2 : Personal budgets: Being In Control
You Said ‘Support planning can take a long time….I don’t always know what I can spend my budget on….I would like more information about how to make a support plan….I struggle to find meaningful activities to spend my budget on.
What we are doing: Encouraging Service Users to take an active part in the support planning process to ensure they have control over the Personalisation process. Improving the support provided to help a service user/carer to complete a support plan and plan how to use their money. Improving knowledge of what services are available in the local area.
What steps you will take to make this happen? / Lead contact / Expected result / User/carer involvement / Deadline
Implement peer support to assist Service Users through the support planning process by those who have been through it. / Vicki Ellis / Gemma Clifford / Create support networks for Service Users.
Increased control over procedures for Service Users / Carers / Service Users and Carers will be carrying out peer support / To be reviewed April 2016
Provide Support Plan Training / Workshops for clients and staff
- Support Plan Training
- Financial Monitoring
- Procedures and Policies
- Bespoke workshops for service users / carers
Improved support planning experience for the service user/carer.
Service user and Carers feel valued.
Improved outcomes for Service user and Carers / Use Service Users /Carers’ experiences in the training.
Service Users/ Carers able to attend training. / To be reviewed April 2016
Link in with Carers groups to help generate interest in personal budgets and support planning. / Vicki Ellis / Rebecca Gray / Improved up take of Personal Budgets
Improved knowledge of support plans / Service Users / Carers will be directly involved in any meetings / To be reviewed April 2016
Provide an E-market Place in Stockton that includes details of all services available. / Zoe Flood / Easy to access, up to date and relevant information about services all in one place. / Include Service Users / Carers input in developing market place. / In development To be reviewed April 2016
Look into ways to stimulate current marketplace in Stockton. / SBC Commissioning Team / Better/ larger range of services available to meet Service users /Carers needs / Include Service Users / Carers input in developing market place. / To be reviewed April 2016
Priority 3: Our Support Service
You Said ‘I would like more support to help recruit a Personal Assistant….I don’t get consistent information from the support service….I would like the support service to have a better understanding of client’s needs….I would like more information about the Personal Assistant’s recommended by the support service…I don’t get enough information about my money from the support service….I am confused about what the support service does, what my social worker does and what I am responsible for.’
What we are doing: Improving the support service to help Service Users/Carers employ staff and manage their money. Helping people remain in control of their personal budget and how it is spent. Improving Service User awareness of what it means to be an employer. Improving staff knowledge of the role of the support service.
What steps you will take to make this happen? / Lead contact / Expected result / User/carer involvement / Deadline
Workshops for Service Users / Carers on what it means to be an employer, how to manage a budget – joint with insurance company and support service. / Rebecca Gray / Vicki Ellis / Better understanding for staff and Service Users/Carers
Improved support planning experience for the service user/carer.
Service user and Carers feel in control of their services and budget. / Use Service Users /Carers’ experiences in the training.
Service Users/ Carers able to attend training. / To start Feb 2016
Ensure Stockton Personalisation Support Service offers a good, robust service to Service Users and Carers. Including:
- Providing statements to clients to inform them of details of their budget.
- Providing accurate payroll services for Service Users who require it.
- Provide a consistent point of contact for any queries relating to self-managed personal budgets.
- Provide consistent/up to date information for all self-managed personal budget holders.
Service Users / Carers input to be used to shape support service. / To be reviewed April 2016
Develop the PA role:
- Introduce a PA register
- Provide clear information about training available for PAs
Faster recruitment of PAs / Service Users / Carers/PAs to be given information / Dec 2015
Background information:
Who was involved in agreeing the three priorities and action plan? 12 Service Users, Carers and PAs attended a Making It Real event to help us to focus on the priorities for Stockton. Two Development Project Officers were also involved in the event as facilitators
Start date for action plan:
Review date for action plan:
Lead contact for this action plan:Janet Ballinger / Angela Connor