Relative Clause Punctuation Exercise

Instructions: Read the following sentences and do the following:

  1. Underline the relative clause which is present.
  2. Punctuate the relative clause to correctly to give the specified meaning.

Example: The dogs which attacked the children were caught. (Punctuate to show all the dogs were attacking

children and that all of them were destroyed.)

answer: The dogs, which attacked the children, were caught.

  1. Mary who is having a baby is going to the doctor’s office tomorrow.

(Punctuate to imply that there is more than one person named Mary, and only the one having the baby is

going to the doctor’s office.)

  1. The old napalm bombs which are leaking will be destroyed.

(Punctuate to imply that all the napalm bombs are leaking and that all of them will need to be destroyed.)

  1. The clothing which was contaminated with the chemicals needs to be washed.

(Punctuate to imply that only the clothing contaminated with chemicals needs to be washed, and that there is some clothing which was not contaminated and therefore does not need to be washed.)

  1. The eggs which are high in cholesterol are not part of a healthy diet.

(Punctuate to imply that some eggs are not high in cholesterol and those eggs can be part of a healthy diet.)

  1. The campers who violated the laws of the resort were asked to leave.

(Punctuate to imply that all of the campers violated the laws and all were asked to leave.)

  1. The aerosols which contain gas propellants can kill people who inhale them to get high.

(Punctuate to imply that all aerosols contain gas propellants and all can kill people.)

  1. The prisoners who are violent are treated harshly by the guards.

(Punctuate to imply that not all of the prisoners are violent.)

  1. The blood which had been contaminated with the AIDS virus had to be withdrawn from the blood bank.

(Punctuate to imply that all the blood had been contaminated and needed to be withdrawn.)

  1. The basketball players who routinely fail the random drug tests are fined or dismissed.

(Punctuate to imply that only some of the basketball players routinely fail the drug tests.)

  1. The people who panicked when the plane landed got injured.

(Punctuate to imply that all the people panicked and all got injured.)