Wokefield Park Conference Centre, Mortimer, near Reading, England

28th - 30th September 2007


This BELMAS Annual Conference will focus on ‘Innovation in Educational Leadership and Management Practice and Research’. Preference will be given to sessions that match this theme.All presenters must meet the stated deadlines in the conference brochure. Failure to do so will mean that the paper cannot be presented.

1Format of Presentations

The organisers hope that presenters will take a diversity of approaches including, for example, practical workshops and case studies of practice as well as traditional conference papers. The audience for BELMAS presentations is wide-ranging, and includes senior academics and practitioners, members new to BELMAS and people from outside traditional educational leadership and management. Interactive approaches will be particularly welcome.

2Expectations of Contributors

Contributors are asked to help with the organisation of the Papers/Workshops sessions in the following ways:

  1. Immediately completing and returning the Submission Formto BELMAS Office(address given below), as confirmation of your wish to present a paper/workshop at the conference by April 6th. In addition to appearing on the application form, the synopsis page should repeat the title, with your name, institution and email at the top and must not exceed 200 words. . The submissions should be titled belmas07Proposal (your initial and surname) on the email message
  2. Enrolling for the conference as soon as possible. An enrolment form is available from the BELMAS office. Failure to enrol by the due date will mean the session will be withdrawn.
  3. You will be notified of acceptance by e-mail.
  4. Papers must not exceed 2,500 words in length, and should be typed single-spaced on A4 paper. You should bring three copies of the paper, which should be handed in at the Conference Desk. You may provide other copies for the session or make it clear at the start of your presentation how listeners can obtain a copy (by e-mail, direct from you).
  5. Workshops and other sessions may also be supported by pre-circulated documentation if required, but such documentation must not exceed the length given above.
  6. All papers/documents should have a cover page, with the title and your name and institution (at the top), your e-mail address, and an address for correspondence (at the bottom).

3The Paper/Workshop

Presenters must be prepared for quite large or very small groups.

Formal Chairs help ensure that adequate time for discussion is made available. If you are willing to assist by Chairing a session, please indicate this in Section 7 of the Presenter’s Submission Form.

The address for Belmas Office is:


c/o SheffieldHallamUniversity

Collegiate Campus

Room 604, 51/53 Broomgrove


S10 2BP

Tel: (0114) 225 2328

Fax: (0114) 225 5649


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