Curriculum vitae
Europass /
Personal information
First name(s) / Surname(s) / Manea Gabriela
Address(es) / 1, Nicolae Balcescu Blvd., postal code 010041, Sector 1, Bucuresti, Romania
Telephone(s) / +40213143508/2188
Fax(es) / +40213153074
E-mail /
Nationality / Romanian
Date of birth / 14.10.1967
Gender / Female
Professional experience
Dates / 2006 -present; 2000-2006,1994-2000; 1990-1992
Occupation or position held / Assistant professor;Lecturer; Assistant lecturer; Assistant
Main activities and responsibilities / Didactic activities: Biogeography, Environmental Geography, Environmental Policies and Strategies, Natural Environment Protection and Planning, Regional Development, Protected Areas, Research Methodology in Regional Geography , Environment and Territorial Planing; administrative activities: leading member of the office of the Department of Regional Geography and Environment; organizing and participating in practical applications of students
Name and address of employer / University of Bucarest, Faculty of Geography
Type of business or sector / Didactic and research activities
Dates / 1990 – 1992
Occupation or position held / Teacher of Geography
Main activities and responsibilities / Teaching geography in high school
Name and address of employer / High school „Unirea” Bucureşti
Type of business or sector / Didactic activities
Education and training
Title of qualification awarded
Principal subjects/occupational skills covered
Name and type of organisation providing education and training
Dates / 1986 – 1990
Degree in geography andrussian language
Hidrology, Meteorology and Climatology, Biogeography, Geomorphology, Pedology, Geography of Environment, Geography of Romania, Human and Economic Geography, practic activities in Dobrogea and Danube Delta, western, central, eastern and southern Romania / Russian language and literature
University of Bucharest/ Faculty of Geography
Title of qualification awarded / Ph.D. in geography
Principal subjects/occupational skills covered / Impact of land use changeon landscape dynamics in the Iron Gates Natural Parc Area; Evaluation of natural and anthropogenic landscape dynamics; Vulnerability assessment of floristic and faunistic elements in relation to the land use
Name and type of organisation providing education and training / University of Bucharest, Faculty of Geography
Dates / j uly, 1993 - Sinaia
Title of qualification awarded / Completion of training course „The Environmental Training Project”, supported by professors from the University of Minnesota
Principal subjects/occupational skills covered / Identifying funding sources and writing proposals
Name and type of organisation providing education and training / United States Agency for International Development (US AID)
Personal skills and competences
Mother tongue(s) / Romanian
Other language(s)
Self-assessment / Understanding / Speaking / Writing
European level (*) / Listening / Reading / participation in conversation / spoken / written expression
English Language / B2 / Intermediar / B2 / intermediar / B1 / intermediar / B1 / intermediar / B1 / intermediar
French Language / B2 / intermediar / C1 / avansat / B1 / intermediar / B2 / intermediar / B2 / intermediar
Spanish Language / A2 / elementar / B2 / intermediar / A1 / elementar / A1 / elementar / A1 / elementar
Russian Language / B2 / intermediar / C1 / avansat / B1 / intermediar / B1 / intermediar / C1 / avansat
(*) Nivelul Cadrului European Comun de Referinţă Pentru Limbi Străine
Social skills and competences / Experience working in teams, developed during the involvement in carrying out research contracts with national and international financing; Experience in fostering youth participation (including students from school and high school) in environmental education and environmental protection activities; Experience in developing partnerships between higher education institution and school education institutions (development collaboration agreements, initiating joint activities etc.)
Organisational skills and competences / Experience in organizing scientific meetings with national participation, developed at events organized byFaculty de Geography, University of Bucharest, orin collaboration with research centers and NGOs;
Experience in organizing and coordinating the specialty practice of graduate students and master students;
Organization and involvement in environmental education, developed in partnership with primary and secondary educational institutions
Computer skills and competences / Knowledge of using Microsoft Office package
Driving licence / Driving license category B
Additional information / 2000 - Honorary Diploma of the Romanian Society of Geography
2000 – Honorary Diploma of the Faculty of Geography, University of Bucharest
2002 -Honorary Diploma of the Faculty of History - Geography - Philosophy, Department ofGeography, University of Craiova
Member of the al Romanian Society of Geography
Member of the Association of Romania Geomorphology
Member of the MRI (Mountain Research Initiative) Europe Network
Member of the S4C (Science for the Carpathians Group – S4C)
Member of the Romanian Society of Ecology
Founding member of the NGO "Carpatho-Danubian Center of Geoecology "
Founding member of the Research Center „Sustainable Management of Landscape and Water Resources”
Co – director of CARTEDD (Research Center for Regional Analyses in Tourism, Environment and Sustainable Development)
Committee member of competition for teaching positions
Doctoral committee member

Relationship with pre -university education

  1. Collaboration with teachers of Geography , in environmental projects and environmental education activities
  2. 2001, 2009, 2010 - participation in scientific and methodical training courses for teachers of geography
  1. from 2004 - Scientific advisor for geography teachers, to achieve scientific and methodological work –1st degree
  2. 2009 – signing a cooperation agreement with the „Technical College from Campulung Muscel” on issues of environmental education and environmental protection
  3. april22 2010 – participation as a visiting professor at environmental education activities performed on the occasion of Earth Day” (No School. 25, sector 2, Bucharest)
  4. june - july 2010-2012 – involvement as a coordinator workshops, in the "University Children" Project, launched in Romania in partnership with the University of Bucharest.
  5. april24 2010 –works verification atOlympiad of Geography "Geomondis", organized by ASGUB
  6. 2010 – collaborative project "Schools for a green future”, organized by publisher S.C. CD PRESS SRL, involving over 1800 schools in the country
  7. octobre 2 2010 – participation, as coordinator workshops,to the practical application, developed by the University of Children in Comana Natural Park.


Conf.univ. dr. Gabriela Manea


„Impact of Land Use Modifications on the Landscape Dynamics, in Portile de Fier Natural Park”, Faculty of Geography, University of Bucharest, 2001


1. 2003 – Gabriela Manea –Naturalitate si antropizare in Parcul Natural Portile de Fier (“Nature and anthropization in the Natural Park “Portile de Fier“), Ed. Universitatii din Bucuresti, ISBN973-575-802-4

2. 2004 – Ion Marin (coordinator), Marian Marin, Gabriela Manea, Vasile Popa, Radu Irimia, Adrian Tiscovschi- “America de Sud.Geografie regionala“, Ed. Universitara, Bucuresti

3. 2005 – Gabriela Manea (coauthor) – “Regiuni turistice pe glob“, Editura Universitara, Bucuresti

4. 2005 – Gabriela Manea – “Zone and protected areas and their tourist valorisation“, Editura CREDIS, Bucuresti, ISBN 973-734-046-9

5. 2009 – Gabriela Manea – „Elements of Biogeography”, Editura Universitara, Bucuresti, ISBN 978-973-749-588-4

6.2011 - Gabriela Manea – „Elemente de biogeografie” (editia a II-a revizuita), Ed Universitara, Bucuresti, ISBN 978-973-749-588-4




1.MANEA Gabriela, COCOS O., TISCOVSCHI A., NEGULESCU V. (2010) - The Creation of Green Belts and Corridors: A Major Challengefor Bucharest City, in Metalurgia International, vol.XV, Special Issue, No.9, p.52 – 55, ISSN 1582 – 2214

2. MARIN M, TISCOVSCHI A., MANEA Gabriela., DIACONEASA D. (2011) - Geomorphology and climate conditions that determine sedimentation in Mamaia bay, International Journal of the Physical Sciences Vol. 6(7), pp. 1732-1741,ISSN 1992 - 1950 ©2011 Academic Journals,

3. MATEI Elena., STANCIOIU Aurelia Felicia, PARGAR Ioan, MANEA Gabriela , VARDOL Anca Daniela (2011) - The romanian ports on the Danube valley-an emergent tourism destination, Recent researches in Tourism and economic development, Proceeding of the 1st International on tourism and economic Development, Wseas press and Craiova university, pp. 113-123,ISBN 978-1-61804-043-5

4. ACHIM Elena, MANEA Gabriela, VIJULIE Iuliana,COCOS O., TIRLĂ Laura (2012) - Ecological Reconstruction of the Plain Areas Prone to Climate Aridity through Forest Protection Belts. Case Study: Dăbuleni Town, Oltenia Plain, Romania, Procedia Environmental Sciences, Vol 14, pp. 154-163, ISSN:1878-0296, Imprint:ELSEVIER,

5. VIJULIE Iuliana, MATEI Elena, MANEA Gabriela, COCOS Octavian, CUCULICI Roxana (2012) - Assessment of Agricultural Land Fragmentation in Romania, A Case Study: Izvoarele Commune, Olt County, Acta geographica Slovenica, 2nd issue of volume 52 (2012), DOI: 10.3986/AGS52206

UDC: 911.3:711.14(498), COBISS: 1.01;

6. MANEA Gabriela, MATEI Elena, VIJULIE Iuliana, MARIN M., COCOS O., TISCOVSCHI A. (2013) - Tradition and modernity in the romanian rural space. Case Study: the Arges Sub-Carpathian Foothills, Eastern European Countryside Journal,vol.19/2013,127pp., ISSN: 1232-8855.

7.Iuliana Vijulie, Elena Matei, Gabriela Manea, Laura Tirla, Octavian Cocos, Roxana Cuculici, Adrian Tiscovschi: Perception of local communities upon the conservation of Bucovina's architectural tradition, pp. 231-238.13th International Multidisciplinar Scientific Geoconference Proceedings, Vol II: Ecology, Economics, Education and Legislation, ISBN 978-619-7105-05-6, ISSN 1314-2704, DOI 10.5593/sgem2013.

8. Elena Matei, Liliana Dumitrache, Gabriela Manea, Iuliana Vijulie, Laura Tarla, Dorin Matei: Urban sustainable development of the Romanian small towns in local communities and authorities' perception, pp. 347-356.13th International Multidisciplinar Scientific Geoconference Proceedings, Vol II: Ecology, Economics, Education and Legislation, ISBN 978-619-7105-05-6, ISSN 1314-2704, DOI 10.5593/sgem2013.

9.Matei Elena, Dumitrache Liliana., Manea Gabriela, Cocos, O., Mihalache Carmen (2013). Begging Phenomenon in Bucharest City: Dimensions and Patterns of Expression.Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala,43, 61-79,


1.DUMITRACHE Liliana, VINTILA (MANEA) Gabriela(1995) - “Un model de evaluare a dinamicii asezarilor rurale în perspectiva dezvoltarii durabile“, “Calitatea vietii“ – Revista de politici sociale, nr. 3-4, Anul 6, p. 281-288, Ed. Academiei Române, Bucuresti (Sociological Abstracts, Index Copernicus, CEEOL, Public Affairs Information Service (PAIS).Revista arecalificativul B+acordat de CNCSIS.

2. PATROESCU Maria, VINTILA (MANEA) Gabriela (1997)– Natural, Cultural and Historical Potential of the Iron Gates Natural Parc, InternationalScientific Journal “Geographica Pannonica“, vol. I, Publisher Faculty of Science, Department of Geography, Tourism & Hotel Management, p. 35 –38, ISSN 0354-8724 (Scopus - Elsevier`s bibliographic database, SCI - Serbian Citation Index, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, CGP – CurrentGeographical Publications (American Geographical Society Library; University of Wisconsin Milwaukee), GeoRef (AGI - American GeologicalInstitute).

3. MANEA Gabriela, MATEI Elena, TISCOVSCHI Adrian (2009) - Preliminary case study on the environmental quality and life quality in theRomanian rural rudimentary communities, „European Countryside” (Reviewed International Scientific On Line Journal in the Field of RuralResearch), p.227-240, Versita Publisher (partener Springer, De Gruyter, Aries, MetaPress, Ebrary),Warsaw, DOI 10.2478/v10091-009-0018-0.,ISSN 1803-8417

4. VIJULIE Iuliana,MANEA Gabriela, MARICA Mihaela,DOROBANŢU Hermina (2011), Méthodes d’identification de l’hétérogénéité des paysages urbains. Étude de cas: périmètres du quartier Berceni, Bucarest, Analele Universităţii Bucureşti, Seria Geografie, anul LX, Editura Universităţii din Bucureşti, p.63-74 (12 pagini, 10 figuri), ISSN 1013-4115. (GeoRef Serials List)

5. TIŞCOVSCHI A., MANEA Gabriela, MARINM. (2012) – Correlations Between Climatic Conditions and the Development of Winter Tourism in the Oriental Carpathians. Case Study:Harghita Mountains, Air and Water Components of the Environment, Presa Universitara Clujeana, p.181-186, ISSN : 2067-743x (BDI; DOAJ data base)

6.Tiscovschi A., Manea Gabriela, Cocos. O, Vijulie Iuliana, Cuculici Roxana (2013), Characteristic of aridity conditions in Southern Dobrogea, in “Riscuri si Catastrofe”, nr. XII, vol12, nr.1/2013,pp.57 -65, Casa Cartii de Stiinta,ISSN: 1584-5273

7.Iuliana Vijulie, Gabriela Manea, Elena Matei,Laura Tîrlă, Ionuţ Trinca,2013, Analysis of farming types’ characteristics in the Boianu Plain (Romania), HUMAN GEOGRAPHIES ,

8. Matei Elena, Tirla Laura,Manea Gabriela, Vijulie Iuliana, 2013, Urban, environmental and tourism state of the Romanian Carpathian small towns, Analele Universitatii Bucuresti:geografie, p. 163-172, ISSN: 1013-4115, ISSN Online: 2247 - 238X

9. Manea Gabriela, Nae Mirela, Matei Elena, Vijulie Iuliana,Tirla Laura, 2013, Raising awareness of volunteer tourism: experiencing the volunteer tourism among students and young researchers, GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites Year VI, no. 2, vol. 12, November 2013, pp. 111-119, Year 6, no.2, vol.12, ISSN 2065-1198, ISSN-L 2065-0817 Article no. 12104-129, Download:


a)ArticlespublishedinProceedings ofinternational conferences

VI.1. VINTILA (MANEA) Gabriela, BÂRLA Tatiana (1996) – La favorabilite des facteurs naturels pour la pratiquation du tourism dans les CarpathesOrientaux roumains - vue speciale sur le climat, Zbornik radova: Turisticiki potentiali YUGOSLAVIE, Novi Sad

VI.2. VINTILA (MANEA) Gabriela, MOCANU Nicolae, MIHAI Bogdan, MARIN Marian (1999) – Locvei Mountains and Sustainable development – areal oportunity? ,Danube-Cris-Mures-Tisa Euroregion Geoeconomical Space of Sustainable Development, p. 363-368, Univ. de Vest Timisoara,Univ. Szeged, Univ. Tubingen;

VI.3.VINTILA (MANEA) Gabriela, ARMAS Iuliana (2000) – Risk Factors Evaluation along the Danube Defile within the Context of SustainableDevelopment, în volumul "Geography within the Context of Sustainable Development", Facultatea de Geografie, Univ. Babes – Bolyai,Cluj-Napoca

VI.4TISCOVSCHI Adrian, MANEA Gabriela, MARIN Marian (2004) – Factori de risc în raport cu amenajarea teritoriului. Studiu de caz: proceselegeomorfologice actuale si fenomenele meteorologice severe din regiunea Cernavoda, Geography within the Context of Contemporary Development2001 – 2003, Ed. Napoca Star, p.164-168, Cluj Napoca

VI.5MANEA Gabriela, MARIN Marian, TISCOVSCHI Adrian (2007) – Tourism Valorisation of Roumanian Protected Areas – anOpportunity forRegional Sustainable Development, in “Naucno-strucni casopis iz turizma –Turizam. Savremene tendencije u turizmu, hotelijerstvu i gastronomiji,br.11, YU ISSN 1450-6661

VI.6.MANEA Gabriela, GHEORGHILAS Aurel (2009)- The development of tourism activities – the opportunity to an economical new launch of theinhabited settings in Campulung depression, Volumul primei conferinte internationale de turism carpatic „Sustainable Tourism Development in TheCarpathians”, Busteni, 2009, ISSN: 2066 - 6144

VI.7.MANEA Gabriela, MATEI Elena (2009)- The benefits of the past projects aiming on conservation and the habitat’s management in the IronGates Natural Park, for 10 years of existence, in „4th Symposium for Research in Protected Areas 2009 Conference Volume”, Printing office of theFederal State Government of Salzburg, ISBN-13 978-3-9502062-1-0

VI.8.MATEI Elena, MANEA Gabriela, TISCOVSCHI Adrian (2010) – The State of Urban Development in the Small Romanian Towns –Centers ofMetals Mining and Metallurgy After 2005, in Journal of EcoAgriTourism, vol. 6(2010), Nr. 1 (18), p. 139 – 148, ISSN: 1844 – 8577

VI.9. Iuliana Vijulie,Laura Tîrlă, Gabriela Manea, Elena Matei, Roxana Cuculici (2013), Forest management in the Piatra Craiului National Park, between economic benefits and ecosystem services, Conference volume. 5th Symposium for Research in Protected Areas, 10-12 June 2013, Mittersill, Austria, p. 783-788, ISBN online: 978-3-200-03106-7, ISBN Printed: 978-3-200-03107-4.

VI.10.Gabriela Manea, Iuliana Vijulie,Elena Matei, Roxana Cuculici, Laura Tîrlă (2013), Constraints and Challenges in the Creation and Public Use of the Protected Areas within the City. Case Study: Lake Vacaresti – Bucharest Cityonference volume. 5th Symposium for Research in Protected Areas, 10-12 June 2013, Mittersill, Austria, p. 491-496, ISBN online: 978-3-200-03106-7, ISBN Printed: 978-3-200-03107-4.

VI.11. Laura Tîrlă, Iuliana Vijulie,Elena Matei, Gabriela Manea, Roxana Cuculici (2013), Proceedings, The 8th Romanian – TurkishGeographical Academic Symposium(2-11 september, 2012, Bucharest-Slănic Moldova-Sinaia, Romania), Land use–increased human impact and landslides in Carpathian resorts (Băile Olăneşti, Romania), Editura Universităţii din Bucureşti, p. 123-134, ISBN: 978-606-16-0268-1

b)Abstracts published in Proceedings

VI. 9.MANEA Gabriela, MATEI Elena, TISCOVSCHI Adrian (2008) –

Some aspects concerning the environment quality and life quality in the Romanian rural rudimentary communities (Case study), in “Abstract ofpapers of the 1st Moravian Conference on Rural Research”, Brno, Czech Republic, August 25-29, ISBN 978-80-7375-206-4.

VI.10.TISCOVSCHI Adrian, MATEI Elena, MANEA Gabriela(2010) – The Winter Climatic Conditions Favorability for Tourism Development in theEastern Carpathians. Case study: Harghita Mountains, „Conference Proceedings of the 1st Forum Carpaticum – Integrating Nature and SocietyTowards Sustainability „– september 15-18 2010, Krakow, Poland, p. 33, ISBN: 978-83-88424-54-0, Institut of Geography and Spatial Management,Jagiellonian University

VI. 11. MANEA Gabriela, MATEI Elena, MARIN Marian, TISCOVSCHI Adrian (2010) – Tradition and Modernity in Muscel Countryside. Case Study:Villages of Valea Mare Pravat, Leresti and Mioarele, in the Conference Reader of „The 4thInternational Conference <Rural Space and LocalDevelopment>, Presa Universitara Clujeana, p.115-116, ISBN: 978-973-595-136-8

VI.12. VIJULIE Iuliana, MANEA Gabriela, MATEI Elena, TÎRLĂ Laura- The cultural and tourism functions of the archaeological landscapes. Case Study: Draganesti Olt archaeo-park, 26 -28mai 2011, p.36-37,

VI.13. VIJULIE Iuliana, MANEA Gabriela, PREDA Mihaela, TIRLA Laura, CUCULICI Roxana (2011) - Hierarchical distribution of the rural landscapes in the Boianu Plain according to their vulnerability to degradation and resistance to human pressure, The 3th International Sympozium of Geography. Landscape, perception, knowledge, awareness and action ,8-10 april 2011, Bucharest-Rasnov, Romania, Book of abstracts,p.136, ISBN 978-973-163-638-2

VI.14. MANEA Gabriela, MATEI Elena, VIJULIE Iuliana, NAE Mirela (2011) - Voluntourism: a New concept, a New Form of Tourism, in Simpozionul international “destinatii Turistice Durabile. Identitate, imagine si Inovare, Universitatea Babes –Boliay, Facultatea de Geografie, Cluj – Napoca, Romania, 23-24 septembrie 2011, Conference abstracts,

VI.15.ACHIM Elena,MANEA Gabriela, COCOS O., VIJULIEIuliana(2011) - Ecological reconstruction of the plain areas in Romania prone to climate aridisation, through forest protection belts. Case study: the Oltenia Plain (Dabuleni Town), p. 74,

VI.16. VIJULIE Iuliana, MANEAGabriela, PREDA Mihaela, Tîrlă Laura, MATEIElena (2012),Vulnerability to degradation of rural landscape. Case study: Boianu Plain, The 4th International Symposium of Geography. Landscapes: perception, knowledge, awareness and action, 11-13 may 2012, Bucharest – Sărata Monteoru, România, Book of abstracts, p.90, Editura Fundaţiei România de Mâine, ISSN 2284-9890; ISSN-L 2284-9890.

VI.17. MANEA Gabriela,Matei Elena,TÎRLĂ Laura,TISCOVSCHI Adrian,VIJULIE Iuliana(2012),Geographical arguments for the reconsideration of romanian functional areas of public roads planning. Case study on representative samples, The 4th International Symposium of Geography. Landscapes: perception, knowledge, awareness and action, 11-13 may 2012, Bucharest – Sărata Monteoru, România, Book of abstracts, p.57, Editura Fundaţiei România de Mâine, ISSN 2284-9890; ISSN-L 2284-9890.

VI.18. MATEI Elena, TÎRLĂ Laura, MANEA Gabriela, VIJULIE Iuliana (2012), Urban, environmental and tourism indices used in evaluation of the tourism development opportunities. Case study: the Romanian Carpathian small towns. Conference Abstracts of the Int. Conf. FORUM CARPATICUM 2012 (30 May – 2 June, Stará Lesná, Slovakia), p.34-36. Nitra: Martin Boltižiar (ed.). ISBN 978-80-968901-9-4.

VI.19. MANEAGabriela,MATEI Elena,TÎRLĂLaura, VIJULIE Iuliana,MARIN M. (2012),Mateiaş Mount – A disappearing Natural Entity, International Conference “Pro mountains: Environment-Tourism – Sustainable Development”,Conference Abstracts, Editura Universitara,pp. 26 – 27, Bucuresti, ISBN 978-606-591-516-9.

VI.20.MATEI Elena, MANEA Gabriela, VIJULIE Iuliana, CUCULICI Roxana, TÎRLĂ Laura, MATEI D. (2012), Domestic Visitor’ Satisfaction upon Basic Tourism Services in the Romanian Carpathians, International Conference “Pro mountains: Environment-Tourism – Sustainable Development”

Conference Abstracts, Editura Universitara, pp. 29, Bucuresti, ISBN 978-606-591-516-9.

VI.21. VIJULIE Iuliana, MATEI Elena, MANEA Gabriela,TÎRLĂ Laura, TIŞCOVSCHI Adrian (2012), Bucovina- conservation of traditions versus Modernization.Case Studies: Ciocăneşti and Voroneţ Settlements, Suceava County, International Conference “Pro mountains: Environment-Tourism – Sustainable Development”,Conference Abstracts, Editura Universitara, pp. 43-44, Bucuresti, ISBN 978-606-591-516-9.

VI.22.Iuliana Vijulie, Laura Tîrlă, Roxana Cuculici, Gabriela Manea, Mihaela Preda, Elena Matei (2013), Low Danube Valley landscape reconstruction based on cartographic documents, Abstract Proceedings of the 5th Int. Conf. Landscapes: perception, knowledge, awareness and action (17-19 May, 2013), Editura Fundaţiei România de Mâine, p.129, ISSN: 2284-9890.

VI.23. Gabriela Manea, Adrian Tişcovschi, Elena Matei, Iuliana Vijulie, Daniel Diaconu, Roxana Cuculici, Mihaela Preda, (2013), The climatic potential of Bucharest – an argument for implementing the organic urbanism, Abstract Proceedings of the 5th Int. Conf. Landscapes: perception, knowledge, awareness and action (17-19 May, 2013), Editura Fundaţiei România de Mâine, p.72, ISSN: 2284-9890.

VI.24. Mihaela Preda, Iuliana Vijulie, Gabriela Manea, Alina Mareci, Laura Tîrlă (2013), The socio-economic importance of marriage for the rroma population and its role in school abandonment. Case study: Strehaia town, Abstract Proceedings of the 5th Int. Conf. Landscapes: perception, knowledge, awareness and action (17-19 May, 2013), Editura Fundaţiei România de Mâine, p.99, ISSN: 2284-9890.