Related Documents;
1. Use of Personal Protective Equipment Procedure
2. COSHH Product Knowledge and Control
3. Cleaning Product List
4. Hazards Groups A-E
5. Data Sheets
1. Purpose
1.1. To ensure that YMCA Tees Valley controls the use of hazardous materials under the Control of Substance Hazardous to Health Regulation 2002.
1.2. To ensure relevant information on substances is gathered and each evaluated to establish they are safe to use and the relevant control measure are put in place for staff safety.
2. Scope
2.1. This procedure covers the responsibility of all Operational Leads to ensure all COSHH assessments are completed by a competent member of staff and are reviewed annually or when there have been any changes.
3. Core Principles
3.1. The Operational Lead will ensure COSHH assessments are carried out by a competent person; this may be the Operational Lead themselves.
3.2. The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 requires employers to assess the risk to staff and put in place control measures and if required provide personal protective equipment.
3.3. YMCA Tees Valley has a standardised list of cleaning products that are to be used. Only products from the list are to be purchased and used. All projects should not purchase anything other than what is on the list.
3.4. If substances are required for specialist cleaning the Safety Training Officer must be informed. The safety Training Officer will aquire the relevant data sheet and include it to the COSHH list. Any Personal Protective equipment required will be stated on the COSHH risk assessment.
3.5. All products must be kept in a COSHH storage cupboard that can be locked and is out of sight from visitors, service users and the general public. Only authorised people should have access to the key. Personal Protective Equipment such as gloves, aprons, goggles will be kept in the cupboard and must be used when handling hazardous materials.
3.6. If it is decided, after assessments are complete that a certain product is deemed too dangerous, then is must be removed and disposed off safely. Assessments will be determined using the HSE hierarchy of control list, which can be obtained from the Safety Training Officer.
4. Procedure
4.1. The product knowledge and control document will be held in the COSHH file. This will document each product that is used, the hazards or risks, the control measures in place; if training is required and if further actions are needed. All actions must be signed out when completed.
4.2. When assessing the risk, the means of exposure needs to be considered. Could a person be exposed through breathing in fumes, skin contact, swallowing, contact with eyes or contact with punctured skin? If yes, then control measures must be put in place. All control measures must be documented on the product knowledge and control form.
4.3. When assessing hazardous materials, staff should refer to the ‘Hazard Group A-E’ document to establish if the material causes harm when breathed in, this information will also be on the data sheets. If materials do cause harm through breathing in, then it must be decided by the assessor if the controls measure would be adequate e.g. ensure there is the ability to ventilate the area when using the product.
4.4. Each product must have a corresponding data sheet which will hold all the details of the product and be kept in the COSHH file.
4.5. Before a person starts to use any products, they must familiarise themselves with it and be aware of any potential hazards, danger labels and if required, what personal protective equipment needs to be used when handling the product. All staff using materials should read the product knowledge and controls document and sign to acknowledge understanding before use.
4.6. When using the products, the instruction on the packaging and data sheet must be followed e.g. how much is to be used and the purpose of the product.
4.7. When new products are added to the standardised list, a new data sheet must be printed out and put in the COSHH file. The item must be added to the product knowledge and control form and staff updated.
4.8. When the assessor has completed the product knowledge and control document, they must sign the form, add the renewal date and be aware of any actions that need to be completed.
5. Documentation
5.1. Each service or office must have a COSHH file.
5.2. Each file should hold:-
Ø Datasheets for each product
Ø Product Knowledge and Controls Document
Ø Hazard Groups A-E information
Ø Standardised cleaning materials
5.3. The COSHH file must be reviewed annually by the Safety Training Officer unless new products are added.
5.4. The file must be available to all staff that comes into contact with any hazardous materials.
Version 4
Uncontrolled when printed Page 1 of 3
Date issued 05/10/2015