SINCE 1950

  1. Knowledge Organiser Pupil Assessment

Pupil: ______Class:______Date: ______

Key Question 1a : Complete the table of circuit symbols for different components.
Component / Symbol


Key Question 1b:Draw a circuit diagram to represent the circuit for this torch.
Key Question 2a: Tick the box to show whether the bulb will light in this circuit. Explain the reasons for your choice. (Remember to use precise scientific vocabulary)

Reason: ______
Key Question 2b: Tick one box to show which bulbs will be brightest. Explain your choice below.

Reason: ______
Key Question 2c: Complete the table showing how these changes will affect the brightness of the bulb in this circuit (e.g. Brighter, dimmer, no change)

Change / Effect
Adding another battery (cell)
Using thinner wire
Using shorter wire
Adding another bulb (in series)
Using a larger bulb
Adding a buzzer
Key Question 3: Draw two circuit diagrams with one cell and two bulbs – one a series circuit and the other a parallel circuit
Series / Parallel
Key Question 4: Extension
Describe some advantages of a parallel circuit as compared to a series one.
Answer in full sentences:

Pupil name: ______DATE: ______

Topic: ______

An Emerging pupil will:
  • Still be developing their understanding of the topic
  • Only be able to recall limited facts from the knowledge organiser and use some scientific vocabulary correctly.
  • Identify most circuit symbols (not always accurately joined in diagrams)
  • Not have achieved all of the expected statements

An Expected pupil will demonstrate knowledge of:
  • Able to recall knowledge from the KO
  • Recall knowledge accurately and use most scientific vocabulary accurately.
  • Use conventions to draw diagrams (circuit diagrams)
  • Score 4 or above but not 7 out of 7

An Exceeding pupil will meet all Expected criteria and show further development by:
  • Evidence of wider reading through discussion or extracurricular work nd precise use of scientific vocabulary.
  • Score 7out of 7 (including the extension question) with additional detail showing evidence of wider reading.
  • Applied knowledge is evident through discussions and class learning
  • Evidence of links between topics
  • In depth knowledge of topic
  • Recalls facts that have not been taught in class

NOTE: Where pupils written skills are below their own level of understanding, the assessment can be completed orally with T/TA support.

Class: ______Date: ______

Subject: ______Topic: ______

Pupil / Emerging (1) / Expected (2) / Exceeding (3)
Number of pupils / /30 / /30 / /30
% of pupils working at this level / % / % / %

Grid to explain End of Year Assessment Judgements

123 can be scored in any order. For Science, this may be assessed more frequently

AUT / SPR / SUM / EOY Level for Year group
1 / 1 / 1 / B
1 / 1 / 2 / W
1 / 2 / 2 / S
2 / 2 / 2 / S
2 / 2 / 3 / S+
2 / 3 / 3 / B (year above)
3 / 3 / 3 / B+ (year above)