Reinventing Careers - Career Development That Works For All
Monday 4 December 2017
Sponsored by:Conference themes:
- Future of work
- The guidance/coaching paradigm
- Digital skills for career professionals
8.30 / Registration – Calon Suite
- 10.30 / Welcome and Opening of the Exhibition - The Malvern Suite
Virginia Isaac, CDI President and Exhibition Sponsors, OCR
10.35 / Introduction and Announcements –The Brueton Suite (seated)
Jan Ellis, CDI Chief Executive
10.40 / Opening of the Fourth Annual Conference – The Brueton Suite
Virginia Isaac, CDI President
- 11.55 / Keynote 1 : Jobs,Economic Growth and theImportance of Lifelong Career Development for All- The Brueton Suite
Chaired by Laura Bell, President Elect
- Rt. Hon Anne Milton, Minister of State for Apprenticeships and Skills and Minister for Women
- Wing Commander Bob Bamford, The RAF
12.00 / Workshops I
13.00 / Buffet Lunch and Exhibition–The Malvern Suite and Foyer
- 14.55 / Keynote 2:The Future of Work - The Brueton Suite
Chaired by Julie-Anne Jamieson, CDI Director
•The future of work is human, Peter Cheese, CE CIPD - the professional body for HR and people development
•Career development: A global movement, Professor Tristram Hooley
•Career Management Skills: Managing the paradigm shift from matching to constructing career, Dr Siobhan Neary, Head of the International Centre for Guidance Studies (iCeGS), University of Derby
- 15.55 / Workshops II
16.00 / Exhibition–The Malvern Suite
Refreshments will be provided
16.30 / CDI AGM–Gloucester 1
17.30 / Day One Ends
19.00 / Conference Reception and Dinner (19.30)The Brueton Foyer
Black Tie Dinner with a James Bond ‘Casino Royale’ theme
22.00 / Casino Evening (sponsored by)
Dancing and bar until 1.00 am
Tuesday 5 December 2017
8.30 / Registrationfor Day Delegates–Gloucester Suite Foyer9.15
- 10.10 / Workshops III
-11.10 / Workshops IV
11.15 / Refreshments– The Brueton Foyer
12.00 / Keynote 3: Guidance/Coaching Paradigm – The Brueton Suite
Chaired by Claire Nix, CDI Director
- Career coaching: innovative new direction or just guidance in a suit?, Dr Julia Yates, Programme Director, MSc Organisational Psychology, City, University of London
- A school approach to career coaching, Debbie Horner, Head of Careers, Rugby School
13.00 / Lunch – The Tempus Restaurant
2-course hot buffet
14.00 / Keynote4: Digital skills: what career professionals need to know- The Brueton Suite
Chaired by
•Thinking digitally – harnessing digital technology to re-think the way we work, Nicki Moore, Senior Lecturer in Career Development, International Centre for Guidance Studies, (iCeGS), University of Derby
•Digital Transformation: Careers Wales– A vision for change,Sarah Finnegan-Dehn, Director of Service Development, Careers Wales
•Flourish: How to Build a Thriving Career Practice in the Digital Age,Ruth Winden, Director, Careers Enhanced Ltd
15.00 / Welcoming the new CDI President, Laura Bell - The Brueton Suite
Chaired by Virginia Isaac
15.30 / Conference Closes
CDI Annual Conference 2017Draft 2