SPIRITUAL DIRECTOR APPLICATION: ¨ Westminster ¨ Steppingstone ¨ Kalos
PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE COMPLETING THIS FORM: Participation on a team is a blessing! Prayerfully consider the responsibilities of team participation before you apply. Team members should be attending monthly gatherings, be participating in a 4th Day group, and be active in their own 4th Day. Although there are exceptions for SDs, team members are also required to complete a minimum of 22 team meeting hours, hear 12 of the 15 talks, and attend the team commissioning, critique/reunion, and cleanup for the next team. If your team uses the teaming retreat alternative, you are asked to attend as much of the weekend as possible. The only cost to SD’s serving on a 7MWWJesus weekend would be the team fee designated by the team Cadre. The weekend Fee for SD’s is waived. However this is not the case if you are serving as an SD on a Kalos weekend. Both weekend and Team fees are paid by the SD. Currently weekend fees are $240 and team fees vary with each team. If you are willing to make these commitments a priority, then you are encouraged to complete and submit this application. An SD on the 7MWWJ Board of Directors will contact you. PLEASE SUBMIT WITH THIS APPLICATION A PHOTOCOPY OF YOUR ORDINATION OR CERTIFICATION CREDENTIALS.
The Seven Mile Walk with Jesus community is committed to ensuring the participation of all eligible persons, regardless of how he/she is physically challenged. If you require special rooming facilities, or need assistance moving about the grounds of the facility, please check the box below and describe the assistance you will need.
Name: ______You like to be called: ______
Address: ______City: ______
State: ______Zip: ______Email: ______Phone: ______
Name & Denomination of Church you attend: ______
If you use sign language interpreting do you prefer: ¨ASL ¨Signed English ¨Oral Interpreting
Date/Place of Original 7MWWJ/Emmaus/Chrysalis/Kalos/Cursillo weekend: ______
Date/Place of 4th Day Workshop or Equivalent: ______
Are you ordained or certified to serve Holy Communion in your denomination? ¨Yes ¨No
You are encouraged to be involved in your own 4th Day. Do you regularly attend gatherings? ¨Yes ¨No
Are you grouping, that is do you get together with a small group of fellow Christians on a regular basis? ¨Yes ¨No
Prior teaming experiences: list weekend number, location, and talks given: ______
What are your reasons for wanting to serve on team? ______
Do you require special rooming facilities or need assistance moving about the grounds of the facility? ¨ Yes, the following assistance is needed: ______
Applicant‘s Signature:______Date: ______
Credentials Attached: ¨Yes ¨No
Return completed application to the Board LSD via the link on the 7MWWJ website Data page:
Seven Mile Walk with Jesus SD Application Revised 06/15/2015