Definition list Chapter 1: Australia, close-up and far away
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Area / A small or a large part of the earth’s surface(see region) / Gebied
Man-made elements / Elements in a landscape, made by humans, with a fixed location (vaste plaats) such as houses, roads, factories (fabrieken), train rail, fields (akkers), grazing land (weilanden) / Inrichtingselementen
Man-made landscape / A landscape where people have built houses, roads etc. or re-organized land into fields and farmland / Ingericht landschap/ cultuurlandschap
Natural elements / Original elements in a landscape, made by nature and untouched by humans / Natuurlijke elementen
Natural landscape / A landscape that is still in its original state, untouched by humans / Natuurlandschap
Population density / The number of inhabitants per square kilometre (km2) calculation: inhabitants divided by (gedeeld door) surface area / Bevolkingsdichtheid
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General map / A map that gives a general overview of a specific region / OverzichtskaartLegend / An explanation of the meaning of colours and symbols on a map / Legenda
Map / A scale drawing of a region / Kaart
Map-reading / Understanding what you see on a map. You need three main tools: the title, the legend and the scale. Sometimes you need the north arrow if north is not middle above on the map / Kaartlezen
Population distribution / The spread of people across a country or a region / Bevolkingsspreiding
Scale / A number which shows how far an area has been downsized on a map / Schaal
Thematic map / A map that deals with one specific topic (onderwerp) like climate / Thematische kaart
Topographic map / A map that gives a precise description of an area / Topografische kaart
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Suburb / A spacious area on the outer edges of a city with many detached houses and green spaces in-between / Buitenwijk/ voorstadParagraph 4
Scale level / The level of detail in a map: local, regional, national, international, global / SchaalniveauZooming-in / Looking at a specific place in more detail. Moving from a larger area to a smaller area / Inzoomen
Zooming-out / Moving further away from the earth. Moving from a small area to a larger area / Uitzoomen
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Absolute distance / Distance measured in a straight line (in kilometres) / Afstand hemelsbreedBar chart / A statistical diagram that uses bars (staven) / Staafdiagram
Emigrant / A person who leaves his own country to live permanently somewhere else (like from the Netherlands to England) / Emigrant
Immigrant / A person from abroad who comes to live permanently in a country (like from England to the Netherlands / Immigrant
Line chart / A statistical diagram that uses lines / Lijndiagram
Pie chart / A circular diagram divided into percentages / cirkeldiagram
Relative distance / Distance measured in travel time / Werkelijke afstand
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Circle of latitude / An imaginary line that passes through places with the same latitude (see parallel) / breedtecirkelCircle of longitude / An imaginary line that passes through places with the same longitude (see meridian) / lengtecirkel
Eastern hemisphere / The eastern half of the earth / Oostelijk halfrond
Eastern longitude / Easterly distance (in degrees) between a specific place and the prime meridian / Oosterlengte
Equator / An imaginary line that divides the world in two halves: the northern hemisphere and the southern hemisphere / Evenaar
High latitude / An indication that a place is far from the equator / Hoge breedte
latitude / The distance of a place from the equator, measured in degrees / breedteligging
longitude / The distance of a place from the prime meridian, measured in degrees / lengteligging
Low latitude / An indication that a place is close to the equator / Lage breedte
Meridian / An imaginary line that passes through places with the same longitude (see circle of longitude) / lengtecirkel
Northern hemisphere / The northern half of the earth / Noordelijk halfrond
Northern latitude / A latitude in the northern hemisphere / Noorderbreedte
Parallel / An imaginary line that passes through places with the same latitude (see circle of latitude) / breedtecirkel
Prime meridian / The circle of longitude that runs through Greenwich England (near London) / Nulmeridiaan/ Greenwichmeridiaan
Southern hemisphere / The southern half of the earth / Zuidelijk halfrond
Southern latitude / A latitude in the southern hemisphere / Zuiderbreedte
Western longitude / Westerly distance (in degrees) between a specific place and the prime meridian / Westerlengte
Western hemisphere / The western half of the earth / Westelijk halfrond