March 29, 2007, School Board Minutes, Page 3


DRAFT -4/5/07

FINAL – 4/12/07


March 29, 2007

Roll Call / 1. The meeting of the Gadsden School Board convened in open session at 7:10 p.m. with President Maria Saénz presiding. This meeting was held in the Gadsden Administrative Complex Board Room in Sunland Park, New Mexico.
Board Members present were Mr. Daniel Castillo, Mr. Craig Ford, Ms. Maria E. Saénz and Mrs. Jennifer Viramontes. Absent - Mrs. Manuela Huerta.
Pledge &
Mission Statement / 2. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. The mission statement was read by Mrs. Viramontes.
Supt.'s Report / 3. Programs, Reports, and Correspondence:
A. Superintendent’s Report
Supt. Haugen gave the Board a handout on direct appropriations from Senator Nava. This included GMS classroom additions, GMS Health Center, GISD Playground Equipment Improvements, STMS Band Equipment, STHS Mariachi Band Uniforms and CHS Field House for a total of $1,095,000.00.
Supt. Haugen gave the Board a N.M. Legislative Report. Senator Nava was rated number one in the overall ranking as prime sponsor of bills (26 bills) passed in the Senate.
Supt. Haugen gave out a copy of an article from the American Federation of Teachers Magazine comparing Standards and Benchmarks of the education departments in the united states. The article rates New Mexico’s Standards and Benchmarks as one of the highest in the nation.
Supt. Haugen thanked everyone responsible for organizing and preparing for the Region VII School Board meeting scheduled for Tuesday, April 24, 2007.
Board President’s Report / B. President Saénz said that she had attended the Celebrating Hispanics in Education conference in Albuquerque and was impressed with the districts presentation on Balanced Literacy and G.M.I. She enjoyed both video presentations and congratulated Mr. Ruiloba for his work on putting the videos together.
Members / C. Board Members:
Mr. Castillo congratulated the Culinary Arts students from GHS. The students will be showcased on KTSM noon news show and on KFOX.
Mr. Ford also attended the Celebrating Hispanics in Education conference. He congratulated both Cissy Andreas and Cheryl Coyle on their job with GMI in addition to Pat Waugh and Ann Stienhoff on their presentation on Balanced Literacy. Mr. Ford congratulated Maribel Salido -6th grade student at Chaparral Elementary on her winning the Spanish Spelling Bee, she qualified to go to Albuquerque for the state Spanish Spelling Bee competition.
Mrs. Viramontes said that there would also be two more students from Santa Teresa Middle and Santa Teresa Elementary going to Albuquerque for the Spanish Spelling Bee. The English Spelling Bee is held in El Paso and the district will be well represented. Mrs. Viramontes went to the Loma Linda Literary Festival to help judge. She also went to STHS for Literacy week to read and took her board policy handbook to show the students how reading affects education. Mrs. Viramontes also attended the Prices Creameries “Give them Five” banquet and mentioned that Sunland Park, Sunrise and Santa Teresa Elementary schools received grant money for their various projects.
Mrs. Huerta - absent.
Student Rep. / D. Bobby Salcedo – absent
Personnel Report / E. Mr. Haugen informed the Board that the personnel report was included for their information and no action was required.
of the Agenda / 4. Mrs. Viramontes made motion to accept the agenda without modifications. Supt. Haugen recommended approval of the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Consent Agenda / 5. Mrs. Viramontes moved to approve the consent agenda as presented. Supt. Haugen recommended approval of the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Open Forum / 6. Open Forum - None
Banking Resolution / 7. Action Items:
A. Associate Supt. Garcia explained the Banking Resolution. She stated that it will update district personnel and board members who are authorized to sign payments and payroll. Mr. Castillo made a motion to approve the Banking Resolution. Supt. Haugen recommended approval of the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Math and Fine Arts Adoption / B. Mr. Castillo made a motion to approve recommendations made by the committees for the Math and Fine Arts adoption. Supt. Haugen recommended approval of the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Policy IM – Graduation Requirements Revised / C. Supt. Haugen explained that with Chaparral High School going to the same schedule as the two other high schools Policy IM was revised to include credit changes for CHS students. Mrs. Viramontes made a motion to approve Policy IM – Graduation Requirements as revised. Supt. Haugen recommended approval of the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Aging & Long Term Services Department / D. Mr. Ford made a motion to approve the Memorandum of Agreement with the Aging and Long Term Services Department. Supt. Haugen recommended approval of the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
District Report Card / 8. Discussion Items:
A. Supt. Haugen said that the district had received the District Report Card from the Public Education Department. The District Report Card has been posted on our website. Supt. Haugen provided a hard copy for the Board members to have and highlighted pertinent information.
District Technology Plan / B. Mrs. Raihl reported to the Board on the District Technology Plan. A committee was established and has been meeting to discuss meeting the technology needs of the students. A plan will be presented for board approval.
Construction Update / C. Mr. Boyd gave an update to the Board on construction projects and their status throughout the district.
Closed Session / 9. Mrs. Viramontes motioned to go into closed Personnel Session Pursuant to NMSA 1978, 10-15-1, H-2 to discuss personnel actions, pending litigation, collective bargaining. Real Property Pursuant to 10-15-1, H, NMSA 1978 as amended to discuss Purchase of Land. Supt. Haugen recommended approval of the motion. Motion carried unanimously. The Board went into Closed Session at 8:35 p.m.
in Open Session / 10. Mrs. Viramontes motioned to reconvene in open session. Supt. Haugen recommended approval of the motion. Motion carried unanimously. The Board reconvened in Open Session at 9:03 p.m.
Adjourned / Mr. Ford motioned to adjourn the meeting. Supt. Haugen recommended approval of the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 9:04 p.m.



Manuela Huerta, School Board Secretary Maria E. Saénz, School Board President