Regular School Board Meeting

Thursday, November 6, 2014

7:00 p.m. – Talent Middle School


CALL TO ORDER / ·  The meeting was called to order at Talent Middle School at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Craig Prewitt. Other Board Members present: Ruth Staten, Marina Piacentini, and Debra McAlister. Absent: Dawn Watson, Bob Kerlinger and Rick Nagel. Also present: Jeff Johnson, Carol Cox, Curt Shenk, Cally McKenzie, Brent Barry, Aaron Santi, Patrick Couture, Shawna Schlief, Suzanne Foster, Michael Shunk, Brandi Randall, Ronnie Thompson, Maria Thompson, David Marshall, Supt. Teresa Sayre, and Board Secretary Sarie Wu.
ACCENTUATE THE POSITIVE / ·  TMS Principal Aaron Santi welcomed the Board to the middle school. He pointed out that the school received a new mural displaying the artwork of former student Jose Rivera. The mural is located in the main hallway across from the front office. Next Thursday will be Beginning Band Night at 6:30 p.m. in the gym at TMS.
·  TES Principal Curt Shenk announced the Fall Festival was a great success with a huge turnout. Mr. Shenk recognized Sonia Mendez, a Sped IA, for all the work she does for TES. Ms. Mendez wears many hats and aids in several different programs around lots of different buildings. Mr. Shenk thanked her for all her work. Mr. Shenk also thanked Linda Cooley for putting together to the Veteran’s Day project on display at TES. Students and staff were able to recognize their past and current ties to military service members. It’s a great idea and looks wonderful in front of TES.
·  OHES Principal Brent Barry informed the Board his school participated in a lockdown drill in partnership with the Medford Police Department and SRO Janet Bailey. Seven officers came to the school and they gave lots of great suggestions for how the school could improve its preparedness. Mr. Barry recognized Carolyn White and Chris Dovci for putting together data to support EBISS team meetings. OHES will hold a Bingo Night on Friday, some amazing prize baskets have been prepared for the event. Mr. Barry also shared that the costume parade was a great success at OHES. More parents came to observe than had ever participated before.
·  PHS Asst. Principal Shawna Schleif announced that the cross country teams at PHS did well at State. Girls came in first and boys ranked second in their events. The soccer team will compete against Henley on Saturday and the football team has a playoff game Friday. The FFA team just returned from Nationals. Jordan Stevens and McKenzie Champion, graduates from last year attended the event. Jennifer Gargus, Irving Cortez, Lily Smith and Lilian Tegner all received a silver award at the competition. PHS held their first ever Career Event. This was a great experience for the students and went very well. Ms. Schleif recognized Sarah Sievert, Fernando Juarez and Henry Juarez for coordinating the Hispanic Parent Night at PHS. They sent out individual invitations to parents and the program had a great turnout.
·  ATI Teacher Jeff Johnson informed the Board that the enrollment numbers at the charter school are up and continuing to stay up. The students are keeping it together as best they can with the winter break approaching. Chairman Prewitt stated that he is always happy for opportunities to talk with the community about the District’s partnership with ATI. PTS hopes to continue to support ATI’s work with kids and see them succeed.
CITIZEN’S COMMENTS / ·  TMS Wrestling Coach Ronnie Thompson thanked the Board for the opportunity for citizen’s comments during meetings. Mr. Thompson thanked the Board, Toby Walker, David Marshall, and Maria Thompson for their work in the selection and purchase of new mats. Mr. Thompson specifically thanked Toby for asking Sean Willis, Steve Santoni, and Maria Thompson to participate in the coalition for choosing wrestling mats for PTS. Mr. Thompson also shared that is was a great experience to serve on the hiring committee for the new PHS wrestling coach. The hiring committee was made up of a great team who really care about athletics as a continuation of students’ education.
SUPERINTEDENT’S REPORT / ·  Supt. Sayre presented the Board with a proposal for a pilot program at TMS. The program would be designed as a school-within-a-school and would expand on ideas from the ODP program. The District will work with parents on planning the program. Once this process is complete a curriculum proposal will be presented to the Board to review. Supt. Sayre invited the Board to participate in this process and to ask Principal Santi or Asst. Principal Couture any questions that come up along the way. The program will be based off of STEM.
·  Supt. Sayre informed the Board that if they still had their laminated business cards form last year they can serve as a pass to events at the schools. If any Board Member no longer has their laminated business card Supt. Sayre asked them to let Sarie to make them a new one. Playoff games are OSAA sanctioned so these passes will not work and the admittance fee will need to be paid.
·  The legislature is considering funding the implementation full-day kindergarten. Supt. Sayre informed the Board that PTS if fully prepared to implement these classes. It would just be a matter of extending the current ¾ days into full days. The District will continue to watch the State legislative session to see if kindergarten will be funded.
·  Supt. Sayre presented the Board with a sample application for extra-curricular activities. There are some new activities which schools would like to offer students. Teachers can use this form to apply for their activity to be considered for a stipend. A committee will review the applications to make this determination. Supt. Sayre noted that teachers already do a lot of activities around the District that are not paid. She invited the Board to let her know if they’re interested in serving on the review committee.
·  Rob Saxton visited with the superintendents of Southern Oregon on October 29. He discussed funding and some other issues being considered for changes. One suggested change relates to instructional hours. On November 24th, the local legislators will attend a meeting at the ESD where superintendents will have further opportunity discuss these issues.
·  Approval of Agenda
·  Approval of Minutes for 10/16/14
·  Personnel Report / ·  Chairman Prewitt presented the Personnel Report for review which included the following:
Manny Crump, as 7th Grade JV Boys Basketball Coach at TMS
Marcel D’Haem, as Brain Bowl Advisor at TMS
Joel Gibson, as Head Wrestling Coach at PHS
Joni Ellis, as Payroll Specialist at PTS
Effective: December 31st, 2014
Ms. Ellis will continue in the same position on a Retiree Re-Employment Agreement through June 30, 2015
Sara Enriquez, as Math Teacher at TMS
Effective: December 31st, 2014
Ms. Enriquez will continue in the same position on a Retiree Re-Employment Agreement through June 30, 2015
Steve Sincerny, as Science Teacher at TMS
Effective: December 31st, 2014
Mr. Sincerny will continue in the same position on a Retiree Re-Employment Agreement through June 30, 2015
Joyce Squire, as Media Specialist at TMS
Effective: December 31st, 2014
Ms. Squire will continue in the same position on a Retiree Re-Employment Agreement through June 30, 2015
·  On motion by Director Piacentini, seconded by Director Staten to approve of the consent agenda as presented was approved by unanimous consent.
PHS SIGNAGE / ·  Chairman Prewitt presented the proposed PHS signage to the Board for consideration. At the last meeting the Board received colored photos of the proposed signs. These signs include a new auto shop sign and one of the three proposed memorial signs. Once the Board approves the memorial sign samples the student body can then vote on which of the three they’d like the best for their school. Principal Hale will have the school name on the sign changed to Phoenix-Talent Schools and is in the process of receiving a bid for flood lights and a different planter box.
·  On motion by Director Staten, seconded by Director McAlister to approve the PHS signage as presented was approved as per the following vote:
Ayes: Staten, McAlister, Piacentini, Prewitt
Noes: None
Absent: Kerlinger, Nagel, Watson
Abstain: None
Instructional Resources/Instructional Materials / ·  Chairman Prewitt presented Board Policy IIA to the Board for review. This policy is on instructional resources and materials. The policy establishes a process for the determination of textbook online availability. Supt. Sayre pointed out that the language regarding five to seven days had been added to the policy for the Board to consider in addition to the proposed green language. Director Piacentini suggested adopting the policy as presented with the inclusion of the green language.
·  On motion by Director Piacentini, seconded by Director McAlister to approve Board Policy IIA as presented was approved as per the following vote:
Ayes: Staten, McAlister, Piacentini, Watson, Prewitt
Noes: None
Absent: Kerlinger, Nagel, Watson
Abstain: None
RECESS / ·  None
FACILITIES UPDATE / ·  David Marshall informed the Board he would like to integrate pictures of PTS infrastructure into the ten-year facility plan. The District is working on repairing a 35-year-old roof. The ten-year plan is off to a good start. PTS received $48,000 from construction excise tax, but this money cannot be used until we have the facility plan is in place.
·  Mr. Marshall announced that the district office will be receiving some minimal landscaping upgrades. Supt. Sayre thanked Mr. Marshall for getting the process going for the DO. She pointed out that as a result of this project, it was discovered that twice as many sprinklers were installed in the DO landscaping than was necessary. They were able to remove these sprinklers and save the District some money on water through this project.
·  The energy audit is currently going on at TES and PES. This project will help PTS identify projects that will save PTS a great deal of money in the end.
FINANCIAL UPDATE / ·  David Marshall stated that he’ll have a financial report to present to the Board. He is working on decentralizing the budget process so that it includes more people who need to be aware of what’s going on in the PTS budget. He would like to get more administrators involved in the process as well.
OSBA ELECTIONS / ·  Chairman Prewitt presented the information to the Board on the OSBA candidates and ballot measures to be considered. Their collective vote will be presented to OSBA. The ballot measures include some constitutional changes. One regards allowing OSBA executive leadership to appoint a board director if they’re unable to get a volunteer to run for a governance spot. These issues are presented to all the OSBA members for consideration.
ANNUAL REVIEW OF PARENT INVOLVEMENT POLICY / ·  Supt. Sayre presented Policy IGBC and the coordinating AR to the Board. The policy relates to parent involvement and the Board is required to review it every year. The District must give public notice that this item will be on the agenda. All Title I schools have these policies and this is an opportunity for the Board to receive input from parents on current procedures.
BUDGET COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS / ·  Chairman Prewitt presented two applications to the Board to consider for filling the current Budget Committee vacancy. Brandi Randall and Laura Lotspeich have both applied for the position. This item will be up for action at the December meeting.
DISPOSAL OF SURPLUS EQUIPMENT / ·  David Marshall explained to the Board that the PTS warehouse cannot accept any more storage. In May, 2012 the Board reviewed some surplus items in the warehouse and approved their disposal. Mr. Marshall stated that he’s in the process of preparing an inventory list for the Board to review on the current surplus of items being stored in the warehouse. There is a formal process involved to identify which items have value and they may be able to create auction to sell some of these items. He intends to have this list ready for the December Board Meeting.
Policy GBNA: Hazing/Harassment/Intimidation/Bullying/Menacing/Cyberbullying – Staff / ·  Supt. Sayre reviewed Policy GBNA with the Board. The Board is being asked to approve both the policy and the AR. This policy is a result of a legal decision and not a legislative session. The policy relates to clarifying procedures for how third parties may treat District staff. The policy will be up for action in December.
REVIEW OF NEXT MEETING AGENDA / ·  Chairman Prewitt reviewed the draft agenda for the JAB meeting on November 20th. The meeting will be held at his residence and will be an opportunity for the administrators to share their successes and plans for the upcoming year with the Board. No action will be taken by the Board during this meeting.
·  Next week is the OSBA Convention. Several members will be attending along with Supt. Sayre and Sarie Wu.
·  The next regular meeting will be held on December 11th.
ADJOURNMENT / ·  7:54 p.m.

Teresa Sayre, Clerk of the Board Craig Prewitt, Chairman of the Board

Recording Secretary: Sarie Wu,

Board/Executive Assistant