Pizza Sale Detail Sheet
- Your completed form is due to the YL office by June 2th, along with your money. Late orders will not be filled. (mail to YL office, Box 473, Manlius, NY13104, or drop off 122 E. Seneca, in the back of the Pavone Pizza bldg. call first)
- Collect money when you take the order, not when the order is delivered. Use an envelope to collect cash and checks. Checks should be made out to Young Life.
- You will make $5 on each pizza.
- Pizzas are 15 inches. You can choose: garlic, cheese, or pepperoni. They are made locally at Bianchi’s Pizza Pad in Syracuse. All pizzas are wrapped, uncooked, with directions. They can be eaten the same day or frozen.
- Pick up will be announced after we receive the orders, around June 27 to July 5th. Due to the number of pizzas that we will be ordering there will probably be two different days to pick up depending on what school you go to. We will contact you by phone to let you know when pick up will be.
This is our last official all area fund-raiser. Check with your leader for local opportunities: such as bottle drives, car washes, or garage sales. Questions call the YL office at 682-7313.
Pizza Sale Detail Sheet
- Your completed form is due to the YL office by June 2th, along with your money. Late orders will not be filled. (mail to YL office, Box 473, Manlius, NY13104, or drop off 122 E. Seneca, in the back of the Pavone Pizza bldg. call first)
- Collect money when you take the order, not when the order is delivered. Use an envelope to collect cash and checks. Checks should be made out to Young Life.
- You will make $5 on each pizza.
- Pizzas are 15 inches. You can choose: garlic, cheese, or pepperoni. They are made locally at Bianchi’s Pizza Pad in Syracuse. All pizzas are wrapped, uncooked, with directions. They can be eaten the same day or frozen.
- Pick up will be announced after we receive the orders, around June 27 to July 5th . Due to the number of pizzas that we will be ordering there will probably be two different days to pick up depending on what school you go to. We will contact you by phone to let you know when pick up will be.
This is our last official all area fund-raiser. Check with your leader for local opportunities: such as bottle drives, car washes, or garage sales. Questions call the YL office at 682-7313.