Workers’ Educational Association
The UK’s largest voluntary sector provider of adult learning
Course Outline
This course outline describes what will be covered in your course.
It also sets out what you should expect to learn. There will be an opportunity for course members to discuss the course content with the tutor.
Course Title / Enjoying Chamber MusicCourse ID / C3732636 / Tutor / Robert Carrington
Start date / 25th Sept 2012 / Day(s)/time(s) / Tuesday 2.00-4.00
No. of sessions / 10 / Hours per session / 2 / Fees / £79
Venue / Hove Methodist Church, Portland Road, Hove BN3 5DR
Branch/Partner / Brighton and Hove
Branch/Partner contact details / Judy Chaikin, 12 Kingsway Court, Queens Gardens, Hove, BN3 2LP
Tel: 01273-203133 email: :
Joy Wajzner, 433 Ditchling Road, Brighton BN1 6XB tel: 01273-503090
Publicity Description
We explore the world of chamber music: 18th to 21st century.
Course Aims
What is the course for? What is its main purpose? E.g. to provide a brief introduction to the principles of garden design, with a view to applying them in your own garden.
The course aims to present a variety of chamber music forms with popular and less familiar pieces studied.
Main Topics Covered
The string quartet through the centuries; music with solo Piano and different combinations of instruments.
Pre-course preparation, reading, internet research etc.
Listening on the radio, CD’s, TV and live performances are the best preparation. Learners might like to discuss different interpretations or Concerts they attended.
Essential costs/materials
No extra cost.
Entry Requirements/Level
This is a general course for those who like chamber music.
Title of qualification to be gained (if any) / N/A
Awarding Body (if any) / N/A
Teaching and learning methods used
CD’s, musical scores and notes (available in advance by email) will be used with discussion on ensembles and memorable performances.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the course learners will be able to:
1. Develop a wider and critical appreciation of chamber music repertoire.
2. Develop a keener aural sense of how composers create these works.
How will you know you are learning?
Throughout the course discussion and Q+A will be a vital part with more informal discussion also available. The notes provided should also act as a guideline.
Suggested Further Study and Progression Routes
Live chamber music is usually available in this area where the interplay between the instruments is more clearly in evidence. Otherwise CD’s and radio can be used or listen to works at a deeper level. The WEA can also provide more detailed courses. Watching a quartet on YouTube can also be very rewarding.
Brief tutor profile
Robert Carrington is a composer/performer who has presented many successful courses. His musical interests can be further seen on 2 websites:;
If you would like more information about other WEA activities and courses please contact WEA London and Southern Regions’ Support Centre.
The WEA is committed to equality of opportunity and inclusive learning.
Services for Learners contains information about support and progression opportunities for learners and will be made available to you when you start your course. However, if you would like to receive a copy before the start of your course, please telephone the learner enquiry, freephone line on 0800 328 1060.
You can now enrol and pay online. Go to:
WEA London and Southern Regions' Support Centre
57 Riverside 2, Sir Thomas Longley Road, Rochester, Kent ME2 4DP
Tel: 01634 298600 Fax: 01634 298601 email: london&
The Workers' Educational Association (WEA) is a charity registered in England and Wales (number 1112775) and in
Scotland (number SC039239) and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (number 2806910).
Registered address: 4 Luke Street, London, EC2A 4XW.