(Meeting will be taped for transcribing purposes only.)

Present: Bill Schulz Jeff Pilon Harlan Meyer

Laurie Olmon Orval Leistico

Others: Bob Ruppe, Attorney Shane Nelson, Engineer

Approve/amend the meeting agenda – Ruppe added the banquet facility/City Center as item #5.b., Pilon removed Item #9.1.4 and placed is as item # 10.i. for discussion and move item # 5 Attorney to Item #3. Schulz made a motion to approve the amended agenda; Olmon seconded. All in favor; motion carried.

1). Floor Items – Mary Rainville of 6633 – 191st Ave. said she was insulted by the Sheriff’s comments and by MPR’s article that only by submitting to his ultimatum would Nowthen be a safe community in which he would want to raise a family, start a business or even drive through. There isn’t anyone in our community who doesn’t understand the need for law enforcement. She said that is a terrible thing to say about our community. She is not convinced of the need to purchase services. We don’t’ have schools, rental property or the type of businesses that attract problems. By looking at the stats she cannot imagine what they would be doing all day. The Sheriff said that they would spend the majority of their time on proactive patrol and proactive patrol does not prevent crime. A detailed patrol prevents crime; but in order to have a detailed patrol, there would have to be a problem, and that there are not any problems here. What is the percentage of the properties that you cannot even see from the road? When she asked for a breakdown between routine and emergencies and in today’s world of computers, the fact that the sheriff didn’t have the numbers makes her suspicious. With the 1303 calls, that would be three (3) calls a day He said that if they didn’t contract, we would still receive emergency services. Non emergency calls would result in a delayed response time. Rainville is okay with that. If something is missing from her shed, that’s no emergency. When she asked the sheriff what calls they would continue to respond to he could not answer that. She asked him if we could go in and file a report, if we could file a report on line, or over the phone, he didn’t answer that. If we’re not going to have services, those options should be available to us. A good portion of their tax dollars goes to pay for the Sheriff’s Department and for I T to be provided for the residents and they should be included. As she spoke to her neighbors, their basic comments were that we live in the country, we have dogs and guns, and we don’t need a sheriff.

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Regular City Council Meeting November 9, 2011 Page 2

2). Anoka County – Viking Blvd 2012 Project Update - Viking Blvd is in need of repair and numerous issues that need to be addressed. Proposal is for approximately 1.7 miles, which would go where they left off up to CR 65. Cost is estimated at $2 million. The County would replace existing pavement with new structure and new sub base. The County has met with 18 of the 31 adjacent property owners, sent information and packets to residents. There currently is no shoulder, and poor soils resulting in a rough road, steep side slopes, no turn or bypass lanes – proposal is to replace with 13’ of concrete, keep white edge 1 ‘ off edge of concrete, and 7’ between shoulders and right turn lanes on Tiger & Iguana St. and set up at the intersection of County Road 5 for a potential signal if the City should decide it is needed at a future date. No access change to businesses and no medians. Looking to get a right-of-way in order to get a consistent route, MNDOT has expressed an interest in this in the future, Have sent packets out and worked with the City Engineer, trying to have as little impact as possible. There was concern expressed regarding a right turn lane to Iguana that was never developed; which is still in the air as to if and when it will be done. Meyer asked if it was possible to have a Park Trail put in along CR22. Said the County would be open to it, but would be the City’s expense.

Harlan also asked about roundabouts at CR 5 and CR 22 and CR 65 and CR 22. It was stated that in order for roundabouts to be funded, there needs to be a consistent flow of traffic, from both directions.

Detours are still being worked on local traffic & fire would still come in and business access provided. Patrols would be set up for overweight trucks.

The County will also try to keep access open to local businesses on Iguana St. between Iguana and 65; access would be a one way only. Scheduled to start the middle of summer 2012 – Bids would be ready early Winter/Spring (maybe April)

Will be doing their best to keep the truck traffic at a minimum and protect the business access. The County will meet with residents or anyone having any concerns whenever necessary. They feel it is very important to work with the Community as much as possible.

There will be a public open house November 14th from 4:30 to 6:30 for residents to express any comments or concerns they may have at that time.

Bill Schulz asked if the City was interested in having a trail along 22, how would they need to go about to see if it was feasible. Would have to work with the City Engineer, devise a plan to discuss any issues and costs. The County would be open to any discussion on these plans.

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Regular City Council Meeting November 9, 2011 Page 3

Nelson asked if there was going to be any cost share required. The County should be picking up the costs for this project. Mary Rainville asked how long the project would take The County stated that it would take about 75 construction days (usually 4 days a week) Goal is to start after school ends and to end before school starts.

3). Attorney

a). Fireworks Complaint / Ordinance - Ruppe addressed the Council regarding a citizen’s complaint regarding the use of fireworks. He advised the Council they are able to create an Ordinance regarding the use of fireworks if desired. There would also be the cost to reinforce the ordinance to consider.

b). Banquet Facility Purchase Agreement - Ruppe requested a motion to authorize the purchase of the Banquet Center for $415,000 to submit to the seller for their consideration, subject to all of the terms of conditions set forth at the previous workshop. The City presently has 2 vacant lots, as part of the agreement; the seller would have to buy these lots and that money would go towards the purchase of the Banquet Center/City Center. The price for the 2 lots would be $315,000 leaving a shortfall of $100,000 that could be made up by using the HRA Funds. These are funds from the County which would be allowed towards this purchase and any renovations needed for this building. There would be a City Hall, Council Chambers, some offices, a community center and possible potential for some rental income. Purchase would be subject to seller providing a good marketable title to this property, inspections for the septic system and water well system. If the purchase goes through as planned, there would be no finances needed from the taxes. Meyer made a motion to authorize the purchase of the Banquet Center; Olmon seconded. Leistico doesn’t think this is a good thing for the City because there is going to be a lot of upkeep and he is not in favor of this. Three in favor; Leistico and Pilon opposed.

4). The Planning Company Proposal - Pilon made a motion to table the Planning Company proposal until we obtain competitive bids to re-evaluate; Meyer seconded. All in favor; motion carried.

5). Appoint Building Inspector – Leistico made a motion to appoint Leon Ohmon. Motion fails for lack of second. Olmon made a motion to appoint Scot Rosevold, subject to attorney review of the contract and clarification of his fee structure.

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Regular City Council Meeting November 9, 2011 Page 4

Meyer feels they were both worthy candidates and he seconds Olmon’s motion. Pilon thinks that it should be finalized on specifics of the costs. Three in favor; Schulz and Leistico opposed. Meyer made a motion to have Pilon and Olmon meet with Scot Rosevold to discuss his fee schedule. Schulz seconded. All in favor; motion carried.

6). Fire Department

a). Quote for lighting changes in the Fire Station – Olmon made a motion to approve the additional lighting in the fire station; Leistico seconded. All in favor; motion carried

7). Nowthen Lions – Judy Herrala thanks the City Council and staff for their help and support. Herrala said that 51 people participated in the 5-K walk. The money raised during the 5-k walk would be used for future park improvements. The Nowthen Lions would also like to place a file cabinet in the City Hall. The Nowthen Lions would also like a showplace case. They are asking if they could do this, where it could be placed. More specifics are needed for this. February 4th is the fishing contest and they would like to request approval from the City to plow the parking lot and to pick up garbage again this year.

8). Engineer Update:

a). Milestone Ponds Update – Nelson stated that the work is 2/3rds complete.

b). Street Study – Nelson met with the Road and Bridge Committee to discuss how they would like to see the roads prioritized. He is expected to have a draft street study for Council review in January.

9). Road & Bridge:

a). Xenon Culvert South – Pilon made a motion to have Nelson proceed with surveying the Old Viking Blvd culvert and to obtain quotes to do the soil borings so we can have information to submit for a grant to repair the culvert; Olmon seconded. All in favor; motion carried.

b). Change of Meeting time to 7:00 PM – Meyer made a motion to change all the meeting start times to 7:00 PM effective January 1st; Schulz seconded. All in favor; motion carried.

c). Downed trees in park (disposal/sale) – Pilon said that the Anoka County crews that come and clean our recycling center also do this type of work. Pilon thinks that we should pursue an arrangement with the County crew to cut up the trees.

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Meyer made a motion to have Olmon follow up on with Anoka County to find out if the crews can perform that type of work. Leistico seconded. All in favor; motion carried. Meyer stated to move forward immediately with this if it can be done.

10). Consent Agenda:

1.1 Approve the October 11th and October 17th, 2011, City Council Meeting Minutes.

1.2 Approve All Audited Bills Claim #7161 through Claim #7214, plus Net Distribution reports dated October 10th and October 24th, 2011.

1.3 Financial Report

1.4 (Moved as item 11.i.)

1.5 Adopt Resolution 2011-19, A Resolution requesting no change in Fiscal Disparities

Schulz made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda items; Meyer seconded. All in favor; motion carried

11). Council Items:

a). Generator for the City Offices – Schulz made a motion to table this item until a law enforcement contract is worked out and the purchase of the banquet center; Leistico seconded. All in favor; motion carried.

b). Schedule Budget Meeting – Budget Meeting is scheduled for November 29th at 6:00 PM.

c). Recycling Center Signs / upgrades – Schulz made a motion to have Pilon and Leistico work with contractors in putting designs together and obtaining quotes and move forward with the work in an amount not to exceed $15,000; Meyer seconded. All in favor; motion carried.

d). Spectrum High School – Request for use of ball fields – Olmon made a motion for Meyer to contact Spectrum High School to obtain additional information on the type of maintenance, etc; Meyer seconded. All in favor; motion carried.

e). Approve 2011 Farmers Market Expenses – Leistico made the motion to approve the Farmers Market Expenses in the amount of $307.15; Meyer seconded. All in favor; motion carried.

f). Renew 36 month contract with Waste Management – Olmon made a motion to obtain additional quotes for garbage pickup; Pilon seconded. All in favor; motion carried.

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Regular City Council Meeting November 9, 2011 Page 6

g). Request approval for Dan Licht to attend the November P & Z Mtg. – Olmon made a motion to request Dan Licht to attend the P & Z Meeting to present the Codification at no additional fees; Schulz seconded. All in favor; motion carried.

h). Purchase of Ceiling Fans for the City Hall – Senior citizens will pay for the fans if the City pays for the installation. Meyer made a motion to have the City install the ceiling fans that the Senior citizens purchase; Leistico seconded. All in favor; motion carried,

i). Adopt Resolution 2011-18 – Pilon had made some changes to the Resolution and made a motion to Adopt Resolution 2011-18, A Resolution Establishing a Joint Fire Services Study Group; Meyer seconded. All in favor; motion carried.

Meeting Adjourned – Meyer made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:35 PM; Schulz seconded. All in favor; motion carried.

Respectively submitted by:

Corrie LaDoucer

City Clerk