CALL TO ORDER: The Regular Monthly Board Meeting of the Leechburg Area Board of School Directors was called to order at 7:37 PM in the J. D. Orr Board Room of the Parker D. Baker Building by Ms. Terri Smith, Board President.

PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE/MOMENT OF SILENCE: The Pledge of Allegiance was recited in unison and a Moment of Silence was observed.

ROLL CALL: Mrs. Megan Hamm, Mr. Joseph Michadick, Ms. Angelique Richards, Mr. Anthony Shea, Ms. Terri Smith and Mrs. Helen Yurjevich.

Mr. Neill Brady (family commitment), Ms. Jean Stull (vacation) and Mrs. Kathryn Vargo (illness) were absent.

Also present were: Mr. Robert Cinpinski, School District Solicitor, Mr. William McNamee, PASBO Consultant Business Manager, Ms. Patricia Camp, Board Secretary, and Dr. Frank C. Prazenica, Jr., Acting Superintendent.


Special Board Meeting Minutes ------05/11/16

Regular Monthly Board Meeting Minutes ------05/18/16

Board President, Ms. Smith, requested comments, corrections and additions to the Minutes. Hearing none on a motion by Mrs. Hamm, seconded by Mr. Shea the Minutes were approved as presented.

Voice Vote – Motion Carried.

All Ayes.

Mr. Brady, Ms. Stull and Mrs. Vargo were absent.


Date: Time:

05/24/16 6:30 PM FULL BOARD-Personnel Issues/Legal Issues

Superintendent’s Office

06/01/16 6:30 PM FULL BOARD-Personnel Issues/Legal Issues

Superintendent’s Office

06/08/16 6:30 PM FULL BOARD-Personnel Issues/Legal Issues

Superintendent’s Office



Date: Time:

06/01/16 6:30 PM School Safety Committee Meeting

J. D. Orr Board Room/Parker D. Baker Building

06/13/16 7:00 PM Special Board Meeting

J. D. Orr Board Room/Parker D. Baker Building

06/21/16 6:30 PM School Safety Committee Meeting

J. D. Orr Board Room/Parker D. Baker Building

06/22/16 6:30 PM Public Work Session/Agenda Setting Meeting

J. D. Orr Board Room/Parker D. Baker Building


·  Source4Teachers – Mr. Jeff Hite provided presentation to Board.

Discussion ensued regarding fill rate, automated communication after an approved assignment accepted, multi-district pins activated, 42 active substitutes, fill rate comparable to other similarly sized districts, plan to increase substitute fill rates, providing additional substitute staff, listing provided of substitutes/days worked and long-term substitute positions filled by Source4Teachers.

REMARKS BY VISITORS: Visitors are welcome to comment on any agenda items at this time, provided it is understood that all remarks from the floor are subject to the same parliamentary procedure followed by the Board under the direction of the president. Discussion from the floor will not be entertained while action is being taken on agenda items by the Board. Completed forms (blue forms for agenda items) will be collected for district records and will be used by the president in recognizing each speaker.

Mr. Jorn Jenson RE: PSERS Funding Issues

103 Val Jo Drive

West Leechburg, PA 15656

Previous Board Member, shared current “Leader Times” sheriff sale sheet-43 properties for sale, currently graduating 56 students, attend last class (1970) at Arnold High School with 112 graduates prior to merging with New Kensington. Total 800 District students, $16,500 cost per student, $14,000 cost per student at Lenape, steel mills closed, residents moving to find work, lessened student opportunities, fiduciary responsibility, emotion decisions to keep open, close and merge. Closed West Leechburg and Gilpin Elementary schools when on Board 1970s. No tax should have the power to force people out of their home. Presented George Hunter, Carlington Board member, statement: 60% of all tax monies to PSERS, PSERS working against teacher retirements, 30 years at 80%, 40 years at 100%, PSERS retirement disincentive and 30% increase in PSERS contribution.



1.  Mrs. Hamm made a motion, seconded by Mr. Shea to remove from the table and approve the recommended Graduation Requirements beginning with the 2016-2017 school year (Class of 2020) as presented in (Exhibit UBA1).

Board thanked Mrs. Jolynn Young for valuable presentation last week, brought great light to issue.

Voice Vote – Motion Carried.

All Ayes.

Mr. Brady, Ms. Stull and Mrs. Vargo were absent.



1.  Ms. Richards made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Yurjevich to approve a request from Mrs. Jennifer Turner for a Leave of Absence from Work pursuant to the Family Medical Leave Act for the purpose of childbearing/childrearing beginning on or about August 22, 2016 with an anticipated return to work on October 3, 2016.

Voice Vote – Motion Carried.

All Ayes.

Mr. Brady, Ms. Stull and Mrs. Vargo were absent.

2.  Mrs. Hamm made a motion, seconded by Mr. Michadick to approve a request from Mrs. Erin Hettrich for a Leave of Absence from Work pursuant to the Family Medical Leave Act for the purpose of childbearing/childrearing beginning on or about August 22, 2016 with an anticipated return to work on December 1, 2016.

Voice Vote – Motion Carried.

All Ayes.

Mr. Brady, Ms. Stull and Mrs. Vargo were absent.

3.  Mrs. Yurjevich made a motion, seconded by Ms. Richards to ratify a request from Ms. Amy Nulph for a Leave of Absence from Work pursuant to the Family Medical Leave Act beginning on or about June 27, 2016 with an anticipated return to work on September 20, 2016.

Voice Vote – Motion Carried.

All Ayes.

Mr. Brady, Ms. Stull and Mrs. Vargo were absent.

4.  Mr. Michadick made a motion, seconded by Ms. Richards to approve an additional three (3) days of summer employment for Ms. Paula Moran, High School Librarian, to complete necessary duties pertaining to her annual scope of work in the High School Library as presented in (Exhibit A4).

Voice Vote – Motion Carried.

All Ayes.

Mr. Brady, Ms. Stull and Mrs. Vargo were absent.

5.  Mrs. Yurjevich made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Hamm to hire Eve Hebrank to the position of Middle School-Junior High Mathematics Teacher at the appropriate Step of the Leechburg Education Association Collective Bargaining Agreement effective the beginning of the 2016-2017 school term and subject to receipt of all required clearances.

Voice Vote – Motion Carried.

All Ayes.

Mr. Brady, Ms. Stull and Mrs. Vargo were absent.

6.  Mrs. Hamm made a motion, seconded by Ms. Richards to approve the following Supplemental positions, subject to receipt of all required clearances:

Name / Position
David Lovelace / Basketball Girls’ Varsity Assistant JV Coach
Ernie Sipolino / Basketball Girls’ 7&8 Grade Coach
Damian Davies / Volunteer Basketball Girls’ Varsity and JV Coach
Melissa Jones / Volunteer Basketball Girls Coach -All Levels
Eric Kubla / Volunteer Basketball Girls Coach -Elementary and Junior High
Tabled / Basketball Boys’ Varsity Assistant JV Coach
Tabled / Volunteer Basketball Boys’ Varsity and JV Coach
Tricia Shank / Chess Club Sponsor

Voice Vote – Motion Carried.

Tabled - Basketball Boys’ Varsity Assistant JB Coach and Volunteer Basketball Boys’ Varsity and JV Coach

All Ayes.

Mr. Brady, Ms. Stull and Mrs. Vargo were absent.

7.  Mrs. Yurjevich made a motion, seconded by Ms. Richards to approve the following Returning Substitute positions for the 2016-2017 school term, subject to receipt of all required clearances:

Name / Position
Kevin Williams / Custodial Substitute
Jason Wensel / Custodial Substitute
Samantha Schaeffer / Custodial Substitute
Samantha Gamble / Cafeteria Substitute

Voice Vote – Motion Carried.

All Ayes.

Mr. Brady, Ms. Stull and Mrs. Vargo were absent.

8.  Mr. Shea made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Hamm to authorize the administration to enter into a one-year Agreement with Source4Teachers for provision of substitute placement services effective July 1, 2016 as presented in (Exhibit A7).

Discussion ensued regarding previous school year, working together to increase fill rate, saved district money and appreciate increased attention to District in coming year.

Voice Vote – Motion Carried.

All Ayes.

Mr. Brady, Ms. Stull and Mrs. Vargo were absent.

9.  Mrs. Hamm made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Yurjevich to ratify the salary of $350.00 per day for the temporary position of Acting K-12 Assistant Principal effective June 14, 2016.

Voice Vote – Motion Carried.

All Ayes.

Mr. Brady, Ms. Stull and Mrs. Vargo were absent.


1.  Mr. Shea made a motion, seconded by Mr. Michadick to approve the Leechburg Area School District Final General Fund Operating Budget and related schedules for the 2016-2017 school year in the amount of $13,829,247.

Discussion ensued regarding increase within Act 1 index, continuing to improve and succeed, not considering merger at that this, era of stability and build on great foundation and great offerings.

Voice Vote – Motion Carried.

All Ayes.

Mr. Brady, Ms. Stull and Mrs. Vargo were absent.

2.  Mrs. Hamm made a motion, seconded by Mr. Shea to approve the following Real Estate Taxation Method and the Appropriate Real Estate Millage and other tax levies as follows:


(1) Real Estate Taxes

RESOLVED, that the Board of School Directors of the Leechburg Area School District set millage for the 2016-2017 school year at 75.07 mills for real estate in Armstrong County and 126.61 mills for real estate in Westmoreland County. The rate of taxation is .7507 on each one hundred dollars of assessed valuation of taxable real estate in Armstrong County and 1.2661 on each one hundred dollars of assessed valuation of taxable real estate in Westmoreland County.

(2) Earned Income Tax

RESOLVED, that the Board of School Directors of the Leechburg Area School District readopt without change, the 1963 resolution as reenacted in 1969, imposing a tax of one-half (1/2) of one percent on salaries, wages, commissions and other compensation earned by residents of Gilpin Township, Leechburg Borough and West Leechburg Borough and one-half (1/2) of one percent of net profits earned by businesses, professions, and other activities conducted by the residents of Gilpin Township, Leechburg Borough and West Leechburg Borough.

(3) Real Estate Transfer Tax

RESOLVED, that the Board of School Directors of the Leechburg Area School District readopt without change, the January 21, 1987 resolution No 1.00, imposing a tax of one percent of the true value of consideration for each and every transfer of real estate or interest in real estate situated within the boundaries of the Leechburg Area School District, Armstrong and Westmoreland Counties, PA, regardless of where the documents making the transfer took place, for the purpose of providing sufficient funds for general school district purposes, with the exception of Leechburg Borough and Gilpin Township in Armstrong County and West Leechburg Borough in Westmoreland County, whereas one-half (1/2) of one percent will be utilized by the School District.

(4) Emergency & Municipal Services Tax (formerly Occupation Privilege Tax)

RESOLVED, that the Board of School Directors of the Leechburg Area School District readopt without change, the 1966 Resolution as reenacted in each year thereafter assessing a tax of ten dollars ($10.00) on all persons gainfully employed in Gilpin Township, Leechburg Borough and West Leechburg Borough, said tax to be known as the Occupation Privilege Tax.

Voice Vote – Motion Carried.

All Ayes.

Mr. Brady, Ms. Stull and Mrs. Vargo were absent.

3.  Mrs. Yujevich made a motion, seconded by Mr. Shea to authorize the Consultant Business Manager to make the necessary budgetary transfers to close the 2015-2016 school year budget.

Voice Vote – Motion Carried.

All Ayes.

Mr. Brady, Ms. Stull and Mrs. Vargo were absent.

4.  Mr. Shea made a motion, seconded by Mr. Michadick to approve RESOLUTION 2015-2016-10 regarding the 2016 Homestead/Farmstead Exclusion Act as presented in (Exhibit B4).

Voice Vote – Motion Carried.

All Ayes.

Mr. Brady, Ms. Stull and Mrs. Vargo were absent.

5.  Mrs. Hamm made a motion, seconded by Mr. Shea to set the Administrative Salaries for the 2016-2017 school term (Exhibit B5).

Voice Vote – Motion Carried.

All Ayes.

Mr. Brady, Ms. Stull and Mrs. Vargo were absent.

6.  Mr. Shea made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Hamm to have the secretary cast the ballot for approval of the Lenape Technical School Budget for the 2016-2017 school term in the amount of $8,587,135 (Reference Lenape Technical School Budget Booklet presented to each Board member).

Discussion ensued regarding Lenape budget, slightly reduced from last year, additional students this year, cost spikes in 2017-2018 school term with increasing Lenape tuition of 75% for half-time Leechburg students and 10th grade students tuition waived.

Voice Vote – Motion Carried.

All Ayes.

Mr. Brady, Ms. Stull and Mrs. Vargo were absent.

7.  Mrs. Hamm made a motion, seconded by Ms. Richards to approve the secretary casting the ballots for appointment of Mr. Dan Lucovich as JOC Treasurer for a one-year term effective July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017 (Exhibit B7).

Voice Vote – Motion Carried.

All Ayes.

Mr. Brady, Ms. Stull and Mrs. Vargo were absent.

8.  Mrs. Yurjevich made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Hamm to table approve the recommendation of the Administration for the Annual Performance Review and Evaluation of the following Professional/At-Will Service Providers:

A.  Insurance Broker – Jerich Insurance Company

B.  Solicitor – Robert Cinpinski

Voice Vote – Motion Tabled.

All Ayes.

Mr. Brady, Ms. Stull and Mrs. Vargo were absent.

9.  Mrs. Yurjevich made a motion, seconded by Ms. Richards to approve the Agreement with the Children’s Institute for provision of approved Extended School Year Services for the period of June 29, 2016 through July 27, 2016 as presented in (Exhibit B9).

Voice Vote – Motion Carried.

All Ayes.

Mr. Brady, Ms. Stull and Mrs. Vargo were absent.

10.  Mrs. Yurjevich made a motion, seconded by Ms. Richards to approve the payment of five (5) unused 2015-2016 vacation days to Mr. Mark George per the Act 93 Agreement.

Voice Vote – Motion Carried.

All Ayes.

Mr. Brady, Ms. Stull and Mrs. Vargo were absent.

11.  Mrs. Hamm made a motion, seconded by Mr. Shea to approve the MHY Family Services Agreement for provision of Private Academic School Student Placement Services at Longmore Academy for the 2016-2017 school year as presented in (Exhibit B11).

Voice Vote – Motion Carried.

All Ayes.

Mr. Brady, Ms. Stull and Mrs. Vargo were absent.

12.  Mrs. Yurjevich made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Hamm to approve the Agreement with NHS Pennsylvania School for provision of educational services to children with autism and/or emotional disturbance for the 2016-2017 school term as presented in (Exhibit B12).