2018 BIA Awards

Call for Awards Submissions & Entry Form

April 16, 2018 – Awards Gala

Collingwood, ON

Ontario BIA Association

Ontario Business Improvement Area Association (OBIAA)

C/O 280 Queen Street South

Mississauga, Ontario. L5M 1M1

Toll-free 1-866-807-2227


The Ontario BIA Association (OBIAA) recognizes the best that Business Improvement Association revitalization and management has to offer. Consultants, practitioners, communities and organizations involved in all aspects of BIA renewal are invited to submit case studies that showcase innovation and vision that has made a difference. Within the seven (7) categories that cover the core priorities of most BIAs, the BIA National Achievement Awards celebrate and communicate the most successful and innovative efforts in Ontario BIA development.

As an award recipient you, your organization or client, and your community will receive acknowledgement and recognition by your peers at the BIA National Achievement Awards presentation at the Awards Gala. As a member of this select group you will also receive a BIA Achievement Award and a copy of the photos taken with your team at the presentation of the awards.

OBIAA and TABIA members and others are invited to submit projects for consideration. The submitting organization must have played a key role in the achievement of the project, its implementation, and its results. Given the vital role partnerships play in many successful efforts, we urge you to identify all participants in your submittal. Projects must be 90-95% complete to be eligible for consideration. In a multi-phase project, completion of a major phase of the project is necessary for entry.

Submissions will be judged on the following criteria:

  • Innovation - Does the project or program offer an innovative or unique approach to a BIA management or development challenge?
  • Replication - Does the entry present a solution, process or idea that others could modify for their BIA circumstances?
  • Representation - Is the project or program inclusive? Were partnerships employed to get the job done? Was the community involved in the effort?
  • Outcome - Was the impact of the effort significant? How was it measured? Was it compared to an initial goal? Were the goals and objectives reached?

A jury will choose winners based on the individual merit of an entry. While project budgets and community size will be noted, the jury members will foremost be seeking to recognize those submissions that have best exemplified the four elements noted in the judging criteria.

The decisions of the jury are final. The jury reserves the right to move winning submissions to more appropriate categories, if necessary, or to decline to make an award in any particular category.

Jury members are appointed by the OBIAA Boards and represent a broad cross-section of Ontario BIA’s.


The awards will be presented at the Annual BIA Conference and all winners are encouraged to attend.


Award Winners may be asked to participate at the Conference by preparing and presenting a Session that details the great project you have been recognized for. Share the Wealth!



Pillar: Leadership and Management

  1. Alex Ling - Lifetime Achievement Award: Recognizes individuals who selflessly contribute to strengthening and promoting BIAs
  2. Accessibility Education

Pillar: Economic Development

  1. Business Retention, Recruitment + Expansion

Pillar: Marketing and Promotions

(In recognition of the wide range of BIA capacities, up to two awards may be given in these categories)

  1. Special Events + Promotions
  2. Large
  3. Small
  4. Marketing + Communications
  5. Large
  6. Small

Pillar: Physical Improvements

  1. Main Street Accessibility
  2. Bricks + Mortar
  3. Streetscaping and Public Realm Improvements
  4. Large
  5. Small

Special: 150 Award – Extraordinary Initiatives

  • Did your BIA have a great Canada 150 or Ontario 150 event or project this year? Submit it to this category!
  • PLEASE NOTE: This category encompasses and supersedes all the above categories. (Eg. If you have a Canada 150 event, submit it to the 150 Award, NOT Special Events.)


All award applications should be:

Submitted electronically

  • No more than 1,200 words on;
  • No more than 12 PowerPoint slides.

Award winners will be asked to present at the following (2018) conference.

Submissions must include the following information to be considered

1. Entry Form (1 copy)

2. Project PowerPoint - 1,200 words on no more than 12 PowerPoint slides

PowerPoint should include:

  • Project Description — an overview of the project including innovations and exemplary solutions to problems encountered and overcome in the successful completion of the effort.
  • Funding - a description of the level of funding and sources for the project.
  • Impact - a description and/or quantified analysis of the impact of the project on the BIA, the community and/or the region.
  • Participants/Partners - an outline of the project participants, both public and private, and their roles in the project.
  • Innovation, Replication, Representation, Outcome & Conclusion - a description of how the project or components of the project are innovative, how the submission could be replicated in other communities, inclusiveness in the process, measured outcome and evidence of success, and a summary outline of the reasons why the project deserves an BIA Achievement Award.
  • Digital Images - are required.

The PowerPoint images, which include the project summary, will be the primary means by which the jury will judge a project (images must be submitted as a PowerPoint Slide Show, and should be titled.




 Alex Ling - Lifetime Achievement Award: Recognizes individuals who selflessly contribute to strengthening and promoting BIAs

 Accessibility Education

 Business Retention, Recruitment + Expansion

 Special Events + Promotions

 Large

 Small

 Marketing + Communications

 Large

 Small

 Accessibility

 Bricks + Mortar

 Streetscaping and Public Realm improvements

 Large

 Small

 150 Award – Extraordinary Initiatives

Contact Person:
Organization Name:
Name (as it should appear on award if chosen):
City: / Prov/State:
Country: / Postal Code:
Telephone: / Fax:
Name of Submission:

Ontario BIA Association (OBIAA)

C/O 280 Queen Street South, Mississauga, Ontario. L5M 1M1

647-521-5341 | 1-866-807-2227 | |

Verification of Submission: I certify that the submitted work was done by the parties credited and meets all eligibility requirements. I understand that any entry that fails to meet submission requirements may be disqualified. Signer must be authorized to represent those credited.

Ontario BIA Association (OBIAA)

C/O 280 Queen Street South, Mississauga, Ontario. L5M 1M1

647-521-5341 | 1-866-807-2227 | |

Ontario BIA Association (OBIAA)

C/O 280 Queen Street South, Mississauga, Ontario. L5M 1M1

647-521-5341 | 1-866-807-2227 | |

Signature of Nominator / Date:
Application Fee (plus HST) / $50 + 6.50 = $56.50 / Chq No:

Ontario BIA Association (OBIAA)

C/O 280 Queen Street South, Mississauga, Ontario. L5M 1M1

647-521-5341 | 1-866-807-2227 | |

Please send your submissions to in PPT. If it is a large file, please use

For information on past year winners go to

Ontario BIA Association (OBIAA)

C/O 280 Queen Street South, Mississauga, Ontario. L5M 1M1

647-521-5341 | 1-866-807-2227 | |