JANUARY 09, 2016 – 7:00 P.M.

Board members present: Treasurer Krzeszewski, Clerk Krzeszewski, Trustee Schilling and Trustee Kushion. Board member absent: Supervisor Niederstadt. Also present: Deputy Treasurer Larkin, County Commissioner Kyle Harris, Travis Roberts and David Palmer.

In the absence of Supervisor Niederstadt, Treasurer Krzeszewski called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. All minutes, financial statements, checks/invoices and correspondence are on file and available at the Township Office.

Moved and seconded to approve St. Charles Coal Minors Baseball Lease of the back ball diamond for 2017 season.

Moved and seconded to remove Deward Beeler’s name from the Visa account and add Timothy Krzeszewski’s name to the Township Visa Account.

Moved and seconded to re-appoint Tom Krzewzewski to the Planning Commission for a 1 year term, expiring January 2018.

With no further business Treasurer Krzeszewski adjourned the meeting at 7:22 p.m.

Timothy Krzeszewski, Clerk

Swan Creek Township Board

Please Publish: January 22, 2017