Woodridge Terrace Homeowners Association
Board of Directors Meeting
September 16, 2015
Board members attending the September meeting included Jerry Bleser, Charlie Freeman, Nancy Dryden, Karen Vorheis, Debbie Skaggs & Joan Ducey. President Ann Kennedy called the meeting to order having established a quorum.
Minutes from the August Board meeting were reviewed and Nancy Dryden moved to accept the minutes and second from Karen Vorheis. Motion approved unanimously.
Committee Reports
Architectural/Building-We had one request to paint the fence and that was approved. Jerry Bleser will be replacing his skylights and this was approved by a motion from Charlie Freeman and second by Karen Vorheis. Motion approved.
It was moved by Nancy Dryden and second by Debbie Skaggs to install heat tapes and new larger gutters in several area that have been problems when the ice builds up in the gutters and causes ice build up on sidewalks. It is hoped that this will alleviate the problem. Contractor is Roof Worz.
Clubhouse-Only one rental over the past month. Clubhouse window is broken and a glass company will be contacted to have it repaired.
Nancy Dryden will put a list together identifying various repairs or renovations to the clubhouse. Christmas party is scheduled for December 5th.
Pool-No Report the pool is now closed for the season
Communication-No report
Welcome-No Report
Landscape-We have bids to prune/remove bushes thru out the Association and we did accept Columbine’s bid of $3200.00 with amendments. Nancy Dryden moved to accept Columbine’s proposal and Joan Ducey seconds the motion. Motion was approved unanimously.
Irrigation contractor will be contacted to possibly have an independent company to conduct repairs and adjustments. Currently, Woodridge is not satisfied with Valley Crest and their attention to the irrigation repairs.
A. Concrete Estimate for repairs was reviewed. Atlas Concrete bid was for $5200.00. Motion by Joan Ducey to accept this contract and second by Karen Vorheis. Motion approved unanimously. Work most likely will begin in October.
B. Gutter Cleaning-Collegiate bid to clean the gutters is $1980.00 this was accepted . Motion by Charlie Freeman and second by Nancy Dryden. Motion passed unanimously. This work would be performed after the leaves have fallen.
There being no further business to discuss, it was moved by Jerry Bleser to adjourn the September meeting, second by Karen Vorheis.