1 | Page Council Meeting May 2, 2017

REGULAR MEETINGTHE HENEFER TOWN COUNCIL Council Meeting Room May 2, 2017 150 W Center Street

Minutes of the Regular Council Meetingof the HeneferTown Council heldMay 2, 2017in the Council Meeting Room at 150 W. Center Street, Henefer, Utah.

Roll Call: Randy C. Ovard, Earleen T. Paskett, Brent G. Ovard, Ryan K Mosher, Robin K. Riches, (she arrived late)Kay H. Richins, Shelley M. Richins, Becky Nix (Structural Engineer from UDOT), Jamie Hennefer, and Daniel Hennefer.

MayorOvard opened the meeting at 7:00 pm. The opening prayer was given by Kay H. Richins and the Pledge of Allegiance was led by Ryan K. Mosher.

Minutes of the April 4, 2017 Council Meeting were reviewed. Corrections suggested were: Changing “work will have to be done to the disinfector” to “work will have to be done to the UV lights at the discharge”, on page two (2) paragraph two (2). On page three (3), paragraph six (6) there was a spelling error, and Jeremey Richins was changed to Daniel Richins. Brent G. Ovard made a motion to approve the minutes of April 4, 2017 after corrections are made. Ryan K. Mosher seconded the motion. Vote: AYE: Randy C. Ovard, Brent G. Ovard, Ryan K. Mosher, Kay H. Richins NAY: none ABSTAINING: none ABSENT: Robin K. Riches (she arrived late)

The first item on the agenda was to swear in a new Town Clerk. Earleen T. Paskett administered the oath of office to Shelley M. Richins. The Mayor and Council welcomed Shelley to her new position.

Next on the agenda was the report on the status of ownership, and repairs on the bridge spanning the railroad tracks. Becky Nix, structural engineer over bridge inspections from UDOT, brought the research she had done for the Council. Mayor Ovard explained to Mrs. Nix that the town of Henefer has no documentation showing ownership of the bridge. He also explained that the town had very little funding to repair and maintain the bridge to State specifications. Mrs. Nix told the Council that the only documentation she could find shows that Summit County has ownership of the bridge. She will contact Summit County, (DerrikRadke) to see if the County is in possession of any documentation that would prove otherwise. She told the Council that if it was proven that Henefer Town owned the bridge the repairs could wait until 2019 when UDOT will be working on the bridges over the river and also over the interstate. She had stopped and looked at the bridge and felt that it was in no immediate need of the work outlined. UDOT could help with the expenses of the railroad bridge repair as they could include the work with the other two bridges. Henefer Town would have to share the costs. (See documents attached to these minutes.)

Mayor Ovard told the Council that Cache Valley Electric has fixed all of the lights around the ball diamond, and also the light that exploded by the basketball court. Robin K Riches, and Kay H. Richins will continue to work on motion lights at the back of the building for help with security.

The lift station by the river bridge has seized up again, three times this last week. Mayor Ovard and Ryan K. Mosher have been down to pull the pumps and clean it out. The town has spent thousands of dollarsto repair that pump station. There are only eleven homes that are connected to those pumps, and the problem is caused by flushing wipes, feminine hygiene products, and other materials into the system. Each home has been contacted numerous times and asked to not flush those objects into the system. The Council decided to deliver flyers requesting attendance to a special meeting to explain again the situation and the damage those object are causing to the system. If they agree to quit flushing those objects it will eliminate the problem, but if it continues more aggressive measures will have to be taken. The Town will put screens in to catch debris, but they are also considering having each homeowner put in macerating toilets, or sewer ejection pumps at their own expense and the maintenance will be their responsibility. Both Brent G. Ovard, and Kay H. Richins have done research on the grinder pumps and have estimated that the cost for each homeowner would be approximately $4500. The Council hopes that a good solution can be reached at the meeting. Brent G. Ovard has done a great deal of research on this problem, and has presented several solutions. A decision will be made after the meeting with the homeowners.

Robin K. Riches gave a report on the status of the new playground. She has been working with Big T Recreation to design a playground that would be fun and safe. The bid for the preparation of the site was around $10,000 above the cost of the equipment. Robin and the Council felt that they could get it done more economically by having a local person do the work. Also volunteer work will help to alleviate the costs. She will contact Kory Richins to excavate and also arrange for the chips to be laid. She will continue working with Big T to design and install the new playground equipment.

Robin Riches would also like a poster put at the post office and town hall notifying people that they can place a sealed bid if they are interested in the old playground equipment. The highest bidder can purchase the equipment and the money will go back into the new playground. Mayor Ovard would like the new playground to move forward quickly so that it can be done and usable for the summer.

Robin K. Riches is still working to get the monuments installed at Heritage Park. She is also still working on the draft of a letter to send out requesting community help getting cars, trucks and trailers off the streets. The Council also discussed sending a letter to Chris Trussellas he is in violation of his conditional use permit.

Mayor Ovard would like the coupons printed for the town cleanup which will start on May 20th and run through June 3rd. EarleenPaskett will email a copy of the coupon to Brent G. Ovard on Thursday, so that Derrick Radke can review and show it to his workers.

Brent G. Ovard also told the Council that he needed to find a supplier of UV lights that would fit the discharger. If a new supplier cannot be found the discharger will have to be modified.

Kay H. Richins told the Council that Don Snyder willmanufacture and donate his labor for a flag pole for a Veteran’s Memorial to be erected on the property owned by the town on the hill near the cemetery. The town will purchase a large flag.

Robin K. Riches will make arrangements for Shoat Roath to spray the parks and the cemetery.

Robin K. Riches made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Ryan K. Mosher seconded the motion. The vote to adjourn was unanimous.

______Earleen T. Paskett Clerk Randy C. Ovard Mayor

BILLS ORDERED PAID: A Company, $72.06,Ace Disposal, Inc., $217.21, Ace Hardware, $25.58, All West Communications, $199.94, Cache Valley Electric Co., $3,344.76, Caselle, $525.00, Grumps General Store, $53.50, Hoe HoeHoe Services, $130.00, Hoe HoeHoe Services, $650.00, Moreton & Company, $335.00, MVHP, $1,300.00, Ogden Lawn and Garden, $62.89, Pitcher’s Sports, $104.96, Pumpers Plus, $100.00, Questar Gas, $233.72, Rain Retail, $588.00, Rocky Mountain Power, $1,098.51, USA Blue Book, $96.14, Utah League of Cities & Towns, $400.44,Waxie Sanitary Supply, $208.40, Zions Bank Credit Card, $131.99, Calvin N. Hunsaker, $291.l00, Christian Northrup, $828.00, Arlin S. Ovard, $525.00, Randy C. Ovard, $550.00, EarleenPaskett, $1,100.00, Kay H. Richins, $200.00, Scott D. Richins, $800.00, Shelly D. Richins, $940.00, Robin K. Riches, $200.00, Ryan K. Mosher, $200.00, Rozanne F. Staples, $100.00