Regular Meeting of the Village of McLean held the 13th day of May 2015
Present: Mayor Mark Towers, Councilors, James Potter, Brad Moes, Jamie Torry & Admin. Shantell Wagman.
Call to Order: Mayor Towers called the meeting to order at 6:58 pm.
061/2015 – Clr. Torry: moved the agenda be adopted as presented.
062/2015 – Clr. Potter: moved the minutes of the Regular meeting held April 8, 2015 and the Special meeting held April 29, 2015, be adopted as presented.
Mayor Towers requested the correspondence be presented.
063/2015 – Clr. Potter: Correspondence- moved the correspondence was presented, and is to be filed accordingly.
Delegation: N/A
Admin Report: yes First Responder Report: Call List Jan – Apr 30/2015
Rec Board Report: N/A Fire Dept. Report: N/A
Water report: yes
064/2015 – Clr. Torry: Culvert - moved that
WHEREAS the ratepayer of 430 Railway has requested a culvert for his driveway,
BE IT RESOLVED that the Village THEREFORE supplies 1 -20’ culvert. A councilor must approve the placement of this culvert before it is covered.
065/2015 – Clr. Potter: Zoning Bylaw – moved that
WHEREAS Official Community Planning is in the final stages of reviewing our OCP/Zoning Bylaw
BE IT RESOLVED that the amendments/removals that are required are of minor changes to these bylaws and THEREFORE the Village requests that the minister waive the need to re-advertise.
066/2015– Clr. Potter: Zoning Bylaw – moved that
WHEREAS Official Community Planning has not given the final reading to our Zoning Bylaw
BE IT RESOLVED that the Village makes an amendment to change the Zoning District Map THEREFORE the Village requests Lot 1/20 Lot G Plan F2936 be amended from Commercial/Light Industrial (C2) to Residential (R1).
067/2015– Clr. Potter: Building Permits – moved that
WHEREAS PBI has notified the Village of McLean that there is presently some outstanding final inspections BE IT RESOLVED that the building permit holder THEREFORE be given one month from date of letter to have the final inspection completed, or they will have to acquire a new building permit.
068/2015– Clr. Moes: PBI – moved that
WHEREAS the Village is concerned with the mobile situated on 430 Railway Avenue
BE IT RESOLVED that PBI THEREFORE inspects the structure of this mobile home before council can approve a development/building permit.
069/2015– Myr. Towers: Transfer Site – moved that
WHEREAS the Village supplies a Lorras Disposal bin at the transfer site each year
BE IT RESOLVED that this bin is on location THEREFORE for the opening day of Saturday May 23/15.
070/2015– Clr. Potter: Praireland Paving – moved that
WHEREAS Main Street needs to be swept, cracks sealed and holes repaired
BE IT RESOLVED that Prairieland Paving THEREFORE be hired.
071/2015– Clr. Torry: List for Sale – moved that
WHEREAS council has decided to list the following properties for sale:
Lot 10, Block D, Plan 101279505
Parcel G, Plan 101400859, Ext 44
Parcel H, Plan 1014008882, Ext 45
Lot 17, Block E, Plan 101948250
Lot 7-8, Block E, Plan F2936
BE IT RESOLVED that the Village THEREFORE hires a realtor to proceed with the listing of these properties.
072/2015– Clr. Moes: Fill – moved that
WHEREAS the Village needs to have a stock on hand of a clay base for repairs to Village roads,
BE IT RESOLVED that the Village THEREFORE purchase 12 yards of clay base.
073/2015– Clr. Torry: Seasonal Maintenance Employment – moved that
WHEREAS the Village is discussing looking at hiring a seasonal maintenance helper
BE IT RESOLVED that the Village THEREFORE post this position and obtain resumes.
074/2015– Clr. Potter: Village Beautification – moved that
WHEREAS the Village is in need of a new flower bed at the Silly Little Park on Main Street
BE IT RESOLVED that the Village THEREFORE builds a new flower bed and purchases as needed flowers for Village beautification.
075/2015– Myr. Towers: Base Tax Bylaw #3-15– moved that
WHEREAS the Village’s Base Tax Bylaw # 1-13 be repealed
BE IT RESOLVED that the Village THEREFORE gives all three readings tonight for Bylaw #3-15.
076/2015– Clr. Torry: Base Tax Bylaw #3-15– moved that
WHEREAS Bylaw #3-15 needs three readings tonight
BE IT RESOLVED that the Village THEREFORE gives the second reading.
077/2015– Clr. Torry: Base Tax Bylaw #3-15– moved that
WHEREAS Bylaw #3-15 needs three readings tonight
BE IT RESOLVED that the Village THEREFORE reads Bylaw 3-15 a third time and passes it as written.
078/2015– Clr. Torry: Base Tax Bylaw #2-15– moved that
WHEREAS Bylaw #2-15 needs three readings tonight
BE IT RESOLVED that the Village THEREFORE reads Bylaw #2-15 for a first time.
079/2015– Clr. Torry: Base Tax Bylaw #2-15– moved that
WHEREAS Bylaw #2-15 needs three readings tonight
BE IT RESOLVED that the Village THEREFORE gives the second reading.
080/2015– Clr. Torry: Base Tax Bylaw #2-15– moved that
WHEREAS Bylaw #2-15 needs three readings tonight
BE IT RESOLVED that the Village THEREFORE reads Bylaw #2-15 for a third time and is passed as written.
081/2015– Clr. Potter: Base Tax – moved that
WHEREAS council has deemed it necessary to increase base tax for 2015
BE IT RESOLVED that the Base Tax for 2015 be $ 850.00 and the mill rate be set at 3.5 mills.
082/2015– Clr. Torry: Budget – moved that
WHEREAS the proposed budget has been reviewed and balanced
BE IT RESOLVED that THEREFORE the proposed budget be adopted as presented.
083/2015– Clr Potter: Accounts Payable – moved the Accounts Payable to be paid as presented. ($25,574.87)
Mayor Towers adjourned at 9:30 pm.
MayorActing Clerk