Lunch Participation and Cost Form

The columns on the top portion of this page give daily and monthly totals of numbers of meals served.

Column 1 is the months. July = 7, August = 8 etc.

Column 2 is the Average Daily Attendance in your school for that month. ADA is the average number of students who came to school each day.

Column 3 is the ADP. This is the average daily participation in the lunch program for students.

Column 4 is the % of students who attended school, who ate lunch.

Columns 5 to 7 are total monthly numbers not daily numbers. These are monthly meal counts by category.

Column 9 to 11 is the average daily participation in the lunch program by category.

Column 12 to 14 is the percent of meals served each month by category. These numbers are based on meals served not eligible enrolled free and reduced students.

Column 15 to 17 is the percentage of eligibles that ate.

Columns 18 to 20 are the total adult meals served each month by category. To arrive at a daily number you have to divide the monthly totals by the number of service days in the month.

Column 21 states the number of days in each month that lunch was served.

Column 22 and 23 are the months listed as a number, July = 7 August = 8 etc.

Columns 24 to 27 give costs per meal for food, labor and benefits, other supplies and equipment.

Column 28 School Board Expenses

Column 29 Overhead

Column 30 is the subtotal for your lunch cost.

Column 31 is the value of the USDA food served per meal.

Column 32 is the total cost of lunch considering the value of the USDA food that is used.

Column 33 is not a monetary figure. It is the total of all lunches’ students and adults.

Column 34 is the months again. July = 7 august = 8, etc.