Meeting Minutes

The meeting was called to order at 6:35 PM by Chair, Bill Finger, with the following present:

Selectboard Members: Bill Finger (Chair), Paul Forlenza (Vice Chair), James Needham and Oakley Smith.

Other Active Participants: Matthew Ham-Ellis (Administrative Assistant) and Jim MacKay (Director, MIO Aviation). Tim Thompson (Road Foremen) arrived at 6:53 PM. Lisa Truchon (Treasurer) arrived at 7:12 PM. Sally Ober (Clerk) arrived at 7:40 PM.

  1. Changes to the Agenda

Financial Reports was added to 7. Budget/Finance. Transfer Station Future Planning was added to 9. Other Business. Dump Sticker Update was added to 9. Other Business. Solar at Library was added to 9. Other Business.

Paul Forlenza moved to approved the agenda, as amended. Bill Finger seconded the motion. The MOTION was PASSED (4/0/1 absent).

  1. Approval of Meeting Minutes – March 8, 2016 and March 22, 2016

Approval of the March 8, 2016 and March 22, 2016 meeting minutes was postponed until the April 19, 2016 meeting.

  1. Public Comment Period on Items Not on the Agenda

No public comments were received.

  1. Personnel

Discussed following Item 9.

  1. Discussion Regarding Procedure/Policy for DOT Required Drug Testing

Matthew Ham-Ellis will work with James Needham on this matter.

  1. Recognition of Constable Josh Otey’s Certification as Master Interdictor by the National Criminal Enforcement Association

The Selectboard acknowledged Constable Otey’s certification.

  1. Request for Municipal Approval of 20’ x 20’ Helicopter Landing Pad at

736 Upper Notch Road – Mr. Jim MacKay, Director, MIO Aviation

Discussed at 6:41 PM after Item 3.

Mr. Jim MacKay introduced himself and the summarized his request of the Selectboard. The proposed helicopter pad has been installed. It consists of a 20’ x 20’ octagon shaped concrete pad located at 736 Upper Notch Road. The Selectboard discussed the location of the property and pad in relation to abutting and nearby property owner. Paul Forlenza asked about the proximity to Ms. Goldstein’s house and the frequency of the flights. Jim MacKay noted that there are no abutting neighbors as the property is surrounded by the National Forest and stated that the flight path does pass over a nearby residence. Jim MacKay stated that the frequency of flights is estimated at 6-8 times per month, at most. The frequency is highly variable based on business activities. Jim MacKay shared several regional destinations in located in Canada, NY and NH. When asked about the type of helicopter, Jim MacKay looked up a photo on a personal device and sharedit with the Selectboard while describing it as a Bell 429 capable of seating 6 people. 2 passengers are a typical use for the owner. The nature of the owner’s business was described as a biotech company developing xeno organs. Jim MacKay indicated that they do not want to upset any neighbors and feel they have been reasonable respectful in scheduling flights.

Jim MacKay detailed the request as acquiring municipal approval stating that the helicopter pad is not violating any municipal ordinances. The requested approval will need to be stated in a letter that will be submitted as part of additional permitting requirements. Jim MacKay acknowledged that a permit violation has occurred and he has been working with the Town Zoning Administrator to get into compliance and attain a building permit. Jim Mackay has proposed paying $150, an amount that exceeds the required fee amount.

James Needham raised a concern about whether local first responders are able to properly handle a helicopter crash or other related hazard. Jim MacKay noted that no fuel will be stored at the residence and that he is willing to land the helicopter locally in order to provide an opportunity to train first responders.

Oakely Smith noted a potential conflict of interest as he has performed work for the property owner through his contracting company. Financial compensation for the performance of the work was received.

Paul Forlenza moved to authorize the Chair, Bill Finger, to sign a letter addressed to the Vermont Agency of Transportation in support of the proposed helicopter pad at 736 Upper Notch Road owned byDr. Martine Rothblatt. James Needham seconded the motion. The MOTION was PASSED(3/0/ 1 abstain-Oakley Smith/1 absent).

Jim MacKay extended an invitation to the Selectboard to attend a public airport day at the Middlebury Airport on September 17, 2016.

Discussion continued as Jim MacKay explained that he has met with airport area residents that have expressed concerns with the current expansion plans. Jim Mackay noted that the current level of activitiy is 10% of what has historically occurred.

Paul Forlenza asked whether a Lincoln resident was actively flying. Tim Thompson stated he didn’t think so. Jim MacKay noted that the Bell 429 helicopter is equipped with technology that recognizes nearby aircraft. The tail rotor and main transmission are the noise making components of helicopters. The Bell 429 is 9 decibels quieter than similar aircraft. The helicopter typically takes off 75’ straight up vertically than travels directionally with a speed of up to 170 miles per hour.

Jim MacKay left at 7:07 PM.

  1. Highways
  2. Winter Road Maintenance Report

Tim Thompson reported that the freezing and thawing weather has been tough to manage. Oakley Smith asked about the culvert on Browns Road in front of Burgess’ house. Tim Thompson stated that there have been some issues with culverts and he hears the same from other towns. The culverts will require some maintenance. James Needham noted some costs in the check warrant related to the highway department he was concerned about. Tim Thompson explained that the costs, specifically travel related for materials, were necessitated by the circumstances.

  1. Better Roads Program Update

Matthew Ham-Ellis shared that he was working on the grant applications with Dave Antone of Municpal Public Works Consulting, LLC on the grant applications. The grants will be submitted prior to the deadline.

  1. Creamery Street Winter Maintenance and Speed Bumps

Bill Finger shared the message received by Sally Ober from a resident of Creamery Street. Tim Thompson stated that they haven’t salted that section very frequently. The crew normally only applies sand. Bill Finger asked Tim Thompson is a sanding only approach is feasible. Tim Thompson said that it could work. Oaklely Smith noted that the resident has a shallow well and that most of the other neighbors have installed deep wells. Tim Thompson stated that the speed bumps will be reinstalled after the roads have been swept in May.

  1. Heavy Weight Vehicle Permit Issues

Matthew Ham-Ellis summarized a recent memo he submitted to Bill Finger and Paul Forlenza. Matthew Ham-Ellis will share the memo with the entire Selectboard. The Selectboard agreed to discuss this topic at the next meeting.

  1. ** Acquisition of Excavator

Tim Thompson shared that the vendor is waiting to install the thumb on the excavator. It should be done by the end of the week. Paul Forlenza asked if the vendor offered training. Tim Thompson said that he didn’t think so and suggested the local roads program or VLCT for potential training opportunities. Tim Thompson shared his expectations for staffing/operation of the equipment and noted that the excavator is relatively easy to operate. Paul Forlenza reiterated his concerns about properly training staff on the use of the excavator. Dave Antone was suggested as another potential source of training.

The Selectboard noted that the Capital Equipment budget wasn’t set as a 5-year term. Everyone agreed that it makes more sense for the proposed equipment. The Selectboard then discussed the financing options presented by Bill Finger. Bill Finger expressed a concern about any decisions to finance equipment purchases for periods longer than 5 years requiring a town article for approval. Lisa Truchon shared her concerns about the municipal leasing program through the vendors. She explained that previous leases were refinanced to simply financial reporting. Lisa Truchon then state that the Capital Equipment Reserve funds are secured in a CD that matures in June. James Needham highlighted the importance of attaining the equipment given the timing for the Town Office project. Paul Forlenza suggested requesting direct financing through Milton CAT.

Oakley Smith moved to request purchase financing from Milton CAT for the purchase with 5-year financing from People’s United Bank as a backup. Paul Forlenza seconded the motion. The MOTION was PASSED (4/0/1).

Paul Forlenza stated he will contact Milton CAT.

Paul Forlenza moved to authorize the expenditure of up to $135,000 to acquire the excavator. James Needham seconded the motion. The MOTION was PASSED (4/0/1).

  1. ** Acquisition of Pickup Truck

Tim Thompson indicated that he test-drove an eco-diesel Dodge truck and recommended it for purchase. The Selectboard discussed the town’s needs and confirmed that the pickup truck will meet the needs. James Needham expressed a concern about the truck being used for more than what is originally intended. Tim Thompson presented two options for purchase. One vehicle is available for immediate delivery. The other, less expensive vehicle, would require 8 weeks for delivery.

Paul Forlenza moved to buy the immediately available truck for a price up to $35,000. Oakley Smith seconded the motion. The MOTION was PASSED (4/0/1).

  1. Budget/Finance
  1. * Approve Check Warrants
  2. James Needham moved to approve Payroll Check Warrants #16-40 in the amount of $4,178.69 and #16-41 in the amount of $4,180.15 Paul seconded. (4/0/1)
  3. James Needham moved to approve Accounts Payable Check Warrant #16-41 in the amount of $43,350.84. The motion was seconded by PaulForlenza. The MOTION was PASSED (4/0/1).
  1. Town Office Project
  2. Project Update

Legal documents relating to the abutting properties have been signed. The VT Division of Fire Safety permit is pending. The vault door has been confirmed to meet the minimum accessibility requirements by the contractor and architect. Sally Ober provided an update regarding the door. She noted that the lock smith highlighted the importance for their involvement in the removal and reinstallation process and that the door will need to be stored properly in order to protect the internal mechanisms. Coordination of the removal and reinstallation of the vault door is the responsibility of the contractor. Oakley Smith expressed some concerns about the AIA documents. The town attorney will review the contract agreement with the contract.

Sally Ober provided an update on the insurance coverage required for the temporary relocation. She noted that she is actively working to address the requested indemnification from the Library and other specific concerns.

Sally Ober will be coordinating the disposal of town office trash during the temporary relocation. Town Office mail delivery will remain at 62 Quaker Street. Town Office staff will pick it up daily.

Matthew Ham-Ellis is coordinating the relocation of the telecom services with Kris Merchant of Champlain Valley Telecom.

  1. Discussion of Financing

Discussion was postponed until the next meeting.

  1. Disposition of Surplus Town Office Property

The Selectboard requested a list of property that will no longer be needed.

  1. New Town Office Sign

Sally Ober suggested the town commission a sign that fits the Library’s existing sign post that could then be reused at the new building. The Selectboard discussed sign related matters. Bill Finger stated that a building mounted sign is shown on the drawings for the new building. The current sign posts will be removed from the site during construction and saved.

  1. Electrical Proposal Submitted by East View Electrical
  1. Contract Award for Janitorial Services for Temporary Town Office Accommodations

Sally Ober presented discussion she has had with Meredith Johnson. Meredith Johnson is currently cleaning the library and is interesting in providing cleaning services for the town during the temporary office relocation. Paul Forlenza moved to hire Meredith Johnson to clean the town’s share of the office space. The motion was seconded by Bill Finger. The MOTION was PASSED (4/0/1).

  1. Contract Award for Temporary Vault

Sally Ober stated she is still reviewing options and has not decided yet. She noted that the Secretary of State archival staff replied to her inquiry by expressing fire safety as their primary concern. They shared that they were concerned with humidity and temperature during the temporary storage period. Sally Ober will work with the road crew to prepare the Library site for the temporary vault.

Bill Finger moved to proceed with the Averdi 40’ Office Combo unit at a cost of $2,868. The motion was seconded by Paul Forlenza. The MOTION was PASSED (4/0/1).

  1. Old Business/Board Member Concerns
  1. Financial Reports to Budget - Postponed until next meeting.
  2. Dump Stickers – Postponed until next meeting.
  3. Library Solar – Paul informed the board that the library has asked if the Selectboard is interested in partnering on the installation of solar panels. The Selectboard is interested in reviewing a proposal for a potential solar collaboration with the Library.
  4. Transfer Station
  5. Oakley presented a summary comparison of the vendor model. The Selectboard discussed the pros and cons of the two models and decided to invite the current hauler to an upcoming meeting.
  6. Dump Stickers delay new ones until further notice.

There being no further discussion, the meeting was ADJOURNED at 9:25 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Matthew Ham-Ellis

Administrative Assistant to the Selectboard

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