Niphargus dalmatinus

Body length. Up to 10–22.1 mm.

Head, pereonites pleonites and urosomites. Head length 7–11 % of body length; rostrum absent. Pereonites I-VI with 0 setae; pereonite VII with 3–7 postero-ventral setae.

Pleonites I-III with at least 6 setae. Urosomite I postero-dorso-laterally with several spines and setae; totally 2–4 seta. Urosomite II postero-dorso-laterally with spines and setae, number of spines on left and right side of the body may be different; totally 3–6 spines and/or setae. Posterior margin of urosomite III dorso-laterally without setae and/or spines.

At the base of uropod I 1–2 spine.

Epimeral plates. Epimeral plate II postero-ventral corner of approximately perpendicular; postero-ventral corner distinct; posterior margin slightly sinusoid or convex in subadults and convex in adults; ventral margin convex. Along ventral margin 2–3–4 spines. Epimeral plate III postero-ventral corner sharply inclined; postero-ventral corner distinct; posterior margin straight; ventral margin convex to straight. Along ventral margin 3–4 spines, number of spines on left and right side of the body may be different. Epimera II and III posterior margins with up to 15 setae.

Telson. Telson length : width is 1 : 1.1–1.2; cleft 0.5–0.6 of telson length; apical telson spines 0.3–0.6 of the telson length. Plumose setae inserted laterally in the middle part of telson. Telson spines: 6–9 apical spines; 0–1 spines in telson cleft; 1–2 lateral spines; 1–3 groups of dorsal surface spines; each group of 2–7 spines.

Antennae. Antenna I 0.4–0.5 of body length. Flagellum of antenna I with 21–31 articles; each article with 1–2 aesthetasks. Peduncle articles lengths 1 : 0.7–0.8 : 0.3–0.4. Proximal article of peduncle dorso-distally slightly produced. Accessory flagellum biarticulated; distal article shorter or longer than half of proximal article length.

Antenna I : antenna II length 1 : 0.5–0.6. Flagellum of antenna II with 12–15 articles; aesthetasks absent. Peduncle articles 4 : 5 lengths 1 : 0.8–0.9; flagellum II length : peduncle articles (4 + 5) length 1: 0.8–0.95. Peduncle article 4 of antenna II proximally with ventral row of fine setae.

Mouth parts. Inner lobes of labium longer than half of the outer lobes.

Left mandible: incisor with 5 teeth, lacinia mobilis with 4 teeth; a row of serrated spines between lacinia and molar, at the base of molar a long seta. Right mandible incisor process with 4 teeth, lacinia mobilis with several small denticles, a row of denticulate setae and molar process with a long basal seta. Second (middle) mandibular palp article : distal article length 1 : 1.1–1.3. Proximal palp article without setae; the second article with 7–11 setae groups and single setae; distal article with 1–2 groups of A setae; totally with 6–11 setae; 3–5 groups B setae; 25–34 D setae; 4–7 E setae.

Maxilla I palp biarticulated; distal article with 9–12 apical setae. Outer lobe of maxilla I with 7; uni-, bi- or pluri-toothed spines; inner lobe with 3–6 setae.

Maxilla II bilobed; inner lobe slightly smaller than outer lobe; both of them with numerous apical setae.

Maxilliped palp article 2 with 11–13 rows of setae along inner margin; distal article with a dorsal seta and a group of small setae at the base of the nail; nail single. Outer lobes of maxilliped with 11–18 flattened spines; 5–8 denticulated setae. Inner lobes of maxilliped with 5–8 flattened apical spines; 8–14 denticulated setae; maxilliped inner lobe flattened spines pointed.

Gnathopod I Coxal plate of gnathopod I of irregular trapezoid shaped, antero-ventrally subrounded; anterior and ventral margin of coxa I with up to 20 setae. Ischium with single postero-distal setae row. Basis : carpus length is 1 : 0.5–0.6; carpus : propodus length is 1 : 0.7–0.9. Anterior margin of carpus with distal group of setae, adults have an additional group, or distal and up to 2 additional groups of setae; carpus posteriorly with transverse rows of setae proximally, a row of lateral setae, and a short row of setae at the base medially and submarginal setae groups; posterior enlargement wide, inserted proximally.

Propodus length : width is 1 : 0.81–0.89; diagonal : length is 1 : 0.78–0.84; diagonal : width is 1 : 0.93–1. Posterior margin straight or concave; with 8–10 denticulate setae rows. Anterior margin with 3–5 setae groups; totally with 12–30 setae; antero-distal setae group with 9–17 setae. Lateral group of facial setae below palmar spine with 3–7 setae; small groups of surface setae present. Palmar corner with 1 inner supporting spine; 3–5 denticulate spines; denticulate spines on outer side.

Total dactylus length : nail length 1 : 0.3; along anterior margin single setae, rarely with up to 2 setae in up to 2 groups distally; totally with 8–15 setae; short setae along inner margin present.

Gnathopod II. Male coxal plate depth : length is 1: 0.95–1; 1 : 0.75–0.9 in females and subadult specimens; anterior and ventral margin with up to 25 setae. Basis width : length is 1: 0.3–0.35. Ischius with single postero-distal row of setae. Basis : carpus length is 1 : 0.5–0.55; carpus : propodus length is 1 : 0.8–0.95. Anterior margin of carpus with distal group of setae, adults have additional group, or distal and 2 additional group of setae; carpus posteriorly with transverse rows of setae proximally, a row of lateral setae, and a short row of setae at the base medially; posterior enlargement wide, inserted proximally.

Gnathopod II propodus length 5.5–9.5 % of body length; length of gnathopod II : gnathopod I is 1 : 0.8–1.

Propodus length : width is 1 : 0.83–0.94; diagonal : length is 1 : 0.9–0.99; diagonal : width is 1 : 1.01–1.15. Posterior margin straight or concave in juvenile, convex in adults; with 4–14 denticulate setae rows. Anterior margin with 3–4 setae groups; totally with 7–19 setae; antero-distal setae group with 9–16 setae. Lateral group of facial setae below palmar spine with 3–7 setae; small groups of surface setae present. Palmar corner with 1 inner supporting spine; 3–4 denticulate spines.

Total dactylus length : nail length 1 : 0.25–0.3. Totally with 9–17 setae; short setae along inner margin present.

Pereopods III-IV. Pereopod III length : pereopod IV length is 1 : 0.9–1.

Adult male coxal plate III depth : length is 1: 0.9–0.95; 1 : 0.75–0.8 in females and subadult specimens; antero-ventral margin with up to 25 setae. Dactylus III with 1–2 dorsal plumose seta, spine accompanied by seta at the base of nail and additional 2–4 spines.

Adult male coxal plate IV depth : length is 1: 0.9–1; 1 : 0.85–0.9 in females and subadult specimens; posteriorly not developped (concavity depth doesn't exceed 0.1 of coxa width); antero-ventral margin with up to 25 setae. Propodus : dactylus lengths 1 : 0.4–0.5; total dactylus length : nail length is 1 : 0.45–0.5. Dactylus IV with 1–2 dorsal plumose seta, spine at the base of nail accompanied with seta and additional 2–3 spines.

Pereopods V - VII. Pereopod V length : VI length : VII length is 1 : 1.2–1.3 : 1.2–1.3. Pereopod VII length 0.35–0.45 of body length.

Coxal plate V only with anterior lobe; posterior margin with 5–7; setae, distally spine or very strong seta. Basis V length : width 1 : 0.7–0.8; posterior margin concave in adult males; with small posterodistal lobe. Basis V with 15–28 posterior setae; 7–9 anterior single and/or groups of slender spines and/or setae. Dactylus V with 2 plumose seta dorsally, spine accompanied by seta at the base of nail and additional 1–3 spines.

Coxal plate VI only with anterior lobe; posterior margin with 3–5; setae, distally spine or very strong seta. Basis VI length : width 1 : 0.65–0.8; posterior margin straight in adult males; with small posterodistal lobe. Basis VI with 15–28 posterior setae; 8–10 anterior single and/or groups of slender spines and/or setae. Dactylus VI with plumose seta dorsally, spine accompanied by seta at the base of nail and additional 1–3 spines


Coxal plate VII "half-egg" shaped, or "half-pear" shaped; posterior margin with 1–2 seta and/or spines. Basis VII length : width 1 : 0.6–0.8; posterior margin concave in adult males; with small disto-posterior lobe. Basis VII with 14–27 posterior setae; additional spines along posterior margin absent, or present; 6–8 anterior single and/or groups of slender spines and/or setae. Propodus : dactylus of pereopod VII 1 : 0.25–0.35. Dactylus VII with 2 plumose seta dorsally, spine at the base of nail accompanied with seta and additional 1–3 spines.

Gills II-VI large, irregularly ovoid.

Pleopods. Pleopods I-III with 2 retincula each. Pleopod II rami of unequal length, shorter ramus consists of more articles; in both rami totally 27–40 articles.

Uropod I. Distal appendix on uropod I basis in males absent; basis with 7–12 dorsolateral spines; 4–7 dorso-medial spines.

Male exopodite: endopodite length 1 : 1.5–1.7; 1 : 1.1–1.4 in females and subadult specimens; endopodite shorter than basis; rami distinctly curved in males and straight or slightly curved in females and subadults.

Uropod I rami with groups of spines and/or setae. Endopodite of adult males with 6 spine and/or setae groups; totally with 19–22 setae and/or spines; females and subadults with up to 4–6 spine and/or setae groups; totally with 7–13 setae and/or spines; apically 5 spines. Exopodite of adult males with 5–7 spine and/or setae groups; totally with 13–17 setae and/or spines; of females and subadults with up to 5 spine and/or setae groups; totally with 9–13 setae and/or spines; apically 5 spines.

Uropod II. Exopodite: endopodite length 1 : 1.05–1.2.

Uropod III. Body length : adult male uropod III length 0.2–0.25; 1 : 0.15–0.2 in females and subadults.

Basal article of uropod III with 3–8 lateral spines and/or setae; 9–17 apical spines and/or setae.

Adult males basal article length : endopodite length 1 : 0.65–0.7; 1 : 0.5–0.55 in females and subadult males. Endopodit apically with spines to setae to plumose setae; totally with 2–8 setae and/or spines; 1–2 lateral setae groups; totally with 1–6 setae and/spines.

Exopodite of uropod III rod-shape; male proximal article : distal article length 1 : 0.35–0.4; 1 : 0.25–0.3 in subadults and females. Proximal article with 6–7 groups of setae, plumose setae and spines along inner margin; 5–8 spines and/or setae groups along outer margin; single setae and/or spines on surface in proximal part of proximal article present in adult males. Distal article of exopodit with 3–7 lateral setae groups; setae set along both margins; apically 4–7 setae.