REGULAR MEETING of the COMMON COUNCIL of the City of Cuba City, May 04, 2016.
Mayor Thomas J. Gile presiding. Called to order at 7:00 p.m.
Present: Mayor Gile, Alderpersons JF Beinborn, GA Bockhop, CA Gronemus, CJ Hendrickson, B Loeffelholz, GA Kern, DH Risher
Absent: J Van DeWiel
Also Present: J Hill, G Morrissey, R Jones, K Dalsing, S Tranel, D Harris, T Terpstra, T Kramer, D Belken
Mayor Gile asked all present to join in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.
Moved by Alderperson Beinborn and seconded by Alderperson Risher that the Common Council approve the consent agenda items: Approval of the minutes of the April 6, 2016 Regular Meeting of the Common Council; approval of the minutes of the April 19, 2016 Reorganizational Meeting of the Common Council; approval of notice of this meeting posted on the bulletin board at City Hall and e-mailed to the Tri-County Press on April 29, 2016, with Action Items H, I & J emailed and posted on May 2, 2016; and authorize payment of claims against the General Fund and Municipal Sewer Plant in the amount of $66,625.86. Motion carried: Ayes-7; Noes-0; Absent-1.
Committee Reports
Park & Recreation Board: A meeting was held last week. There was discussion on the Lions building and the summer rec program. The committee is waiting for more information on the Lions building, so that item was tabled. In regards to the summer rec program, another ball team has formed and requested the use of the Splinter Park ball fields. The committee is working on an agenda for the upcoming dedication of the multi-use court.
Department Reports
Chief Terpstra presented the police department’s monthly report. The number of security checks has decreased due to many of the snow birds returning to Cuba City. On Wednesday, May 11th, the CCPD will hold another room clearing training which will include the EMS and Fire Department, with 27 expected to attend. The WI DNR will be here to give training on ATV laws that same day. The CCPD has been involved with assisting in a few high profile cases in and around the area. The department has been giving talks at the schools on topics such as respect, social media safety and bike safety. On May 18th, Chief Terpstra will attend a highway safety meeting to discuss ATV trails and the townships approving different trails into Cuba City that the City was not aware of. On May 20th, the CCPD office will be closed as the department will be attending the Law Enforcement memorial dedication at the Capital in Madison. Grant County Sherriff’s Department will cover the city if needed for any calls.
DPW Morrissey presented his monthly report. Wiederholt is in the processing of chipping the brush pile. In the past, we have tried burning, but with the wind and blowing smoke, chipping is preferred. All but 2 of the new LED street lights are up. Meter changes are underway with the electric expected to be completed by July. The change of water meters is an ongoing process which will take a couple years to complete. The department should be done mulching all the trees by end of week. The concrete was poured for the bike rack, handicap ramp and monument at the multi-use court. The monument will be set prior to the dedication ceremony on May 29th. Pickle ball will be painted tomorrow and we will have to close the court for 2 days to allow the paint to dry.
Economic Development Director Jones presented the Council with his monthly report. Industrial Park wetland delineations are complete and we are down to .46 acres of wetland, which has decreased significantly from the previous delineation. Last Friday, Cuba City was featured on “Where In Wisconsin”. The crew filmed for about 2 hours with Joe Goeman and Donna Rogers. Jones is expecting to receive a copy of the raw footage. There are about 25 vendors signed up for the Community Market, which begins on May 18th. Thanks to the E &W Commission donation of $600 from the WPPI Community Contribution Grant towards radio advertising for the Market. Jones recently submitted a historical designation nomination for the Depot building, which would open up tax credits for the individual that purchases the building. On 5/24/16, there will be a 1st Impressions town hall meeting at the fire station. Jones also plans to do 2 or 3 presentations to students at the schools. Jones is working with Greater Dubuque Regional Economic Development on ways to work together to attract new people to move to the area. Jones will be meeting with McCullough Creative to discuss the Presidential Museum and how to incorporate interactive displays. The City of Presidents Committee has been very helpful with the Presidential Museum project. They are working on a business plan and continue to look for funding sources. The Schneller building façade improvements are in progress and look good. There are just a couple of spots left in the Community garden. Thanks to Jim Brant for tilling the garden.
Fire Chief Tranel presented the department’s monthly report. There will be an Ordinance Committee meeting this month to discuss decreasing the number of required fire inspections from 2 per year to 1. The Department has received a set of pet oxygen masks, donated by Invisi- Fence. Elections were held and there were only a few changes within the department. Ryan Gerhards - 3rd Assistant Chief, Todd Goldthorpe - Captain and Kevin Kaiser - President. The department provided mutual aid to Hazel Green for 2 incidents and the Hazmat team provided mutual aid in Stockton for an ammonia leak.
Mike Gorham of the Cuba City Area Rescue Squad presented the department’s monthly report. The squad responded to 20 calls last month. A couple new EMT’s and First Responders have recently joined the squad. The department will participate in training with the Fire Department and Police Department on May 11th.
Action Items
Moved by Alderperson Risher and seconded by Alderperson Hendrickson that the Common Council approve the update to Exhibit A of Resolution #2014-07 authorizing the City Clerk to pay certain invoices from specified vendors prior to Council approval. A complete copy of Resolution #2014-07 can be found in the Clerk’s office. Motion carried: Ayes-7; Noes-0; Absent-1.
Moved by Alderperson Kern and seconded by Alderperson Hendrickson that the Common Council approve the Certified Survey Map as submitted by Dwayne and Joan Belken. Motion carried: Ayes-; Noes-0; Absent-1.
The following bids were received for 2016 TID #2 and TID #3 street and utility improvements:
Contract #1 - Underground Utilities, Street Excavation and Gravel Placement
Bidder:Base Bid:
WIEDERHOLT ENT. =$61,533.00
Rule Construction=$76,880.00
Contract #2 - Curb and Gutter and Sidewalks
Bidder:Base Bid:
Lawinger Brothers=$35,462.75
J & T Concrete=$35,802.00
Contract #3 - Road Gravel
Bidder:Base Bid:
Maury Brothers=$28,465.00
Milestone Materials=$34,334.00
Contract #4 - Bituminous Concrete
BidderBase BidAlternate #1*
IVERSON CONSTRUCTION=$57,676.40$616.00
* The Price listed above would be an additional expense if the top surface of Bituminous Concrete is installed in the spring of 2017, instead of in 2016.
Moved by Alderperson Beinborn and seconded by Alderperson Bockhop that the Council, upon recommendation of the City’s engineer, Board of Public Works and Electric and Water Commission, accept all low bids for the above contracts, including the alternate bid.
Motion carried: Ayes-7; Noes-0; Absent-1.
The following quotes were received for 2016 TID #2 and TID #3 street and utility improvements materials:
Water Main and Sanitary Materials
Bidder: Base Bid:
J&R SUPPLY=$17,529.10
HD Supply=$15,824.29**
**Please note that the bid from HD Supply had not included one of the bid items and the materials quoted did not meet some of the City specifications.
Moved by Alderperson Risher and seconded by Alderperson Kern that the Council, upon recommendation of the City’s engineer, the Board of Public Works and the Electric and Water Commission, accept the quote from J&R Supply for the above materials. Motion carried: Ayes-7; Noes-0; Absent-1.
The following bids were received for 2016 street and utility improvements:
Contract #1 - Street Excavation and Gravel Placement
Bidder:Base Bid:
WIEDERHOLT ENT. =$9,304.00
Contract #2 - Curb and Gutter and Sidewalks
Bidder:Base Bid:
J & T Concrete=$18,955.00
Augelli Concrete=$19,540.00***
***Please note that Augelli Concrete added a note to their bid indicating that if awarded this contract and the work in TID #2 and #3 that they would deduct $4,000.00 from their bid. With this deduct, Augelli would be the low bidder at $15,540.00.
Contract #3 - Road Gravel
Bidder:Base Bid:
Milestone Materials=$9,064.00
Contract #4 - Bituminous Concrete
BidderBase BidAlternate #1****
IVERSON CONSTRUCTION=$109,658.00$805.00
****The Price listed above would be an additional expense if the top surface of Bituminous Concrete is installed in the spring of 2017, instead of in 2016.
Moved by Alderperson Bockhop and seconded by Alderperson Loeffelholz that the Council, upon recommendation of the City’s engineer and Board of Public Works, accept low bids for the above Contracts #1, #3 & #4, including the alternate bid, and the bid from Augelli Concrete for contract #2, with the $4,000.00 deduct, making them the low bidder.
Motion carried: Ayes-7; Noes-0; Absent-1.
The following quotes were received for 2016 street and utility improvements materials:
Street and Sanitary Materials
Bidder: Base Bid:
J&R SUPPLY=$6,467.50
Concrete Storm Sewer and Sanitary Sewer Materials
Bidder: Base Bid:
Moved by Alderperson Beinborn and seconded by Alderperson Gronemus that the Council upon recommendation of the City’s engineer and Board of Public Works, accept all low quotes for the above materials. Motion carried: Ayes-7; Noes-0; Absent-1.
Moved by Alderperson Beinborn and seconded by Alderperson Hendrickson that the following resolution be adopted:
(A complete copy of this resolution is on file in the City Clerk’s office
and published separately in the Tri-County Press)
Motion carried: Ayes-7; Noes-0; Absent-1.
Moved by Alderperson Kern and seconded by Alderperson Loeffelholz that the Common Council authorize Clerk-Treasurer Hill to obtain quotes for financing of the 2016 street and TID #2 & TID #3 projects. Motion carried: Ayes-7; Noes-0; Absent-1.
Moved by Alderperson Hendrickson and seconded by Alderperson Gronemus that the Common Council convene into closed session under Section 19.85(1)(e), Wisconsin Statutes to discuss possible TID #2 revenue. Motion carried: Ayes-Loeffelholz, Kern, Risher, Beinborn, Bockhop, Gronemus, Hendrickson-7; Noes-0; Absent-Van DeWiel-1. 7:39 p.m.
Also present during closed session was Clerk Hill.
Moved by Alderperson Risher and seconded by Alderperson Bockhop that this meeting reconvene in open session. Motion carried: Ayes-7; Noes-0; Absent-1. 8:06 p.m.
Informational Items
The following upcoming meetings and events were noted:
- Cuba City Chamber of Commerce meeting – Tuesday, May10, 2016 – 5:30 p.m.
- City-Wide Garage Sales – Friday & Saturday, May 13th & 14th
- Cuba City Hometown Family Fun Run/Walk – Saturday, May 14, 2016
- Board of Review – Tuesday, May 17, 2016 – 1:00-3:00 p.m.
- Electric & Water Commission meeting – Wednesday, May 18, 2016 – 5:00 p.m.
- Cuba City Community Market - Wednesday, May 18, 2016 - Veterans’ Memorial Park - 3:30-6:30 p.m.
- Cuba City Downtown Task Force – Thursday, May 19, 2016 – City Hall -5:15 p.m.
- Grant County Economic Development Corporation Meeting – Wednesday, May 25, 2016, hosted by Livingston/Montfort
- Cuba City Sports Complex Dedication – Sunday, May 29, 2016 – Splinter Park – 12:30 p.m.
- Common Council Regular Meeting – Wednesday, June 1, 2016 – 7:00 p.m.
Moved by Alderperson Beinborn and seconded by Alderperson Hendrickson that this meeting adjourn. Motion carried: Ayes-7; Noes-0; Absent-1. 8:11 P.M.
Jill M. Hill
I hereby certify that the Clerk-Treasurer has submitted the above minutes to me, and I hereby by my signature approve said minutes and all acts of the Common Council as set forth herein.
Thomas J. Gile