EFA Community Room November 17, 2004
933 Hoffman Street 5:30 p.m.
Elmira, NY 14905
MEETING CALLEDTO ORDER / Board President Michael Crimmins called the Regular Meeting of the Board of Education to order at 5:33 p.m. and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
ATTENDANCE / Present: Michael Crimmins, Barton Graham, Daniel Hurley (5:34 pm), Robin Long, Betsy Mattoon, Susan Skidmore, Ethel Stroman, Mary Beth Turner, Robert Woods
Absent: None
Others: Laura Sherwood, Robert Gosden, Kevin O’Shea, Madge Larrimore
APPROVAL OF AGENDA / Mrs. Skidmore moved, seconded by Mrs. Long, that the Board of Education approve adding a personnel addendum (M-Addendum) to the agenda.
Motion Carried:
Yes: Crimmins, Graham, Hurley, Long, Mattoon, Skidmore,
Stroman, Turner, Woods
No: None
Mrs. Skidmore moved, seconded by Mary Beth Turner, that the Board of Education approve adding a resolution opposing the formation of a middle level Charter School in the Corning City School District (L-14) to the agenda.
Motion Carried:
Yes: Crimmins, Graham, Hurley, Long, Mattoon, Skidmore,
Stroman, Turner, Woods
No: None
Mrs. Skidmore moved, seconded by Mr. Woods, that the Board of Education add the approval of a bid for a combination electric oven (I 3 b) to the agenda.
Motion Carried:
Yes: Crimmins, Graham, Hurley, Long, Mattoon, Skidmore,
Stroman, Turner, Woods
No: None
A revision to the tax warrant (L7) was passed out to Board members for their review (typographical error).
Mrs. Skidmore moved, seconded by Mrs. Turner, that the Board of Education add the Approval of the Agreement for Hunt Engineers, Architects & Land Surveyors, P.C. to the agenda.
Mr. Graham moved, seconded by Mrs. Mattoon, that the Board of Education postpone the Approval of the Agreement for Hunt Engineers, Architects & Land Surveyors, P.C. in order to resolve additional issues with the contract. This item will be added to the December 1st Board of Education Work Session.
Motion Carried:
Yes: Graham, Hurley, Long, Turner, Woods
No: Crimmins, Skidmore
Abstain: Mattoon, Stroman
Mrs. Long moved, seconded by Mr. Woods, to approve the above mentioned additions to the agenda.
Motion Carried:
Yes: Crimmins, Graham, Hurley, Long, Mattoon, Skidmore,
Stroman, Turner, Woods
No: None
EXECUTIVE SESSION / Mrs. Skidmore moved, seconded by Mr. Graham, that the Board invite Interim Associate Superintendent, Madge Larrimore, Assistant Superintendent for Management Services, Robert Gosden, School District Attorney, Kevin O’Shea, along with Superintendent Sherwood to attend and to move into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing proposed, pending or current litigation. (5:44 pm)
Motion Carried:
Yes: Crimmins, Graham, Hurley, Long, Mattoon, Skidmore,
Stroman, Turner, Woods
No: None
Linda Wida
Board Clerk
CLERK PRO TEM / President Crimmins appointed Mrs. Long Clerk Pro Tem in the absence of the Clerk.
RETURN TO OPEN SESSION / Mr. Woods moved, seconded by Ms. Stroman, that the Board return to open session (6:45 p.m.)
Motion Carried
Yes: Crimmins, Graham, Hurley, Long, Mattoon, Skidmore,
Stroman, Turner, Woods
No: None
Robin Long
Clerk Pro Tem
ATTENDANCE / Present: Michael Crimmins, Barton Graham, Daniel Hurley, Robin Long, Betsy Mattoon, Susan Skidmore, Ethel Stroman, Mary Beth Turner, Robert Woods
Others: Laura Sherwood, Robert Gosden, Kevin O’Shea, Madge Larrimore, Chris Mecke, Patricia Stayments, Kelly McWhorter (7:45 pm) (Southside High School student representative), Alex Shephard (Elmira Free Academy student representative), Kristi Pierce (Elmira Schools Supervisory and Administrative Council representative), Mark Greven (Elmira Teachers Association President), Shawn Morris (Custodial, Maintenance, Cafeteria Workers President), Jeanne Schlecht (Instructional Support Educational Association representative)
CHANGE IN ORDER OF AGENDA ITEM / Mrs. Long moved, seconded by Mrs. Skidmore, that the Board of Education move Visitors Wishing to Address the Board to right after Student Recognition and before the Board Reports.
Motion Carried
Yes: Crimmins, Graham, Hurley, Long, Mattoon, Skidmore,
Stroman, Turner, Woods
No: None
Parley Coburn Elementary Students / Acting Principal, Jason Johnston, introduced and recognized the following students as this year’s Student Council Officers at Parley Coburn Elementary School: Jalyn Rockwell, Katie Deitrick, Ashley Rice and Debron Hadlock.
Southside High School Students / Principal, Christopher Krantz, recognized the following students for displaying good character on a daily basis at Southside High School: Corey Bailey, Joey Cloke, Joshua Jerzak, Tim Klee and Chastity Ramos.
BOCES Grant Services Department / Director of Pupil Personnel Services, Christine Mecke, recognized members of the Grants Department for their hard work and dedication in securing over $9 million a year in grants for the Elmira City School District. BOCES employees recognized were Renee Hettich, Jean Barber, Marie Duchy, Jennifer Roberts-O’Brian, Erin Carpenter, Elizabeth Birosczak and Ayanna Hughey.
School Related Professional’s Day / Superintendent Sherwood recognized and thanked all school related professionals in the district for the excellent job they do on a daily basis in providing all kinds of support services for teachers and administrators to help educate students in our district. School Related Professional’s Day is Thursday, November 18, 2004.
VISITORS WISHING TO ADDRESS THE BOARD / Teacher, Guy Lattimore, addressed the Board of Education in regards to securing an equitable contract for the Elmira Teacher’s Association.
Mr. Crimmins assured all CMCW and ETA members present that it is the Board’s desire to secure collective bargaining agreements that the taxpayers will be able to support.
Board Members / Mr. Graham reported that he recently spent an entire day at Ernie Davis Middle School and was very impressed and inspired by what he saw being accomplished there in view of the unique challenges they face.
Mrs. Skidmore reported on the NYSSBA Annual Convention held in Buffalo, the Board Visitation to Parley Coburn Elementary School, a visit to the New Visions Program as a speaker and will be attending two upcoming meetings in Albany in December.
Mrs. Turner reported on working at the Harvest Festival at Diven Elementary School, the Board Visitation to Parley Coburn Elementary School, and the NYSSBA Annual Convention in Buffalo.
Mrs. Long also reported on the benefits of the NYSSBA Annual Convention in Buffalo and the Board Visitation to Southside High School.
Mr. Woods reported that he attended the intake day at the STAR Program at 5:15 am and commented that the program is very well run and organized. He would like to see the program expanded in the future if possible.
Mrs. Mattoon reported that the NYSSBA Annual Convention in Buffalo was very worthwhile and was excited to see all of the teachers at the Board meeting this evening.
Mr. Hurley attended the Board Visitations at Parley Coburn Elementary School and Southside High School. He also attended the SHS Concert of Torches and an independent movie with a SHS Spanish class.
Mr. Crimmins reported attending the EFA Coffee House and the Board Visitations to Parley Coburn Elementary School and Southside High School. He also commented on the PTO event at Washington Elementary School to give away winter jackets and noted that the Hendy community has arranged for at least 120 parents to assist with the move back to Hendy Elementary School in February. He also enjoyed the NYSSBA Annual Convention in Buffalo and attended the NYSSMA Area All State program. He announced that the brochure for the Superintendent Search has been completed and the deadline for submission of applications is in early January.
Associations Representatives / Elmira Teacher’s Association President, Mark Greven, commented on ETA contract negotiations.
Custodial Maintenance Cafeteria Workers President, Shawn Morris, commented on CMCW contract negotiations.
Elmira Schools Supervisory and Administrative Council, representative Kristi Pierce, reported that the administrative team is working on literacy initiatives, training and planning of bullying prevention, and the new math standards recently released by New York State.
Instructional Support Educational Association President, Jeanne Schlecht, reported that certificates and “Hand in Hand We Work Together” pins were being distributed to all ISEA members in recognition of School Related Professional’s Day on November 18, 2004. She also noted that ISEA has a new negotiating team and they are currently undergoing training to start the collective bargaining process with the District.
Student Representatives / EFA Student Representative, Alex Shephard, reported that spirit week and the Erie Bell game went really well except for the outcome of the game. He also mentioned the Coffee House, canned food drive and the recent blood drive held at EFA.
SHS Student Representative, Kelly McWhorter, reported that SHS won the Erie Bell game and the pep assembly along with the Student/Faculty Olympics were enjoyed by all especially the seniors who won the Olympics. Key Club and SADD have been busy raking leaves and collecting money for UNICEF. There is a contest to name the new school store. The Economics and Government ACE classes will be traveling to Harrisburg, PA for a field trip, the ACE French V class went to Binghamton for an opera and the concert choir dinner was a success. Student Council is in the process of choosing a new student Board representative.
Capital Project Update / Russ Robinson from Welliver-McGuire updated the Board on the status of our construction project at each individual building.
Clerk of the Works, Raylene Lewis, spoke to the Board regarding the status of the current construction throughout the district.
DPT Members Recognized / Madge Larrimore recognized District Planning Team members present who worked hard to develop the revised Plan for Participation.
School in Need of Improvement Plans / Broadway Middle School Principal, Rose Kramarik; Ernie Davis Middle School Principal, Chris Spezialetti; and EFA Principal, Robert Bailey; all reviewed their School in Need of Improvement Plans for the Board of Education.
Basic Computer Replacement and Enhancement / Robert Gosden reported to the Board that the District has been notified that it will soon be receiving an additional $250,000 in State Aid owed to us from previous years. Technology Supervisor, Thomas O’Hara, led the Board through a presentation regarding basic computer replacement and enhancement as a means to putting more computers in classrooms and updating some of our outdated equipment. By straw vote the Board agreed to consider a resolution at the December 1st Work Session in regards to proceeding with this suggested technology plan.
Social Studies Textbooks / Supervisor of Secondary Education and Curriculum, Arline Ely, presented the new proposed Social Studies books to the Board of Education. The series is by Scott Foresman and was reviewed extensively by a representative group of social studies teachers throughout the District along with texts from other companies. The Scott Foresman series fits the needs of the teachers and children of the Elmira City School District the best. It will be presented to the Board for approval at a December Board Meeting.
Introduction of New Supervisor / Superintendent Sherwood introduced new Supervisor of Grants and the Reading First Program, Diana Torta to the Board of Education.
BREAK / The Board took a break at 10:02 pm and reconvened at 10:14 pm.
Initiatives and Update on School Safety and Climate / Laura Sherwood reported on various initiatives being undertaken at each of our schools in regards to improving school safety and climate. These included, but were not limited to, the Conflict Manager Training at Hendy Elementary, the Bravo Pin Program at Broadway Elementary, growing attendance at SPTO meetings at EFA and students signing in and out when leaving classrooms at Pine City Elementary.
Polling Places / Laura Sherwood has been approached twice regarding adding additional polling places for the School Budget Vote in May. The Board would like Ms. Sherwood to look at the timeline for implementing additional sites and the cost in doing so.
CONSENT ITEMS / Mrs. Skidmore moved, seconded by Mrs. Long, that the Board of Education approve consent items I 1 – I 7 including additional item I 3 b as follows:
Minutes / Minutes of the October 20, 2004 Regular Meeting of the Board of Education.
Financial Reports / Treasurer’s Report for September 2004 as presented.
Central Treasurers’ Reports for September 2004 as presented.
Bids / That the Board of Education approve the lowest responsive, responsible bid meeting specifications in the total amount of $233,000.00 for the base bid and award contract for Hendy Avenue Elementary School Roof Replacement and Playground Alterations at J & B Installations of Skaneateles Falls, NY as per bid tabulation. (Copy available in Clerk’s supplemental file for this meeting.)
That the Board of Education accept the sole, responsive, responsible bid meeting specifications from Buffalo Hotel Supply Co., Inc., in the amount of $12,468.79 for the purchase of a Combination Electric Oven.
Contracts / That the Board of Education approve entering into a contract with Syracuse University, for the evaluative services described above, with the understanding that the funds needed to fulfill the contract are contingent upon the state’s approval of the district’s re-application for funding under CSR. (Copy available in Clerk’s supplemental file for this meeting.)
That the Board of Education approve the contract with SCT BOCES for the provision of Supplemental Educational Services. (Copy available in Clerk’s supplemental file for this meeting.)
Grants / That the Board of Education accept the grant from the ARTS of the Southern Finger Lakes in the amount of $5,000.
That the Board of Education accept the grant from the New York State Education Department’s Comprehensive School Reform Program in the amount of $285,000.
That the Board of Education accept the grant from the New York State’s Early Grade Class Size Reduction Program in the amount of $238,992.
Donations / That the Board of Education accept the gift of school supplies noted on the list (copy available in Clerk’s supplemental file for this meeting) from the Chemung County Children and Family Services to be used by Southside High School, Diven Elementary School, Ernie Davis Middle School, and Parley Coburn Elementary School.
That the Board of Education accept the gift of school supplies noted on the list (copy available in Clerk’s supplemental file for this meeting) from Corning, Inc. to be used by Broadway Middle School.
That the Board of Education accept the gift of $125 donated to Coburn Elementary School and, furthermore, that the General Fund budgeted expenditures for 2004-05 be increased by $125 at budget code A2110-0456-0481.