Regular Council Meeting
City of Tallulah
August 11, 2016
A regular meeting of the Mayor and City Council was held on Thursday, August 11, 2016, at 5:30 P. M., in the Council Room Chamber of Tallulah City Hall.
Mayor Paxton J. Branch called the meeting to order, led the Pledge of Allegiance, and the invocation was given by Councilmember Tommy Watson.
A roll-call is listed as follows:
Finlayson Present
Houston Present
Watson Present
Day Present
Hayden Present
Mayor Branch invited any comments from the public regarding items of the agenda, but there was none.
Motion and second to approve minutes of the July 14th meeting were made by Councilmembers Hayden and Houston respectively and carried unanimously.
Motion to approve the occupational license application submitted by Breona Fountain, dba, Micah’s Printing, was made by Councilmember Watson, seconded by Councilmember Houston, and carried unanimously.
Mayor Branch gave special recognition to three teen females, DeAndrea Carter, Chamariya Lee, and Katrina Anderson, who had just returned from Sacramento, California where they represented the City of Tallulah in the National Junior Olympics. Mayor Branch also presented each young lady with a “Special Achievement” plaque along with an Olympic Flag Bouquet.
District reports from Council Members included the need for: ditch cleaning resulting from all the rain; discussion of fluctuating water pressure in some areas; dilapidated, abandoned structures on North Washington and Tank Streets needing removal; and discussion of means to notify the public of emergency or happenings such as water pressure problems and/or boil initiatives and other community emergencies; removal of fallen tree on West Darrow Street; putting legal measures in action to urge residents to refrain from littering; the need for removal of an abandoned house trailer on Dickinson Street; and continued efforts to join with the parish in overlaying Harlem Street.
Mayor Branch reminded the Council that his tax initiative would be on the voting ballot in November, and that he would soon begin the process of discussing the measure in each council member district in open meetings with residents.
Comments from the public included a request or suggestion from Carl Thomas for the need of animal control especially with respect to dogs running loose. Mayor Branch stated the problem was being considered, but strict standards have to be met.
There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned on motion and second of Councilmembers Watson and Day respectively which carried unanimously.
Attest: August 25, 2016.
Gerald L. Odom, City Clerk Paxton J. Branch, Mayor