Lady Eaton College Cabinet
March 5,2017


Present: Jessica Randall, Jessica Collinson, Ann-Majella McKelvie, Claire Sanders (Proxy), Erik Bak, Emily Beaudin, Hamza Khattak, John Bruyea, Annie Howell, William Logan (Proxy), Gytha Chapman, Grace Bourgeios

Regrets: Bailey Howell, Brandon Remmelgas

Absent: Scott MacDonald, Beth Bekele

  1. Call to Order

Meeting called to order at 4:01pm.

  1. Speakers Remarks

Lady Eaton College Cabinet wishes to acknowledge the Anishnaabe and Mississauga peoples and their traditional territory, in which this meeting is taking place.

Keep things concise and don’t repeat people’s point. Use your hand.

Straw pull conducted for Cabinet Retreat. Majority in favour for Laser Tag after our AGM next weekend. More information will be posted in the group

  1. Approval of Agenda

Jess motions to approve the agenda, seconded by Claire. Motion is unanimously passed.

  1. Approval of Minutes

Claire motions to approve the minutes, seconded by Grace. Motion is unanimously passed.

  1. Prime Minister’s Report [Jessica Randall]

Meeting with Robyn

Robyn just wanted updates on Cabinet events. We discussed formal. She is looking at making sure that Champlain or another set of Dons are able to do rounds that night so our LEC Dons can attend. Ran into an issue on 23-hour quiet hours during Spring Event. She is looking to bump the hours a day for us. If not she will warn students of the events taking place.

President’s Meeting

Stephanie Updates:

Stephanie came to the meeting. There are going to be some changes to the dinner and with the ticket selling process. We will be going through Chartwells and they will assist us in handing out tickets. Testing this out on our Spring Dinner. Hoping to make this a more universal system across all colleges.

Champlain Updates:

There are eight new outlets in the Great Hall. Their Formal is March 11. Ticket sales have started. March 22 they are having a Grad dinner. They have already had their AGM.They opened up a Travel bursary award for Champlain Student. Elections for next year’s Cabinet have opened. They presented their budget for students.

Gzowski Updates:

Gzowski Formal will be March 23. They are having their AGM in March. Their winter weekend went really well. They made a few changes to their positions. March 7th they are having an event titled Shine A Light on Our Global Sisters.

Otonabee Updates:

OC nominations opened March 2. They are currently planning a Winter weekend for March 17-19. They will be having a pick your pronouns campaign.

Traill Updates:

Traill was granted partial use of the walkhome office as long as they are out by 6pm each night. They had a College dinner March 3 that went really well. They are looking at doing a clothing order this month. They were incollaboration with the college office for Black History month, which has since finished

Nona Updates:

Attended a provincial meeting about better funding for mental health initiatives. Budget presentations for CASSC have gone to President and VP for review. Student satisfaction has gone up with Chartwells. Starting Summer Bridging Course for students coming into Trent. 2 half credits in a 3-week period. Decrease course load during school year for new students. Nona talked about the Elder’s Gathering that just happened this past weekend. Budget discussions in the works

Kitchen Update

Kitchen in the JCR was renovated and is now completed. Lindsay is looking for feedback based on what we want the future of this Kitchen to look like. Rented out or open all the time. She wrote up a document with some questions. Going to pass around this document.


  • Rental to hold students accountable for the cleanliness of the space.

Bata Library Discussions

February 16 there was a meeting about Bata Library. Basically they came to the College Heads looking for ideas for study space we will be losing for a year. It was a really productive meeting. These changes are pretty set and there is not a lot of room for changes. March 2nd the construction company will be confirmed. May 1st the Library will be closed. The old Shoppers Drugmart downtown will be used for old books. Circulating material will be held at the Old Giant Tiger in Lakefield. The first floor on the student centre may have IT and Library Services (not confirmed). Roughly 800 seats need to be filled by the colleges. A major concern is the misplacement of computers. There is a computer lab in OC and some computers at Traill as well. Looking to bring computers back to the LEC JCR at the bottom of the stairs to the right. They are discussing increasing hours so they can be accessed later in the day. Major concern with Bata closing is quiet study space. Champlain is going to change their Junior Common Room into a silent study space. It is a really big space with 72 outlets. Talked about after meal times are done making is a silent study space. Living Learning Commons can be used for silent student. The Ceilie before it opens and after it is closed can be used for silent study space. Champlain has a lot of space that can be advertised more for silent study space. Looking at more tables outside for study space when it is warm. Gzowski mentioned adding a charging station in the cafeteria. They are looking for umbrellas for their patio and also more picnic tables in the Atrium. OC mentioned adding more study space over SC 137. They also want to bring more awareness to the OC Commons. Lindsay and I brought up losing the pool tables on the other side of the JCR for more study space. We want renovations to be done in the back TV room if this does happen because we need some sort of social space. We will also make it a social space after the renovations are done. We are looking to add more study desks on the one side of the LEC JCR. Once classrooms are done for the day we want them to be used as study spaces. We need to generate more awareness that these spaces can be used. Obviously changes are going to be made, these are not set but it was a really productive meeting. They are going to do their best to accommodate both sides.

Housing Sub-Committee Meeting

Our biggest discussion was overnight parking. Survey was sent out to students with parking passes. Biggest issue is lack of parking. Students who have cars that park overnight (who live in residence) tend to leave them near the buildings. This means that students who are coming to class always have to park way further away from the building. Overnight parking will be moved to the P Lot (Back of Champlain) and hopefully another lot on East Bank. This means that if you bought a red parking pass you can park in the LEC lot during the day, but at night you need to move it to the other lot. If you want to move your car back you can but overnight most go to that other lot. Not every student in the Annex gets a parking pass, so they have to leave their cars overnight in the LEC lot. This is why they are looking to move overnight parkers to separate lots by 1AM each night. Security will monitor and ticket if you are past that time. What are your thoughts on making the Green Lot behind Champlain an overnight lot?


  • There is going to be a lot of upset from students about this. If I pay for a red pass I shouldn’t have to move my car.
  • If you have to get your car for an emergency it is really far away.
  • Opportunity to advertise WalkHome service.
  • There will be a lot of unnecessary ticketing.

Special TCSA Meeting (February 27)

Article posted in the Arthur about the Athletics Centre. This brought up discussions about the students fees. This was simply a discussion point but nothing was decided yet. In 2004, CASSC approved the following referendum: Do you support a non-refundable $50 fee for the Athletic Centre for full time undergraduate students for renovations. The referendum passed that students would be charged $50 to go toward facility developments. This is on top of the normal Athletic Centre fee. This brought about the fact that the question was too broad and didn’t explain exactly where the fee was going. When they discussed where the fee was going it to go toward renovations of the Stadium and what the Athletics Centre looks like now. Now students are curious where the fees are going as the renovations are finished. We discussed whether or not to change the current referendum. This year the fee brought in new equipment, planned pool upgrades, new exam chairs, new pool vacuum, updates to the scoreboard. Plan for next year are to also make new weight room updates, improve the Sauna, replace doors, improve the squash courts, etc. While the building updates are complete, they are still using the money for upgrades in the building. Nothing was decided in this meeting, it was simply a discussion point. We were asked to go back to our cabinets on what they thought about this.


  • Did you discuss prioritizing community members over students?
  • They pay a $50 one-time fee as well, unless they fail to renew their membership, and then they have to pay the $50 fee again.
  • Some of the equipment at the gym hasn’t been fixed for a while, and its typically equipment the community members don’t use.
  • One issue they were having is that the Director wasn’t around when these changes were put in place, so they are getting their information from old minutes.
  • Certain Trent teams have issues getting space at the gym for practices.
  • If this $50 fee is going to stay we want more consistency in the changes taking place.
  • We want the $50 to go toward paying off the mortgage, not other changes.
  • Looking for more transparency on where the money is going.

AGM Reminders

March 12 at 3pm. Snacks will be provided. All students have a vote. Quorum is 15 members of the college. All Cabinet Members must be there. We cannot open Spring Elections until we have this meeting. At this meeting we will go through the changes to the Constitution and Policy Handbook. All amendments need 2/3 majority. We also nominate and decide on winners for awards.

Strut Your Swag Funding

We will be having a Strut Your Swage event March 30th 1:30pm at Bata Podium to bring awareness to the College Scarves. We have funding in our TCSA funding line so we will be taking our money from there.

Cabinet Resignation

Maryam has resigned from Cabinet.

Jessica motions to approve the resignation of Maryam from the Position of Minister of Human Rights and Inclusivity, seconded by Erik. Motion is unanimously passed.

  1. Deputy Prime Minister’s Report[Claire Sanders]

Events Planning

March 16 – Open House: Please wear Trent and LEC Clothing if you have it.

Coffee House this Wednesday March 7-9 at the Trend

Risk Assessment approved for Formal. If you want to see anything at formal talk to Annie or Bailey.

March 9 7pm TVAN is doing a Portrait Workshop.


Last Colleges Subcommittee Meeting of the year.

OC is having an On vs. Off Campus Talent Show. Trent Mudder is coming up, Don hiring is done. Looking for money set aside from Pan Colleges for Trent Mudder etc.

Gzowski has free tickets to professors who want to go to formal. Gzowski wants to improve the fire pit. They also want more picnic tables in the quad. They mentioned how the Tepee needs a new canvas and chairs. Looking to put in a Wigwam in Gzowski (costs $5000).

Champlain formal is March 28. Facilities said it would cost 10000 for renovations for a kitchenette in Champlain.

Grad write-in at Traill with Academic Skills. Three-minute paper and three minute thesis are coming up.

Charging portal being moved to the great hall from the library

35 students applied for Stephanie’s Assistant position.Hiring in colleges for the summer has started.

Dionysus is April 7th, potentially on Bata Podium.TCSA Nominations open Friday.

RFP Proposal for anything over $10,000. Gzowski is okay with students paying for Scarves. Also mentioned how Orientation Week Leaders should wear their scarves more. Talked about how Scarves should be a bigger part of Orientation Week. If students can’t pay for a scarf they could get a pen or pin or something. Brought up idea of nominating students for free scarves. Faculty should be involved with scarves more. Lots of professors don’t know what college they are affiliated with. Brought up that each department should be part of a certain college. One of the main concerns is what can the colleges do for faculty and staff who are not within a college.


Started doing budgets. I will be passing those around. Orientation budget for radios has gone up. It is a lot easier if Housing has radios for move in day. They also have money they are putting on a Summer Connect App. This budget as a whole covers Bring It On, Summer Orientation and Orientation Week itself. $6 per student goes toward each college. Athletics get $500. Share Pot has $4500 that any college can use. TCSA has $6500. 2% increase to Orientation Week Fees. First change since 2009. We accepted this budget line.

Career Centre budget is part of the operating budget. Nothing haschanged, they have just shifted the money around to different lines. Staffing amounts are fixed amounts. They added two external consultants to look at improvements. This budget was accepted.

Campus programs fee staffing expenses have been blocked out, as there is only one staff member and this would make their salary available to the public. Leadership conference is no longer happening so the money has been shifted around. They are going to increase student staff to help with the Co-Curricular Record. Also part of the operation budget.

Student Affairs budget, part of the operating budget. Budget cut two years ago that hasn’t affected students. Housing and Food move money into her budget to combat fees. AS of now there is no way to discontinue these transfers. We accepted this budget.

Co-Curricular Record is looking at policy changes and reviewing learning updates. The Trent National Program has added Visa Bursary’s

TCSA is pairing with the Wellness Centre to train students on mental health

Peterborough Housing Coop is going to have an information centre on how to rent houses for next year

Talked about the mandatory Indigenous Studies Credit. This is still in the works from last year.

Tomorrow will be the last Pan Colleges Funding Meeting.

Housing applications have opened. There have been 550 applications within the first day.

New Forensics Living Learning Community will be in OC next year.

  1. New Business

Senior Minister of Finance. & Academics [Hamza Khattak]

Cabinet Charity Funding Initiative

We have a bunch of extra money lying around

Allocate $1000 from the funds, initiative could be made reoccurring or be put in place of the Orientation Charity Event.

Jessica motions to approve $1000 for a Cabinet Charity Funding Initiative. Specifics will be decided at a later day. Motion is seconded by Grace. Motion is unanimously passed.

  1. Closed Session

No Closed session.

  1. Correspondence

A student emailed me asking about Student Elections. The Drumline Cabinet Position Profiles are working.

Relay for Life is borrowing our giant Jenga Set and Checker Set. Shelby will be coming to pick them up.

  1. Questions from the Public

No questions from the public.

  1. Any other Business

Jessica motions to take $300 from the TCSA line for LEC for the Strut Your Swag event, seconded by Claire. Motion is unanimously passed.

West Bank Love had an issue with not having enough shirts. We need to motion to approve that additional money for the event.

Claire motions to take $228.71 from the Communications and Human Rights & Inclusivity budget lines for additional West Bank Love t-shirts. Seconded by Erik. Motion is unanimously passed.

Please make sure you come to your hours as we are tabling for formal tickets. Please fill out the float.

  1. Adjournment

William motions to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Annie. Motion is unanimously passed. Meeting is adjourned at 5:41pm.