Date:March 22, 2017

Subject:PSLARA Meeting Minutes

Meeting Called to Order:

President Paul Horner (W4ISZ)called the meeting to order at 1936.

Pledge to the Flag:

Members and guests stood and recited the Pledge of Allegiance.


Members present were asked to introduce themselves by name and call sign. 26members and 2 guests were present.

Previous meeting minutes:

Minutes of the February meeting were read aloud by the Secretary. Approved following a motion by Jody (W4SLD) and seconded by Larry (W4QH). Motion carried.

Treasurer Report:

Jody (W4SLC) reported that we have $462 in Petty Cashand a Checking Account balance of $6316.40. Motion to approve the Treasurer report was made by Greg (KB4VVE) and seconded by Harold (W8PPI). Motion carried.



President Paul (W4ISZ)announced that the program this eveningwill be a DVD on the Queen Mary.

April program will be SkyWarn recertification and held at the EOC.


Ernie (AJ4BP)reported that theRepeaters and EchoLink are working fine. A Preventative Maintenance is scheduled on both repeaters April 5th. The site Engineer has been contacted and arrangements are being made for access. Comments made about repeaters IDing and locking out on occasion.


Paul (W4ISZ) reported that the next club breakfast will be on April 1st and the club spring picnic will be at Oak Hammock on April 22. Notice was made of our nets and meetings.

Testing and Education:

Bob (KJ4UXS) reported that March testing resulted in 2 Generals and one Extra. Testing schedule for 2017 is posted. Next testing session is 8 April.

Club Relations:

Sherwin (KA9COD) reported that the newspaper ad ran and that he received 5 telephone calls.


Sherwin (KA9COD) reported 2 new members.


No report.


Next meeting is April 19 at the EOC and the next net is on April 1 at 1930 ET on 147.240.

Old Business:

SkyWarn class at next PSLARA meeting at the EOC.

New Business:

Discussion of Field Day activities – will be none this year.


There being no further business to conduct, a motion was made by Greg (KB4VVE)to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 2009ET.

Respectfully submitted,

Greg Bunting (KB4VVE) Secretary