Wednesday, March 10, 2010

202 1st Ave. SW

Dayton, IA 50530

Mayor Richard Travis called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Roll Call-Present: Council members Benson, Breitsprecher, Diehl, Vegors. Council member Gallentine arrived at 7:03 p.m. Absent: none. Also present: Dave Bills, Brad Carstensen, Kenny Carstensen, Cindy Corson, Mike Corson, Randy Danielson, Dean Gordon, Craig Johnson, Angie Kennell, Paul Peterson, Eldon Rossow, Lance Rossow, Laura Sandstrom, Tyler Sandstrom, Austin Smith, and Chris Weiland.

AGENDA: Council member Diehl moved to approve the agenda as printed. Second by Breitsprecher. Ayes: Benson, Breitsprecher, Diehl, Vegors. Nays: none. Motion carried.

MINUTES: Council member Breitsprecher moved to approve the minutes of the February 10 regular meeting as printed. Second by Vegors. Ayes: Benson, Breitsprecher, Diehl, Vegors. Nays: none. Motion carried.

BILLS: Council member Breitsprecher moved to approve the bills as presented. Second by Vegors. Ayes: Benson, Breitsprecher, Diehl, Vegors. Nays: none. Motion carried.

CDBG BILLS: Council member Vegors moved to approve Requisition #8, consisting of payment to MER Engineering for engineering services of $ 28,572.70, with $ 5,714.00 from CDBG funds and $ 22,859.70 from SRF funds. Second by Diehl. Ayes: Benson, Breitsprecher, Diehl, Vegors. Nays: none. Motion carried.

WELL PROJECT: City Engineer Eldon Rossow reported that the new well pump was lifted slightly and three bis (2-Ethylhexyl) phthalate samples were taken from the new well. One sample had tested .9 parts per billion, with the other two samples being undetectable. The Council agreed to have MER test the incoming water at the treatment plant for this chemical. After discussion, Council member moved to pay $ 10,000 of the final bill to Layne Western for well work and hold the remaining $ 5,899.35 balance until all testing is done. Second by Diehl. Ayes: Benson, Diehl, Gallentine, Vegors. Nays: Breitsprecher. Motion carried.

WATER MAIN PROJECT: Eldon also stated that about $ 160,000 in additional SRF financing would be needed to complete the water main project as bid. GM Contracting submitted the low bid and would like to start the project on April 1st. He recommended that the Council table action on the bid to get more information on their options. Mayor Travis opened the public hearing regarding the 2010 water main project at 7:27 p.m. No objections had been received and none were voiced. Following closure of the hearing at 7:28 p.m., Council member Gallentine introduced Resolution 2010-4, “Resolution Adopting Plans, Specifications, Form of Contract and Estimate of Cost”, and moved its adoption. Second by Diehl. Roll call vote. Ayes: Benson, Breitsprecher, Diehl, Gallentine, Vegors. Nays: none. Resolution adopted. Council member Breitsprecher then moved to approve DOT applications to perform work within State highway right-of-way, and for use of highway right of way for utilities accommodation. Second by Diehl. Ayes: Benson, Breitsprecher, Diehl, Gallentine, Vegors. Nays: none. Motion carried. Council member Vegors moved to approve a DNR construction permit application and associated fee of $ 637.50. Second by Benson. Ayes: Benson, Breitsprecher, Diehl, Gallentine, Vegors. Nays: none. Motion carried. Council member Breitsprecher then moved to hold a special meeting at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 25th for further discussion and possible action on the water main project. Second by Vegors. Ayes: Benson, Breitsprecher, Diehl, Gallentine, Vegors. Nays: none. Motion carried.

CITY ATTORNEY: Council members Benson and Diehl reported that they had served on a committee which had interviewed Marcy Lundberg for the City Attorney position and recommended that the City Council act to appoint her to the position. Benson then moved to offer the position to Marcy at the rate of $ 100 per hour. Second by Vegors. Ayes: Benson, Breitsprecher, Diehl, Gallentine, Vegors. Nays: none. Motion carried.

BANK BUILDING: Tyler and Laura Sandstrom discussed the possible purchase of the former First American Bank building with the Council. They are interested in the building for use as a pottery studio and gallery. The Council agreed to look into this and discuss options with the City Attorney. The matter will also be on the March 25 special meeting agenda.

2010-2011 BUDGET: At 7:58 p.m. Mayor Travis opened the public hearing concerning the 2010-2011 fiscal year budget. A citizen and several Council members discussed City fund balances, number of employees, employee wages, health insurance, and the golf course. After the hearing was closed at 8:41 p.m., Council member Diehl introduced Resolution 2010-5, “A Resolution Approving the Budget for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2011”, and moved its adoption. Second by Gallentine. Ayes: Breitsprecher, Diehl, Gallentine, Vegors. Nays: Benson. Resolution adopted.

ORDINANCE 240: Council member Gallentine introduced Ordinance 240, “An Ordinance Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Dayton, Iowa, 2005, by Amending Provisions Pertaining to Building Permits”, and moved to pass the first reading. Second by Breitsprecher. After discussion, Gallentine moved to amend her motion by changing the permit fee from five to ten dollars. Breitsprecher moved to second the amended motion. Roll call vote. Ayes: Benson, Breitsprecher, Diehl, Gallentine, Vegors. Nays: none. First reading passed.

HANDBOOK CHANGE: Breitsprecher moved to approve a change to the employee handbook regarding substitution of another holiday for full-time employees who work a full day on Labor Day. Second by Vegors. Ayes: Benson, Breitsprecher, Diehl, Gallentine, Vegors. Nays: none. Motion carried.

POLICE COMPUTER: Police Chief Weiland reported that he is pricing a new computer system for the police car that could be paid for from the drug forfeiture funds.

BUDGET AMENDMENT: After review, Council member Gallentine moved to approve the 2009-2010 fiscal year budget amendment notice for publication. The public hearing will be held on April 14th. Second by Diehl. Ayes: Benson, Breitsprecher, Diehl, Gallentine, Vegors. Nays: none. Motion carried.

LIQUOR LICENSE: Council member Breitsprecher moved to approve an eight-month Class C Liquor license with Sunday Sales and Outdoor Service privileges for Oak Park Golf and Recreation. Second by Diehl. Ayes: Benson, Breitsprecher, Diehl, Gallentine, Vegors. Nays: none. Motion carried.

BUILDING PERMITS: Council member Gallentine moved to approve a building permit for a hedge for Robert Hansen. Second by Diehl. Ayes: Benson, Breitsprecher, Diehl, Gallentine, Vegors. Nays: none. Motion carried. Following discussion about a street light pole location, Council member Gallentine moved to approve an amendment to a building permit issued in August of 2009 for a door, window, and sidewalk replacement for Paul Peterson. The existing street light pole is also to be removed. Second by Breitsprecher. Ayes: Benson, Breitsprecher, Diehl, Gallentine, Vegors. Nays: none. Motion carried.

ELECTRIC UTILITY WAGE CONTRIBUTION: The Council reviewed information concerning electric utility contributions to City employee wages. No action was taken.

I-JOBS GRANT: After review and discussion, the Council decided not to apply for I-Jobs Grant Funding for water and sewer improvements to Oak Park.

OTHER BUSINESS: Mayor Travis stated that Webster County wasn’t eligible for FEMA funding at this time and that reserve police officer Oscar Lizarraga had resigned. The City is advertising for another reserve officer.

ADJOURN: Council member Gallentine moved to adjourn. Second by Benson. Ayes: Benson, Breitsprecher, Diehl, Gallentine, Vegors. Nays: none. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:21 p.m.


Mayor Richard Travis Attest