Robin O’Connor -714-432-5528 - email: -

Health Ctr. Room 122


(1 Unit Graded or Credit Option)

I. DESCRIPTION: This course is designed for students with physical disabilities who can benefit from a comprehensive and structured balance and mobility training program.

  1. PREREQUISITE: Disability verification on file at Disabled Students Center prior to participation.

Students must be able to stand and move about to get benefit from this class.


Students will be able to:

1. Execute proper whole body awareness, gait training, strength and stretch techniques needed for improvement in balance and mobility

2. Self-assess proper body alignment, identify fall risks, improve confidence and implement appropriate adjustments.


  1. Appropriate, clean & modest clothing.
  2. Closed solid shoes are required; unless alternatives are medically necessary as agreed to by the instructor.
  3. Only water or Gatorade type drinks may be brought to the workout area.
  4. Proper body hygiene must be observed or you will be asked to leave class.
  5. TOWEL REQUIRED. Youmay not work out if towel is forgotten.

g. Recommended Texts: Fitness for Dummies (Schlosberg & Neporent)

Stretching (Anderson)

Stretch & Strengthen (Anderson

Strength Training Anatomy (Delavier)

The Concise Book of Muscles (Jarmey)


70% Participation90-100% A/Credit

30% All Written Assignments, pre & post testing,80- 89% B/Credit

Strength measurements (based on workout card)70-79% C/Credit and/or Self-Evaluations 60-69% D/No Credit

59%- F/No Credit

* To receive a Letter Grade of C or better, written assignments must be properly completed and submitted.

** For a possible credit, a maximum of two absences are allowed if no assignments are submitted.

Note: You are responsible for completion & return of all paperwork in a timely manner including submission of Credit/No Credit Grade Request form at Student Records Office by the 5th week of classes. Make a careful decision regarding your grade option.

VI. ATTENDANCE: Non-participation or “Excused” absences (when notified in advance) are absences.

0-2 absences, no effect on earned grade 7-8 absences, Grade no higher than a D

3-4 absences, Grade no higher than a B 9+ absences, Grade no higher than a F

5-6absences, Grade no higher than a C

  1. Please notify instructor prior to 8:40 for each absence. You may leave a message at the above number at ANY TIME. Absences and non-participation classes must be made up by the 12th week of classes at the instructor’s discretion (a maximum may be imposed). Plan ahead and keep up with your missed workouts. Ask about make-up options early.
  1. Being late is disruptive & instruction is missed. Attendance will be taken within the first ten minutes of class - ensure that you are counted! Parking issues are a given on this campus – plan ahead for them! Be respectful of your instructor and your fellow students’ time. If you are late, your assistant, if you have one, will be reassigned and if your tardiness becomes chronic, you will not be allowed to continue attending the class.
  1. If you are absent with a hospitalization, you must provide the instructor with a current release for exercise signed by your MD, prior to being allowed back in class.
  1. Due to District regulations, only enrolled students and contracted APE assistants may be in the workout area during class time. Please have friends, non-participating personal assistants and family members stay clear of the area unless picking up or dropping off student.
  1. CODE OF CONDUCT: Students enrolled at Orange Coast College assume an obligation to conduct themselves in accordance with the laws of the State of California, the California Education Code, and the policies and procedures of the Coast Community College District. A full copy of the Code of Conduct may be accessed on the OCC website or a printed copy is available through the Dean of Students office on campus. Included in the Code are such things as cheating, plagiarism, disruption of the educational process, disruptive behavior, harassment or possession of weapons or narcotics.

You are registered at this college as an OCC student with all the responsibilities and opportunities that come along with that. College is what you make of it so let’s make this a fantastic experience! Participate fully in your classes, use the computer labs, and volunteer to tutor another student, join in the Spirit of Ability club activities or participate in an APE Scholarship fundraiser.