Registration Form for the International Conference on Sustainable Sanitation – Dongsheng 2007
/ Registration Form for the 2007 International Conferenceon Sustainable Sanitation: Eco-Cities and Villages
Please complete the following form to register for the 2007 International Conference on Sustainable Sanitation: Eco-Cities and Villages. Email the completed registration file to – one participant per registration form. Only enter information in yellow areas or mark X in the bracketed space [ ]. Rename the registration form file with the name of the participant. An email confirmation will be sent upon receipt of this form within 48-72 hours. A letter of invitation will be sent to you for visa purposes, so make sure your mailing address is complete and correct! If you are presenting a paper or poster at the conference, the deadline for submitting this form is 15 June 2007. The deadline to submit this form for general attendance is 15 July 2007. The deadline for payment (by bank transfer) is 15 July 2007. Final confirmation will be sent upon receipt of the conference fees.
1. Basic Information
Fill in information belowTitle:
First Name:
Last Name:
Organization, Company, Institution or Affiliation:
Type of organization:
Passport number:
Mailing Address:
2. Name Badge Information – write your name as it should appear on your name badge:
Name:3. Chinese Visa Information
- NO [ ] – I already have a valid visa for China (please include scanned copy of visa in email)
- YES [ ] – I need a visa (this information will be used to issue a visa invitation letter - please ensure all information is complete and correct – name should match passport exactly!)
Fill in information below
First Name:
Middle Name(s):
Last Name:
Passport number:
Country where visa will be issued:
4. Registration fee (including Hotel):
Select ONE option onlyOption (1): 2300 RMB* – Conference only: 26-29 Aug – includes all conference material, meals, hotel (four nights), local transportation, transfer to and from Baotou Airport / 2300 RMB [ ]
Option (2): 2900 RMB* – Conference and one-day excursion: 26-30 Aug – includes all conference material, meals, hotel (five nights), local transportation, transfer to and from Baotou Airport, plus full-day technical excursion in and around Dongsheng / 2900 RMB [ ]
Option (3): 3450 RMB* – Conference, one-day excursion, and ecosan training day: 26-31 Aug – includes all conference material, meals, hotel (six nights), transportation, transfer to and from Baotou Airport, plus full-day technical excursion in and around Dongsheng, and full-day ecosan training onsite at the Dongsheng project / 3450 RMB [ ]
*100 RMB = 13.08 USD / 9.73 EUR as of 1 June 2007.
5. Payment of Conference Fee and Hotel – fees are to be paid in RMB by bank transfer - please make sure to mark ICSS2007 and your name on the money transfer:
Bank transfer in RMB to:
Bank of China Dongsheng Branch
No.29 Yijinhuoluo West St., Dongsheng District, Erdos City, Inner Mongolia, China
Swift code: BKCHCNBJ89C
Beneficiary: Dongsheng EEPT Office
Account Number: 27865428093001
6. Hotel Preferences- All international participants will be staying at the 5-star Holiday Inn in Dongsheng, a 10-minute walk from the conference venue. Visit the conference website for full details on the hotel.
Indicate your preferences below[ ] Smoking room or [ ] Non-smoking room
7. Food Requirements - All meals in Dongsheng are provided as part of the conference fee.
[ ] No special requirements[ ] Kosher
[ ] Muslim
[ ] Vegetarian
[ ] Other: please specify any special dietary requirements:
By submitting this form you have officially registered for the conference and have booked a hotel room for your stay in Dongsheng. Once you have booked your travel to Dongsheng, please inform the conference secretariat at with the exact details (airline, flight numbers and arrival/departure dates and times) so we can arrange your transfer from the Baotou Airport (BAV).
In case of cancellation, notification via email must be sent to . For cancellations before 31 July 2007, a cancellation fee of 500 RMB will be charged. For cancellations received on or after 31 July 2007, a cancellation fee corresponding to the entire registration fee will be charged.
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