PO Box 208 Elsternwick VIC 3185 Email:
Volunteer Application
Please return this application to
We regret we cannot accept mailed applications.
TELEPHONE: / Home / Work
How can you help VicDRG? Please let us know in which areas you can assist by ticking and/or commenting in the fields below.
We would appreciate if you attached a resume or details of background in areas in which you feel you may be of specific help. This information will help us to utilise you in the best way possible.. For example if you are offering to help with administration, what is your past experience, are you good at excel, brilliant at fixing computer problems, good at designing posters. Or perhaps you have experience in fundraising, running events, liaising with media. Happy to help with printing and mail outs. Good photographer. Keen to get more experience in animal welfare. Tell us your strengths. We need you.
There is space at the end of the form for you to add more detail. Let us make you part of our volunteer team.
Don’t forget to scan a copy of your driving licence also to or post to PO Box 208 Elsternwick Vic 3185.
FosterA Dog / one week to a few months
emergency accommodation one to three nights
Transport / picking up dog and taking from A to B on weekdays within metropolitan Melbourne
picking up dog and taking from A to B on weekends within metropolitan Melbourne, say pound to rescue group or foster carer or to vet
Driving one to four hours into the country to pick up dog/s to bring back to Melbourne for the Drought Dogs Program – petrol money supplied
Interim Care / Babysitting a dog for an afternoon/’morning when there is a gap between arrival and foster care
Walking dogs in your area
Administration / Scanning documents ,updating information on Excel, general admin tasks
Telephoning to find out email or mail addresses, checking on adopted dogs, and so on
Preparing media items
Preparing and printing posters
Becoming an area co-ordinator for foster carers
Becoming an area co-ordinator for volunteers
Checking for grants, monies available
Filing and recording photographs
Out and About / Photographing or videographing dogs in their foster homes
Doing property checks for prospective adopters and foster carers – form to complete supplied
Collecting bedding, dog bowls, cages – other related dog items. Checking out garage stalls etc for second-hand cat cages/dog crates (cost reimbursed)
Helping at rescue stalls/fund raising events
Coordinating a fund raising event
Joining the fundraising committee
Your Suggestions
And your Comments on how you can help make a difference
Please attach your curriculum vitae or other informationon a separate page as necessary
New ideas – tell us!!
We welcome all volunteers who love animals.
HelpSaveSomeone Special