Registration form for Commissioners’ and Committee members’ interests

Part 1: Biography
Please provide concise (max 130 words) and objective biographical details for publication on the Commission's website, and elsewhere.
Professor Swaran Singh is Head of Mental Health and Wellbeing and Deputy Head of Division of Social Sciences at the University of Warwick. He is also an honorary Consultant Psychiatrist at Birmingham & Solihull Mental Health Foundation Trust and Forward Thinking Birmingham. He is Joint Mental Health Lead for West Midlands Clinical Research Network. He has worked within the NHS at clinical, academic and managerial levels and is an academic respected in his field, having written extensively on ethnicity and mental health. He has also engaged in voluntary work dealing with human rights abuses in India.
Part 1: Relevant pecuniary interests
Please list your or close family members' or associates’ relevant pecuniary interests. These might include:
a) any business interests (for example your employment, trade, profession, contracts, or any company with which they are associated); and
b) any wider financial interests (for example trust funds, investments, and assets including land and property);
c) sponsorship or payments for specific activities not covered in (a) or (b) ( speaking engagements, or study tours).
which may have a direct bearing on the business of the Commission, or which a fair minded person might reasonably think could influence your judgment.
Head, Mental Health & Wellbeing; Deputy Head, Division of Health Sciences, University of Warwick
Honorary Consultant Psychiatrist Forward Thinking Birmingham
Director, Research & Innovation, Birmingham & Solihull Mental Health Foundation Trust
Occasionally receive honoraria for giving lectures on behalf of pharmaceutical company
Current research includes
·  National Institute for Health Research (DoH),Programme Grant for applied research (via South London and Maudesley NHS Trust)
·  Centres for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care West Midlands (CLAHRC WM), Theme 3 Prevention and DetectionFunded by: Department of Health
·  EU FP7 Health 2013 - FULL Proposal: MILESTONE Funded by: EU
·  Evaluating the Effects of Community Treatment Orders (CTOs) in England Using the Mental Health Minimum DatasetFunded by: National Institute for Health Research (DoH)
·  Capacity building bid for a Professor / Associate Prof in Mental Health.Funded by: West Midlands (South) CLRN
Part 2: Relevant non - pecuniary interests
Please list your or close family members' or associates’ relevant non-pecuniary interests. These might include membership or active involvement with any:
a) public bodies
b) political parties
c) campaigning groups
d) professional and trade bodies
e) charities and other voluntary and community sector bodies
which, even if not remunerated, may have a direct bearing on the business of the Commission, or which a fair minded person might reasonably think could influence your judgment;
Fellow, Royal College of Psychiatrists
Member General Medical Council
Member, Medical Protection Society
Member, Research and Evaluation Board Advisory Committee HEADSPACE (Australian health charity).
Member of the West Midlands Mental Health Commission
Member, Advisory and Impact Board of "Drink wise - age well" (Big Lottery funded project)
Trustee, NIDUS-UK health charity (Charity No. 1154650)
Governor, Solihull School
Part 4: Gifts and hospitality
Please provide details of any gifts, hospitality or favours you have received that may be related to your membership of the Commission’s Board or Committees.
a) You should include details of the person(s) or organisation(s) offering the gift, hospitality, or favour. The purpose or object of the offer and the reason why the gift, hospitality or favour was or was not accepted
b) You do not normally need to include:
- hospitality received which is implicitly registered by the declarations of interest in Parts 1 and 2 (for example if you have declared that you are a director of a campaigning group, you do not need additionally to declare all gifts and hospitality received while working in that capacity);
- isolated gifts of a trivial character or inexpensive seasonal gifts (e.g. trade calendars) valued up to £25:00
- conventional hospitality associated with routine Commission business (for example refreshments provided during a meeting with stakeholders).
Part 5: Version Control and updates [Officer Use Only]
This declaration was made by Swaran Singh on 21 May 2017 and reflects that Swaran is no longer involved with the Building Resilience and Recovery through Enhancing Cognition and quality of LIfe in the early PSychosEs (ECLIPSE)project.