Dr. S. SacchidanandPhone: 080 – 26961930

Registrar (Evaluation) Fax:080 - 26961931

No. R(E) Exam/AR-5/UG/September-2015 Dated: 14/09/2015

REVISED Notification-V


Sub: / Conduct ofB.Sc. Nursing [Basic & PB] Examination during September– 2015.
Ref: / AUTH/REG/129/2014-15, dated: 29/09/2014 - Revision of fee structure related to Exam Section.

In Continuation of this office Notification cited above, the following examination related activities dates of B.Sc Nursing (Basic & PB) September -2015 are rescheduled as shown below.

Sl. No

/ Faculty / Year
B.Sc. Nursing [Basic] / I, II, III & Final
B.Sc. Nursing [PB] / I, & Final

Reschedule for compliance by the Institutions:

The last date for fee payment has been extended and revised. Henceforth, only online payment will be accepted, challan will not be accepted.

1. / Date of Issue of Application forms to the colleges / 24/08/2015
2. / Last date for payment of Examination fee / 16/09/2015
3. / Last date for submission of filled Application Forms and fee receiptsby the colleges to the University / 18/09/2015

Fee Structure – Colleges have to collect the following fees from the candidates.



Examination Application Form fee


Rs. 200/-



Marks Card fee


Rs. 300/-


/ B.Sc. Nursing [Basic] & B.Sc. Nursing [PB], BPO, BPT, B.Sc. Allied Sciences, BAMS, BNYS, B.Sc. (MLT) and B.Sc. (Radiography) /

Rs. 300/- per paper



Provisional Degree Certificate (PDC)


Rs. 600/-



Fee for issuing of Degree Certificate for absentia (only final year candidate have to pay fee for absentia for degree certificate)

India Nationals
Foreign Nationals / Rs. 2000/-
Rs. 4000/-

Instructions to the Candidates


1.Final year Candidates of all the faculties are required to pay the provisional degree certificate fee, and convocation fee along with the examination fee compulsorily.

2.The students admitted under management quota and the repeaters, including SC/ST Category – I and other category candidates who have selected seat through CET have to pay the examination fee as shown above. (Ref: Latter No. Reg/Ex-II/SC/ST/BLM – 59/2003-04, dated 18/11/2003).

3.The failed candidates (repeaters) need not pay the marks card fee of Rs. 200/- as they have already paid.

4.The fee once paid cannot be refunded or readjusted under any circumstances.

5.Change of Centre shall not be permitted.

Instructions to the Principals / Heads of Institutions

1. Attendance:

The Principals of Colleges are required to furnish attendance of all the candidates by calculating the attendance up to the last working day of course/term. There is no provision for condo nation of Attendance.

2. Internal Assessment:

a. / Last Date for Submission of Internal Assessment Marks [Statement of Internal Assessment marks (Regular & repeaters) should be sent through online & Hard Copy]
Note: SUBMITTING Hard copies of IA MarksALONG WITH FREEZED COPY OF IA MARKS TO RGUHS IS Mandatory. Copy of the same must be kept under safe custody of the Principal and should be produced on demand by the University. / 18/09/2015


  1. The “I.A. Marks” sent (through online) after the above date will be returned to the concerned colleges and the Principals are solely held responsible for the lapses on this behalf as per letter No. Ex - I/UE/IA/Marks/105/98-99 dated 21-12-1998.
  2. Internal Assessments marks list should be sent in a separate cover by indicating IA marks on the cover to concerned Section along with the list updated in the online.
  3. Exam application forms should be sent in a separate cover separately.
  4. The Principals should send the filled examination application forms in the order of Examination–wise/Batch-wise/scheme-wise.
  5. The Principal should submit the list of candidates who have not submitted the filled application form in separate cover along with filled application forms.
  6. Candidate should affix the latest stamp size photo on the application form attested by the Principal with seal and signature.
  7. Filled application forms should be signed by both the candidates and thePrincipal in the required places.
  8. The Principal should verify all the filled application forms and should reach the Registrar (Evaluation) on or before the specified dates by insured post or submitted in person.


  1. The payment receipt should be sent along with the financial statement showing the details of Names of the candidates, Register Numbers, Subject appearing and fees paid etc., “In triplicate”.
  2. RTGS/NEFT/Cheque / Pay Orders / Demand Drafts will not be accepted from 01.04.2015 as per circular No.RGU/FO/PYT-GTW/2014-15 dated 10.02.2015.
  3. The institutions have to collect the examination fees from all the candidates including the SC/ST/Cat-I candidates whether seat is selected under management or Government quota and remit to the University vide circular of RGUHS dated 22-11-2004 and Ref No. Reg (E) / SC / ST / AR – 04 / 08-09 dated 10/02/2009

The Institutions have to collect the examination fees from all the candidates including the SC/ST/Cat-I candidates whether seat is selected under management or Govt. quota and remit to the University vide circular of RGUHS dated 22-11-2004.

The University will not claim the examination fees from the social welfare, backward class and minorities Dept / Corporation.

The Institution should not collect Examination fees from the Ineligible candidate.

The Principals of colleges should collect the fee from each candidate and send a challan for the consolidated amount in favour of the Registrar (E), draw form any branches of State Bank of Mysore along with the statement showing the details of Names of the candidates, Register Numbers, Subject appearing and fees paid etc., “In triplicate”.

All payments shall strictly be through online payment gateway will be accepted.

The Heads of the Institutions are requested to send the candidates list with Register Numbers and other details of subjects for which they are due to appear in two sets without fail in the format enclosed.

The Principals should send separately the statement showing fee details of Provisional Degree Certificate and Convocation Fees collected from the students who are appearing for the first time in the Final Year Examination with details such as Register Number, Name of the Candidate & amount paid through the Online Payment Gateway will be accepted.

Please notify all University Communications especially this Examination Notification prominently on the Notice Boards of the institutions including hostels for the benefit of the students. Internal Assessment marks and attendance of the Students shall be displayed on the Notice Boards for the benefit of the students without fail.

Information is available at website

By Order,

Registrar (Evaluation)


All the Principals of Colleges affiliated to RGUHS

Copy to:

  1. The Registrar, RGUHS
  2. The Finance Officer, RGUHS
  3. All the Officers of the, RGUHS
  4. P.S. to Vice – Chancellor
  5. Branch Manager, RGUHS Ext. Counter SBM, Jayanagar, Bangalore – 560041
  6. P.R.O. – RGUHS, Bangalore
  7. Guard File.
  8. Copy of Computer section to host in RGUHS web site.
  9. Regional Centers

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