Region Leaders’ Forum

Terms of Reference


The Australian Capital Region Leaders Forum (RLF) was formed in 1995 to allow the Mayors of the Local Governments surrounding the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) to speak directly to the leaders of the ACT Government about issues of regional importance. Recently a NSW Minister has joined the RFL as co-Chair.


The RLF membership is comprised of:

1)Chief Minister of the ACT

2) NSW Minister as appointed by the Premier of NSW

3)Mayors and General Managers of the NSW Councils of the following Shires:

  • Bega Valley
  • Bombala
  • Boorowa
  • Cooma-Monaro
  • Cootamundra
  • Eurobodalla
  • Goulburn Mulwaree
  • Gundagai
  • Harden
  • Palerang
  • Queanbeyan
  • Snowy River
  • Tumbarumba
  • Tumut
  • Upper Lachlan
  • Yass Valley
  • Young

4)appointed representative of the Chief Minister’s Department

5)South East Regional Coordinator of the NSW Department of Premier and Cabinet.

6)Capital Region Development Board;

7)Federal and (NSW) State MPs whose electorates overlap the Australian Capital Region (ACR).

If a member cannot attend, they may nominate an alternate.


The following organisations have observer status on the RLF:

  • ACT Commissioner for Sustainability and the Environment.
  • Capital Region Area Consultative Committee – Chair and Executive Officer

The RLF may decide from time to time to invite representatives from other agencies and organisations toparticipate.


The RLF allows the Mayors and General Managers of the Local Governments surrounding the ACT to speak directly to the leaders of the ACT Government and NSW Government.

The RLF promotes collaboration across the ACT/NSW Border and supports a number of local and State government initiatives. The RLF is an information sharing forum to discuss matters of regional importance.

Operation of the RLF

The RLF meets twice a year.

The meetings are alternately chaired by the Chief Minister and the NSW Minister.

Executive and secretariat support will be provided by the Chief Minister’s Department.

Agendas will be developed in liaison with the NSW Department of Premier and Cabinet and the Capital Region Development Board.

Minutes of the meeting will be distributed by the Chief Minister’s Department.

Meetings are held in Canberra or Queanbeyan as locations central to all members.


  1. The terms of reference of the RLF provide that it may decide to invite other agencies and organisations to participate in its meetings. The RLF welcomes the contributions that non-membership groups/individuals make to the RLF.
  1. Participation of non-member groups/individuals is at the discretion of the RLF. The RLF reserves the right to review and restructure representation as needs dictate and in line with its Terms of Reference. Any review process would include all current partners.
  1. Non-member groups/individuals are invited to participate with the RLF in order to bring specialist knowledge and expertise. This knowledge will provide greater depth of understanding of issues of regional importance to the RLF.
  1. The RLF operates through sharing information between members in a spirit of collaboration and co-operation. The Group does not seek to make binding decisions that impact on the core business of participating members. The participation of non-member groups/individuals is expected to maintain the integrity of this practice.
  1. The involvement of non-member groups/individuals does not imply any commitment by the RLF or its members to provide enhanced financial resources to either particular groups or localities. Non- members meet their own costs of participation.
  1. It is understood by all participants in meetings of the RLF that at times, information shared at the meeting may be confidential. Members of the RLF will respect this confidentiality when directed to do so by the Chairperson.